Are you Pro Merge, Anti-Merge, or Neutral? (Let's review)

I love it when people call themself neutral but say in the same text negative/ positive words about the topic.


I only played the 1st playtest - it took so long to download and was so confusing and short I didn’t see any way I could make a meaningful contribution to the subsequent ones, that were also very short.

And the fact that this has had only 8 or so days of what was pretty much “Alpha” testing really shows.

It is a disaster.

Count me as anti.


I would have been pro merge…if they had taken the time to do it right.

They implemented it awfully.

My concern is how they handled the Battle Rating system.

The system encourages players to play either entirely BR 2 or BR 5…playing anything in between just puts you at a massive disadvantage.

BR3 only rarely gets to fight BR 1-2. The vast majority of the time it is fighting BR 5. Making you wish you simply loaded out with your premium squads instead.

I feel sorry for any new players. They will feel nothing but pain trying to get out of BR 2…They will have to grind out tier 3 without actually using any of it.


Not a fan.

I am cool with the tech tree thing, but not with the death of the campaigns, and the match making thing as it stands now, especially since you are likely to meet player two levels different from you, kind of makes the point of doing this in the first place… pointless???

I never though we really needed a leveling tool anyway, it’s not the gun it’s the guy using it 90% of the time.


Currently unplayable. BR of tons of things is a JOKE, not that it matters, since every single match I had was against germany full of premium squads loaded to the gills with BR5 stuff. Squad management is a NIGHTMARE, inventory is a NIGHTMARE, fighting Italians in Stalingrad is a NIGHTMARE. Watching T-60s be obliterated by Tiger 2s was pretty funny tbh. Desert camo tanks in green hills. Shooting down an FW190 A-8 in a 1941 IL2 was also hilarious (the first time). Turbo stacking, now every match felt like the worst of recent Berlin. Overall its a horrific mess.

(the only decent thing is the research tree, but i honestly cannot understand why it couldn’t be used with just keeping de-bloated campaign squad presets and merged axis/allies queue)


inspite of my feedback, ( which seems a rant )

i’m still neutral and somewhat have positives so far. outside few matches, but again, it remains in those matches.

would be leaning on the positive, if it wasn’t for the customs being untouched.

so it’s a meh.

it’s good, but could have been much better.

if anything that clicks, should be br 3 not having to go above and beyond, customization and customs.

for the rest, pretty much what one would expect.


That should have been tested instead of BR changes only in the last test I guess.

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Maybe a person claims neutral, because they do not want to judge the final product (before it’s released), when there’s no way of knowing if it’s going to be a success or failure :man_shrugging:

Hope for the best, expect the worst. It’s a win-win in the context of never being disappointed lol

“Personally, I think The Merge is going to be a disaster, but I’m neutral on the matter.”

Be honest, you made your decision a long time ago and thats fine.

Im neutral, but I think we should invade Luxembourg.

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Honestly, I knew it was going to be a disaster, but I thought the developers might surprise us (after taking a year+, to roll this thing out). Glad I haven’t spent any money on this game, since they introduced the Pacific campaign.

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Smart man indeed. Pacific was boring.

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Anti, you can go against KV1s and panzer 4s in ab41s and t26s, and just encourages you to never play anything below teir 4 again because of the amount you get stomped by higher teir players and you don’t have counters



  • keeping as many players together as possible in a single match maker
  • not having to unlock things multiple times
  • increased chance of vehicles (more players = more vehicles) (how many times you’ve been a fighter but there’s never any enemy planes)
  • theoretically increased variety of content (such as Moscow vehicles in Stalingrad, King Tigers in Normandy)
  • completely full matches


  • historical hiccups and things that break atmosphere (Panthers in Stalingrad, Italian paratroopers in Normandy and Berlin, time traveling FG 42s and Gewehr 43 in early battles, in general things that are appearing where they should not be)
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Overall, 7/10.

Matchmaking is much better, I mostly played on T3 to see how getting uptier/downtier would work. And at least in my experience, it went pretty good. I didn’t feel like I was terribly advantaged or disadvantaged. Even when getting uptiered, it felt a lot better since I actually had human players.

Speaking of, woah. Was consistently getting into matches in less than five seconds. Longest it took was 30 seconds. :exploding_head:

BR is okay too. It’s far from perfect, there’s a lot of stuff that’s in the wrong spot. A few examples:
OG43 is T4 when really it should be 2 or 3
KV1 should be T3 until it can actually be reasonably dealt with.
M4A2 is T3 but British Sherman is T4, therefore excluding it from Tunisia?
And lots of weapons make others useless, for example STG and MKB are both T5, but why would I ever touch the MKB after getting the STG?
Theres other stuff but that’s just what came to mind.

My biggest problem is that British and Italians aren’t in a seperate tree. I find it rather lazy since there’s plenty of stuff to make tech trees for both of them, it clutters the tech tree, and we can’t buy soldiers for them either.

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It was really fun the first month or so, but then it died and just turned into a bot farm for Axis (and then later Allies)


I believe that the merger was something that had to happen, it was not done as many wanted, and many others did not even take the trouble to read what was announced 1 year ago, the system is quite imperfect and I believe that from the beginning it was The test server should have been done on the main server for decision making with a broader spectrum

the system need more maps mid 43 and 44 on east front

I was playing in Tier V with Tier 1 weapons and I had a lot of fun, it was a defense to the limit (I voluntarily forced the system)

but the game still fun, i dont stop playing this game


I dislike it. Every match now is a stomp or a long stalemate with boring defense like we have with Tunisian caves

Low BR is more dead than expected with sub 10 min stomps, BR3 will send you into Stalingrad against Tiger E (nice Historical authenticity and realism) or to stomp newbies even faster, and BR4-5 is full of “esport athletes” + cheaters that compete for a grand cup of Enlisted with reward of 0 dollars.

Game is not fun no matter the BR it’s either too damn easy or too damn hard nothing in between (stomp or be stomped), not giving us one additional BR was a mistake at least BR3 would fight vs BR4 and not against BR1 or BR5.

Gameplay have completely changed and it was obvious that game was not designed for a full lobbies now it’s way too campy and flanky you need five eyes to spot all enemies all around you, playing as a tank in post-merge world is just a suicide mission.

If i die while protecting the point it will be almost completely captured it’s like game is played at the double speed with all those players that are on amphetamine.

Obviously they couldn’t sustain game with campaign system but they could realize merge a bit differently than we currently have, and as infantry just crossing a street is asking for yet another death into your KDR stats.


I love when people tries to to prove their point with one single screenshot. Presenting it like it is something very common.


What the hell is going on here? What happened to the game? I log in and suddenly none of the maps are there and all my hard work getting better is taken away. Is this even the same game? Does anyone know what’s going on?

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Im consistently anti merge considering the problems its going to create and its starting to show various red flags already.

Told you so with the War Thunderdization of Enlisted with WT elements creeping into the system and now we have a tech tree that’s more grindy than the old system because of course Gaijin being Gaijin.