New interface

We’re gonna keep all currently unlocked squads, which is a bit odd, but I’m assuming that new players will have a different squad unlock system that won’t end up with 7 US rifle squads or another combo for example.

The layout is better, but the colors are much more washed out and less defined then the old UI. I would take the color palette from the old UI and apply it to this one, I’ve heard some similar complaints


Super fast concept here:

a) no BS visual clutter - move it all to tabs
b) custom background for each selected army (US guys stand with Shermans in the background, on Normandy beach, whatever)
c) make it super clear that currently you WILL NOT necessarily play as US because you have “join any army” on BUT you have a fat XP bonus for that
d) don’t shove SHOP notifications to my face, only upgrades when I have them available


That’s what Keofox do with all of our money!


Yo, where are the dynamic hangers? Will we see them in this new UI release?

Speaking of Loadout interface, Are we able to get a button That completely “unloads” all unused squads (not in currently active lineup) back to Default state???

Freeing up all equipment and putting it all back into warehouse?

I have so many weapons, event weapons, twitch weapons and gold weapons…I dont know where they all are atm LOL (I swear I had a Kar98 wrapped in cloth…no idea where it is…possible Im confused from another game but yeah)

Basically once the update drops, i will want to rebuild all my squads from scratch


Overall it looks great, good job!

One change i think should be reverted is the perspective and pose of the soldiers. Now it kind of looks like youre standing infront of a bunch of confused GIs straight out of boot camp XD

But overall its great, its finally got more colour!

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That actually looks cleaner. Not just like you swapped locations of each box and pretend its cleaner.


forgot to mention, i believe this system in the UI would be beneficial as well:

( nevertheless, the Part to understand what we have and where to find it instead of having to scroll through many soldiers. for easier management. should fall under the UI interface… right ? )

I think that for the main menu, keeping the soldiers how they currently are (looking like they are ready for battle) would fit more into the darker background. If the customizable backgrounds stay after the change, then it would be only a UI change which I think would be perfect. Overall, everything needs to be a little bit bigger and the soldiers need to be a little bit smaller for me. Still looks great tho.

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After careful consideration, the new UI doesn’t look that good nor much of an improvement


re: new UI

It’s a visual trick to make you believe everything is new and improved. I think it’s a common tactic used by developers. It would be much better if they actually spent their time fixing things instead of trying to “pretty the game up.”

Function over fashion!


This is exactly what I desperately need.


They are…

This is the second time you’ve said something like this.

The entire point of the UI change is to help accommodate other gameplay changes… like merging campaigns etc.

Did you miss like the last 50 devblogs?


Oh, to be young and naive… And believe everything you’re told.

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Please enable background scaling / super sampling, war thunder has it in config.blk

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I think they’re trolling, there’s so many on the forum these days it’s hard to keep track.

I’m surprised the devs look at the forum at all.

Been here much longer than you have mate, and I’ve never once seen them lie in a devblog before.
Yes, they’ve been slow making things happen sure. Yes, they’ve done last-minute changes to plans laid out in devblogs sure, but outright lie and mislead? No.

Something the scale of completely reinventing the game, which has spurred the entire community for or against, isn’t something they can just sweep under the rug and say “nah never said that m8 wot u on about”

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I think the main screen could be much more clean:

For example put "Battle Pass " in the lower part of the screen.
Maybe you should hide a lot of the squad features since you can reach them in the proper tab.

I would like you to remove the squad preview entirely:




On a second thought, it’s not a step forward, it’s a step sideways (more of what we already have).

If I am honest, I don’t like the War Thunder / Enlisted menu layouts (and they are very similar).

  1. The main menu should be tiles and tabs, not your npc soldiers standing in the hangar

  2. The army/squads tab should be a subsection, not the main screen of the game

  3. The main “play” menu should offer you to play as one of the factions or go “random faction” with a very visible and sizeable XP bonus to incentivize players to make MM easier
    (also idea here: how about spreading the gained XP among all factions when choosing Random?)

  4. Hopefully in the future when we can select the front/campaign we want to fight in, we could have a map to select from