New interface

forgot to mention, i believe this system in the UI would be beneficial as well:

( nevertheless, the Part to understand what we have and where to find it instead of having to scroll through many soldiers. for easier management. should fall under the UI interface… right ? )

I think that for the main menu, keeping the soldiers how they currently are (looking like they are ready for battle) would fit more into the darker background. If the customizable backgrounds stay after the change, then it would be only a UI change which I think would be perfect. Overall, everything needs to be a little bit bigger and the soldiers need to be a little bit smaller for me. Still looks great tho.

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After careful consideration, the new UI doesn’t look that good nor much of an improvement


re: new UI

It’s a visual trick to make you believe everything is new and improved. I think it’s a common tactic used by developers. It would be much better if they actually spent their time fixing things instead of trying to “pretty the game up.”

Function over fashion!


This is exactly what I desperately need.


They are…

This is the second time you’ve said something like this.

The entire point of the UI change is to help accommodate other gameplay changes… like merging campaigns etc.

Did you miss like the last 50 devblogs?


Oh, to be young and naive… And believe everything you’re told.

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Please enable background scaling / super sampling, war thunder has it in config.blk

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I think they’re trolling, there’s so many on the forum these days it’s hard to keep track.

I’m surprised the devs look at the forum at all.

Been here much longer than you have mate, and I’ve never once seen them lie in a devblog before.
Yes, they’ve been slow making things happen sure. Yes, they’ve done last-minute changes to plans laid out in devblogs sure, but outright lie and mislead? No.

Something the scale of completely reinventing the game, which has spurred the entire community for or against, isn’t something they can just sweep under the rug and say “nah never said that m8 wot u on about”

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I think the main screen could be much more clean:

For example put "Battle Pass " in the lower part of the screen.
Maybe you should hide a lot of the squad features since you can reach them in the proper tab.

I would like you to remove the squad preview entirely:




On a second thought, it’s not a step forward, it’s a step sideways (more of what we already have).

If I am honest, I don’t like the War Thunder / Enlisted menu layouts (and they are very similar).

  1. The main menu should be tiles and tabs, not your npc soldiers standing in the hangar

  2. The army/squads tab should be a subsection, not the main screen of the game

  3. The main “play” menu should offer you to play as one of the factions or go “random faction” with a very visible and sizeable XP bonus to incentivize players to make MM easier
    (also idea here: how about spreading the gained XP among all factions when choosing Random?)

  4. Hopefully in the future when we can select the front/campaign we want to fight in, we could have a map to select from


Yeah, my thought too.
No need to show squads in the main screen (Battle-tab).


wow those all look garbage. It has the feel of a dollarstore with the taste of cheap plastic.
remove the aquad preview? get out of here, the game is centered around the squads… facepalm
Your posted made up screens there look like cheap version of call of duty of BF. look like a turd


wow looks like any modern shooter all about PvP with that cheap plastic feel to it.
And last one? WTF you on about? choose what campaign we wanna play? You mean like is now?.. facepalm

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Game is better as it is, divided in campaign. You should’ve just combined the Tech Trees for each Nation. And then the different squads in different campaigns like is now. You game was all based on that and now falls with that.
New UI looks hospital boring stale. some shitty windows XP font and squares, as if excel is making the tabs and screens.
Ol UI had athmosphere and more immersion in colour and fonts and panels, much was contributed by the fact unique squads and vehicles in all campaigns. goddamn you had to ruin it huh?
You should’ve built upon existing concept and worked the problems, not ignore and redo all the game.
But too late I guess, now looks like garbage WarThunder Interface, stale boring and square.
I will wait and see, cause now can’t tell how dissappointed I am.
Maybe will be decent but doubt it.
This was chance to make more athmosphere and smart positioning of tabs and clean up the screens and make smart placement, get better view of squads and vehicles.
Instead you opted for blue squares and a big block of events together with in your face here is you daily chores. and really? put the squads lineup horizontally instead of vertically? that was the best of ‘‘new interface’’ you could come up with?


I appreciate all the effort you put into redesigning the interface but I have some issues with it. Removing the squad preview is in my opinion a bad decision. The rounded rectangles you used are unappealing and appear like a mobile game to me. The simplified and enlarged buttons look cheap and also reminiscent of mobile games. It is not all bad though, I do like that you managed to de-clutter much of the main menu area.


Hmm, yeah.

Was made in paint, so never thought people would take it as a serious proposal. It was more a visual representation/explanation what I was trying to say.

My issue with DF:s UI redesign is that the squads only will become previews on the main screen. Imo, they should remove the squad preview completely or stick with current UI where you actually can do squad management.

Why are you so mad, boy?
Throwing temper tantrums from left to right like an absolute psycho.
Calm down.

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Is this new interface for Xbox One and Series X of just for pc? Thanks in advance.

yooooo this new interface looks fresh keep going and upgrade this game

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