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I have the Tiger. I need every other vehicle as well?



dang my nickel plated hi power on axis just glitched from existence, whoops it just went to other preset squad weirdly

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Absolutely they can, german Berlin tier 2 tank crew and Normandy tier 3 tank crew can use tiger 2 p tiger 2 h, same with ussr

Spent 10 minutes trying to get use to these change but this is ridiculous. Multiple skill trees and after trying to sort out the points in my 2nd squad when I simply wanted to play a match on any of the campaigns that now don’t exist I’m done. If I wanted to play a World of Warcraft type of game I can do that via the original World of Warcraft.



well, merge is upon us.

so, once again, i’ll give my feedbacks.

i’ll try to stay as objective as possible. but i’m gonna be honest, kinda difficult. my gripes are taking over xd.
anyway, here are my few cents.

things i like

  • the merge & all the goodies
    ( allowing to unlock stuff that we weren’t able to b4. and run with countless new combinations )

  • new event

  • new ai changes ( even though, could use some improvements )

  • reintroduction of older vehicles in the editor as well as the moon map & assets. truly glorious

  • medics got summer tunics with armband but generally dak uniforms & brit uniforms

  • stuff has been refunded somewhat correctly

things i didn’t liked

overall update, is a 7.5 out of 10.
somewhat solid, but there are quite some leftovers and shortcomings.
( inspite of player’s feedback )

to starter,

  • no equipment selector for customs

that was literally featured as a place for those who enjoyed HA.
you guys completelty forgot about that, and didn’t even bothered to address that.

i get that it will come at some point. but it would have been much better to come before time instead of much, much later.

leaving a bad taste in many people’s mouth.

  • inability to include medic soldiers among the ranks of non stalingrad / pacific squads

  • restrictions on classes of the same type ( or rather, lack there of )

effectively making the game somewhat less enjoyable as people as just now starting to spam the same weapons and type of meta squads over and over.

( ex, 3 flametroopers, 3 assaulters, 3 tanks, etc ) as much it’s a blessing for me so that i can run 10 infantry squads per time, people “abuses” these powers to do more harm than good.

  • inability to buy more of the same type, squads for newer players or legacy players

what i mean by that, is that if someone wants to run with 3 medic/rider squads ( following the previous restriction, 2 free to play ones, and 1 premium ) a player cannot unless it previously researched them across multiple campaigns.
but as it goes for medics or riders, it simply cannot be possible for both the legacy and newer players.

  • legacy player still doesn’t have a faster way to strip squads and soldiers in a faster way.

despite community’s previous expressed complains and suggestions about the matter

  • reserve numbers are still limited despite owning premium.

i have like 300 soldiers, and i cannot buy more than that because the reserve WITH premium is capped at 199.

a player shouldn’t have to make up selling soldiers that he/she grinded for and wants to use or leave in the reserve if needed.

especially for me where i have almost all presets full because i like to create and make historical accurate squads for all time periods plus keep various br ranges squads to play with friends or personal preferences.

or for anyone else if we count the various soldiers types.

  • even with premium, presets for squads are not enough

as i’m someone who loves to roleplay with historical equipment and HA squads,
i find my self very limited because i either have to make compromises or having to switch every few days if i want to play LF ( hence, needing their own type of squads with cosmetics ) squads HA ( between for example, luftwaffe, grenadiers, riflemen, volkssturm ) across different campaigns.
on top, still have to keep 3/4 for different brs and having to adapt for possible situations where and when i play with friends.

tell me. how can i do all of that with just 10 slots?

  • inability to buy specific nation/subnation soldiers

( Aka, italians or british soldiers ) based on players preferences

  • tier III facing tier 1 & 2s, or 4 & 5s.

there’s no balance. they either suffer from it, or breaks it.
many complains and suggestions were made. yet both in the 4th test and the live version that hasn’t been addressed.

  • customization didn’t carried over, and major issues previously reported in phase 1, are still pretty much in place.

despite reassurances and my own bug report got closed with a " fixed " label on top.


so… to reiterate:

  • cosmetics got outright deleted & didn’t got refunded

  • the cosmetic menu does not allow me to unequip already equipped bought pieces. hence, i have to move the soldier in the reserve menu.

  • on occasions ( of certain that i know, it’s on black helmets for the german army ) if you equip something else, or unequip it ( if you manage to ) the helmet will be forever lost and wont transfer it in the inventory

  • if i try to equip a cosmetic, it won’t actually let me. ( i have no clue. but it has been reported already )

  • the menu does not accurately portrais what’s being displayed:

the meny says i have the black helmet ( which in the older version, that’s what my guy was wearing ) but in this live version post merge, the guy is wearing a gray helmet.

even funnier, i noticed that if i equip or buy a pea dot helmet from stalingrad, i can wear it in moscow too.

yet if i switch to tunisia, i need to buy 2 separate helmets that are the same for the same soldier?

what is this

  • customs lost the ability to select campaigns

effectively lost the ability to use favorite cosmetics and what not based on players preferences in those open lobbies.
or generally the ability to decide and allow more presets into one faction ( stalingrad cosmetic should be allowed on berlin and normandy ( speaking for the axis ) as well as normandy allies over the pacific etc.

  • premium vehicles & bikes still has no customization

despite being and actual merge where those vehicle can land in majority of the campaigns, they still cannot change the camouflage.

  • bm with rockets is tier II. sherman calliope is tier IV. why in the world the german 15cm counter part is compared to a calliope in tier IV?

side note, KV1 was downgraded to tier III. but the panzerwafare is tier IV.

either downgrade the panzerwarfer to tier II, or bring the russian rocket tank to tier IV.

  • bare minimum customs improvements

needless to say, custom matches were supposed to be:

yet, couldn’t be far from the truth.

ain’t no place for a single soul.

out of all features requested and much needed:

only a handful of couple were made into reality.

which combined with mod,

  • no pves are possible to be made

  • no 1v1 5v5 etc on default map without the need of use the editor is possible to perform

  • no equipment seletable for a plain and fair HA without someone ruining the immersion ( tolls etc )

  • nothing literally new.

even worse, it got removed the ability to select cosmetic based on players preference even if not in the right enivorement for those who wanted and wished the total chaos that customs allowed to host from a different spectre of customs.

because again, customs were supposed to allow to do players anything.

yet that’s very limited and oppressing.

truly de-pressing if i can say so.

which it removed whole 2.5 points from a perfect 10 ( in term of score ).

something that everyone looked up for.

  • author’s missions & hangars got screwed over and no one prentively warned about the changes.

such as profiles, hangars, missions, maps, etc

hence, i’m clueless about how to fix my hangar, and some of my mods

  • customization is still lacking at best

i’m happy about the new introduction ( such as new dak uniforms, british ability to wear para uniforms, italian new uniform and few others ) but i’m still overhal disappointed as there are many cosmetic missing, and the way preset works.

it shouldn’t be tied to campaign, but tied to player’s preference / biome.

why in the world i can’t give more paratrooper variants to the free to play paratrooper squad / free grind paratrooper looking squads??

why can’t i wear my soldier of default normandy’s assaulter gray?

why can’t i make luftwaffe units for berlin and normandy? etc.

premium units still disregard the campaign / biome rule.

there are no excuses especially of important matter.

  • clunky UI and no faster way to strip squads of their soldiers. making lose so much time for basic functions that were suggested

  • squads still has a limited numbers of soldiers needed

essentially taking dust.

just remove it already. it has been since the alpha that we asked to remove this ““features””. it serves no purpose.

and well, those were my gripes.

if i find more, i’ll add them.


Tiger and is2 are tier V, they can’t go againts new players
(And new players don’t have tiernV vehicles)

I feel like it has been a long time since I played a decent fight in Tunisia. Kudos to you for improving on that hell where all you could do was shoot bots or fight guerrillas.

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Probs just a new faction

“First day in the new update. I thought I’d try Japanese level 1, maybe I could at least win a match after weeks of continuous losses. The first match was okay so far, although we still lost. In the second match, I found myself with a complete level 1 equipment against level 3 opponents. They were flying with the FP5 and spamming their HVAR missiles like crazy into our spawn. The high-ranking player who was with me was out after dying twice; I can’t blame him. What’s fair about continuously losing and then being placed in the high tier? The outcome should be clear, and if that wasn’t enough, the system has the audacity to downgrade my rank, even though I’m in the high tier and outnumbered. Do you actually roll the dice on how to make the game even worse? If there aren’t enough people playing your game, at least at level 1, leave the option to have a chance of winning. And that you can at least have some fun with some nations.”


You didn‘t understand what I mean, even new players have all the 2 tiger2 or is2, they can only use one, that is what i mean unfair. by the way tier3 well fight with the tier5 now

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Nicholson - Laugh


I expect that to be resolved soon.
As I mentioned in another thread, we don’t keep track of “what has gone missing”. We didn’t expect this to happen, so we don’t keep track of what we bought, etc.
But your developers are trying to find out from the user who reported the bug “from which squads equipment disappeared”, which is a very stupid question.
We may be able to report items lost by two or three squads that we used every day, but it is impossible for us to know everything that has disappeared.
Please do not think that we will only make up what we have reported. You are responsible for checking all the missing items and making up for them.

I am sure that I purchased at least 30 cosmetic items, but all I know is that all the chest equipment that I had equipped American soldiers with has disappeared.


Even now, sometimes when you buy customisations it takes your orders but doesn’t actually give you the clothing you just purchased.

The whole thing to do with uniforms/customisation is completely broken.
It really needed more time in the oven…

Did no one playtest this? Because how on Earth stuff like German units being your American friendly AI goes unnoticed I don’t know… I would’ve thought that’d be noticeable in the very first game a playtester would’ve played, but guess not.


Very lovely squad so far…

Perfect for streets of Berlin. :yum:


I agree with you.
I look with disbelief at the reports posted that this bug was recognized in the test version. And it seems to have been ignored…
This game leaves a lot of bugs out, I’m used to that.
But the loss of cosmetic items is a very big problem.
But the loss of cosmetic items is a big problem, because we have spent money or time to acquire them.
This bug not only broke the game but also damaged our wallets.


I also have a huge bug, all my campaigns have disappeared, and I now have a huge mess of useless crap. Looks like if someone messed up a database.

This can only be a bug, as a decent company with the minimum amount of respect towards its users would announce a big update in advance.

Please announce when the bug is fixed.

Oh, keep the soldier progression and the common inventory and scrap the rest (and the perso who took the decision to roll out this half-finished “update”).


that’s it.

if i catch you, i’ll burn you again. ( in game. of course )

first the label, now the rider prem squad.

i can only handle a certain amount of jealousy and envy. you just crossed the line


Normally, news of a major update should be greeted with joy.
But this thread has been filled with user accusations from the start.
Until I played the new version of the game, I thought it was an overreaction, but now I’m convinced that all the anger of those complaining in this thread is justified.
The development team for this game doesn’t even seem to know how to update the game.


notice one year in advance
It was notified yesterday with a maintenance announcement with the word UPDATE

you will keep all progression