New interface


Although I love this game, the UI changes seem a bit of a waste of time, people have feedback how people we will have to relearn, not to mention changing squad upgrade UI from vertical to horizontal and putting new icons on, well let’s just say seen better uses of resources.

I think the gap on the right is something noticeable, anyways it won’t stop me playing, other feedback on the post good on the whole, so please take on board.

Keep up the good work!


Looks to be coming along nicely

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You tell em’ younique… here here

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I’m hoping there are campaign based filter and presets for squads in rhe menu. E.g. display the squads and weapons only available for Moscow axis, then some of them as a custom set of Moscow squads. Same for Normandy, Berlin, etc so we can switch squads combinations faster and easier.

Jesus. Its really War Thunder 2.0


looks way better than the current system, looks clean

skill issue

I just hope that the space they left by moving the battle pass tasks isn’t to put up gigantic discount ads. I am not saying that they should not be placed, but that it would be a very cheap move to use that space, which is important, since it is next to the play button.

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baby steps my friend, i wish for them too… we hope one day its possible.

until then, we suggest, request, and wait :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi, currently for gold weapons you can buy multiple copies depending on campaigns. Will this stay the same with the update? How will the amount be determined? For example, the gold Suomi is only in Moscow and I can buy 3 but the gold Conders is in two campaigns so I can buy 4, how will this change in the update?


I didn’t like this interface because it was too simple and disorganized (I’m referring to the lobby), the cards there and the banner was ugly all square, among other defects… honestly, for me it would be much better if it was the default interface already inserted in the game

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We’re gonna keep all currently unlocked squads, which is a bit odd, but I’m assuming that new players will have a different squad unlock system that won’t end up with 7 US rifle squads or another combo for example.

The layout is better, but the colors are much more washed out and less defined then the old UI. I would take the color palette from the old UI and apply it to this one, I’ve heard some similar complaints


Super fast concept here:

a) no BS visual clutter - move it all to tabs
b) custom background for each selected army (US guys stand with Shermans in the background, on Normandy beach, whatever)
c) make it super clear that currently you WILL NOT necessarily play as US because you have “join any army” on BUT you have a fat XP bonus for that
d) don’t shove SHOP notifications to my face, only upgrades when I have them available


That’s what Keofox do with all of our money!


Yo, where are the dynamic hangers? Will we see them in this new UI release?

Speaking of Loadout interface, Are we able to get a button That completely “unloads” all unused squads (not in currently active lineup) back to Default state???

Freeing up all equipment and putting it all back into warehouse?

I have so many weapons, event weapons, twitch weapons and gold weapons…I dont know where they all are atm LOL (I swear I had a Kar98 wrapped in cloth…no idea where it is…possible Im confused from another game but yeah)

Basically once the update drops, i will want to rebuild all my squads from scratch


Overall it looks great, good job!

One change i think should be reverted is the perspective and pose of the soldiers. Now it kind of looks like youre standing infront of a bunch of confused GIs straight out of boot camp XD

But overall its great, its finally got more colour!

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That actually looks cleaner. Not just like you swapped locations of each box and pretend its cleaner.