Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

Distract players from bigger issues, it always work, since people has short term memories, and they one who remember those, they get silenced


Devs have priorities on things that no one asked for, like squad selling.


Harsh words from you. The dev team put in a lot of effort into the merge and took player feedback into account. They are continuing to make improvements, which should be recognized and commended.

Thank you for listening to your player base and working hard to improve Enlisted!

Based on my observations, another important tweak I would recommend to the rating system:

  1. I don’t know exactly how the rating system is calculated, but it seems like your battle rating is determined by the single highest rated element equipped to your active combat force. So, for example, you can have 6 squads all rated “I” with “I” equipment, and your rating will be “I”; add one single “V” rated submachine gun to one of your men, and your rating will immediately jump from “I” to “V”. This is unreasonable for a few reasons:
    (a) It does not accurately reflect the fighting strength of your overall combat force;
    (b) Items are often arbitrarily rated based on where they were in the previous campaign progression system (for example, an MP-35 is rated IV while in MP-40 is rated III); and
    (c) This seems to have the result of, at times, restricting even content that was originally in certain campaigns from being able to access those maps. For example, the lowest ranked Allied flamethrower has a III rating, which means it cannot be used in Pacific or Moscow - both campaigns that featured flamethrower squads!

Instead, I propose to rework the battle rating calculation as follows:
(a) Instead of being rated according to the highest single element in your combat force, players should be rated by the average rating of the elements in their combat force. This would mean that the addition of one or two III-rated SMGs won’t send your otherwise I-rated loadout straight to Normandy.
(b) This could have the unintended side-effect of allowing some higher-tier equipment into lower-rated battlefields. To avoid this from happening, equipment should be weighted based on its impact on the balance (and if u want, historical significance as well) - so that a Tiger E or P-47 are weighted much more heavily than a “highly-rated” rifle or SMG. So adding a IV-rated rifle into an otherwise I-rated loadout might bump it up to II (or even leave it at I), while adding in a Tiger will immediately bump it up to III or IV.

I think this would solve a lot of the confusion and imbalance we are currently seeing in the rating system.

On a separate note:
2. More appropriate skins should be released to reflect crossover of units to new battlefields as a result of the new system (i.e., Italian soldiers should not be forced in German uniforms on the Eastern Front).

  1. I know this is beating a dead horse, but in the update earlier today you fixed “a paratrooper who was improperly seated” in one of the planes. I’ve already posted about this: NONE of them should be seated! They should all be hooked up, they’re jumping in five seconds! If you’re going to go through the trouble of fixing it, make it make sense!

  2. While on the subject of the paratroopers - add aiming reticles ahead of the parachute planes so they can be shot down more easily, and make parachute planes and bombers bank and return in the same direction after dropping their payloads!

Thanks for reading this far



  1. Make the same weapon/equipment usable by different presets
    I want to have 3-4-5 presets for different BRs but they all must use the same pouches/mines/pistols, etc.

I need just 20 grenades per army, not 200.


Nice addition. Although I am very glad this is now being considered seriously, It was one of the first comments 6 months ago :slight_smile:

Good addition, was also requested in testing, very clear that alot of players are still confused about how to build a BR deck, and rightly so if they havent been indoctrined into BRS in Warthunder.

May I suggest that some of the “easy” balancing changes happen swiftly. They really are as easy as changing a number to be more appropriate

And then lastly perhaps think seriously about that 3rd queue

Thanks guys.

It does change dynamically per squad depending on what’s in it already.

Hover over the squad in the squads menu and it’ll tell you that squad’s current BR rating. Adding a Tier V will make the BR Rating Tier V for that squad, remove it and it’ll go back down.

Real talk now - why is the regular Tiger tank BR5 and the Panther is BR4?

That’s a great suggestion you have, but I think it will be challenging to break down the whole BR rating number into fractions when we get into the “average” strength of the squad. This is because squad members vary in class and numbers, making it difficult to assess.

Do you remember when you get a new squad for the first time? For example, if you get an Assault squad, it will only have one assault class soldier. This is where the BR rating comes from.

Is it, though? I’ve played around with building different squads and from what I can tell, the only thing affecting the BR is the equipment. I can build a fully decked out machine gun team with three gunners, engineer, sniper etc., squad level 48, all soldiers leveled up - and still get a I rating, or a II rating, maximum. But if I give one of those MG gunners an MG34 - off to Normandy gulag I go. Which, again, might not even be such a bad thing - players can still be rewarded for grinding and leveling up their squads. The original question was how to combine the player pool without ending up with violently mismatched, unbalanced and inaccurate equipment giving one team an advantage, or otherwise ruining the immersion. So basing the BR solely on equipment could make sense - as long as the equipment is properly weighted. It should come down to a simple math equation, really.

I think squad rating should restrict the weapons they can equip. For example, Assault squad with rating I-II can only use SMGs in BR1-2 and so on. This will give incentive to keep squads for different BR tiers instead of getting rid of them in favor of highest rated squads.

Just going to take this new feedback post to once again ask for XP/Research Points increase for Custom Matches.

Custom Match Penalty: 0.2x
Desertion Penalty: 0.7x

Doesn’t make sense.

Please just swap these numbers around. There’s no way Custom Match players should be punished so drastically, and definitely not so much more severely than Desertion.


With this new merge, if you want to play specific maps, you have to use Custom Matches. Let’s make them more worth it, shall we?


Btw has anyone played a BR1 match that has been BR1 vs BF1 and not BR1 vs BR2 uptier?

I hate the new version a lot. I’ve really enjoyed the game since i started playing it 8 months ago. playing in the Pacific map has been great. I don’t mind some of the Normandy maps as well. but Tunisia nah Im going to desert every time i see one of those maps.

I hate the new perk system as well it overly complicated and i seem to have more perks than i can use.
As for matchmaking it is non existent.

If the game stays on this course I will probably play a lot less and will likely not spen anymore cash on it.

Thanks its been fun while it lasted. good luck

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Is the research bugged ? In usa i have some planes and some tanks in tier 4 or 5 and now that its complete it says i need research previous to unlock. But it dont say what to research…

Things I Like: weapon/vehicle based match making, squad filters.

Things I Think Could Be Improved On:

  1. Match Making) Please change the match making system to where its can go up on and down one(ex: a rank 1 squad line up will only play up to rank 2, but rank 2 could play with rank 1’s or (not and) rank 3’s.) I think this would be preferable to the majority of players instead of everyone worried about min maxing their squads too hard and allows players to play how they want to.

  2. Better American Tanks) Please give the American army a heavy tank equivalent to the King Tiger 2 H. Currently if a Tiger 2 H is grey Zone camping its impossible for Americans to deal with it without aircraft, I suggest the T26e4 “super pershing”. I think a standard T26 “pershing” could also be a viable equivalent to a Jagdpanther as the T26 trades frontal armor and a less powerful gun for a turret a quicker reload time.

  3. Quality Of Life) Please add a feature to squads and soldiers that are not in “squad line ups” (a set of squads that are saved as a preset) that automatically removes all equipment and any unnecessary soldiers so they may be sent to the reserve wear soldiers that are not in use can be selected to fill squads that players do want to use.

  4. Weapons) please keep bolt action and lever action rifles(without genade launchers) within rank and Tier 2 or under along with guns such as the m1 carbine. From what I’ve experienced while playing and from the conversations I’ve had with other players this seems to be generally agreed upon. All weapons with with a grenade launcher attachment should all be early rank 3 weapons in my opinion as this prevents new players getting slammed by existing players that have squads fully equiped with grenade launchers but can be researched buy rank 2 players as a way to allow them to "fight back more effectively if they are put into a match of rank 2 and 3 soldiers if the match making system i preposed earlier were to be implemented.

Thank you for your hard work and effort.

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You have to make sure all vehicles and weapons are researched and purchased before you can buy a vehicle or weapon further down the line that you are researching and wanting to use.

thoroughly deserved

A whole 8 days I think - and not all suggestions, and clearly not enough testing!

Which is Business-as-usual for any software and in no way negates the criticism they are rightfully receiving for putting out a shoddy product with inadequate testing.

After this update some were already half way researched and now im tring to unlock stuff but idk lol. And iv been playing for a few months already.

Yes I’ve found that - but it is only in the squads menu, and you have to hover over the description.

It should be in EVERY MENU for EVERY SQUAD and EVERY SOLDIER, and it should be front and center - not hidden in any way.

It is so important that nothing less is reasonable.

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