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I know, just refering. Completely normal.

How do you scan for a clan/stack? Other then guessing?

You do know… what clowns do right?

They do jokes and funny stuff…
and you know people say “i’m dead” when there’s jokes, i.e the skull…

thus it’s not out of place at all in a comment making fun of those who just reply ‘cope’…

Again, we just keep going around and around in a circle exactly summarising my points.

Instead of normal human behaviour, i.e discuss the root cause of issues, you’d rather just discredit the other person by talking about their emoji use…

again… do you really not see the irony in what you’re doing? because there’s no way…

What?! Another german main complaining when they have the best gear in game by a long shot


Since i dunno if you are collecting feedback in that thread i will post it there:

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Played with some friends tonight and they won’t bother to post this as they’re very casual players, but one of them (account name: jubjubman8) didn’t have his soldiers go to 5 stars, still stuck on what they were before. Screenshot from him here

Are you convinced now?

Bring back the Campaigns please.


that soldier is a tanker II : tell him to make sure he has leveled the red line of upgrades in the squad that has tanker II.
leveling the red upgrades open new empty stars (you have to fill em with combat experience afterwards)

They had like 6 times more idiots as cannon folders IRL though…

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Germans has all the disadvantages against Soviets in BR2, and getting clapped by KV1 if BR3 decided to drop in…

BR5 is not that much a safe heaven due the chance of getting the sweatiest match of your life, but you get to use its full potential thanks to the soviets abandoning Berlin before merge so anyone and their grandmother can get a Tiger II lmao

The funny BR thing only works for BR2, BR3(50/50) and BR5, in between you are pretty much fighting at disadvantages except soviets


The truth is they ruined the game with the merger of campaigns, which was the most striking thing (each squad in its historical action theater) but this… ruins the game. The rest is fine but merging campaigns is horrible!!


The merger of campaigns was definitely the worst idea.


I don’t understand the battlerating thing, in Normandy I saw a tiger and a British a13, how can I hurt it with an a13? The merger of campaigns is a SERIOUS MISTAKE


While i believe this merge was going to happen sooner or later it was done poorly, and with no thought
Normandy campaign never saw a King Tiger, now they’re everywhere with no direct counter for it (talk tank to tank here) while the “Easy 8” has the cannon to do so it doesn’t have the armor. The King Tiger faced off against the IS2. So unless the Pershing is going to be added the US is at a disadvantage.

I tried to intentionally stay at BR 3 and get pulled into BR5 going against maxed out FG 42||, sniper STG44s, and regular STG44s

I was 3 levels away from the P47 i now have to grind out every previous plane which will take even longer.

This game had become stale for a while and a change needed to be made yes, but not like this and not so drastic that you’ve caused longer grinds and made the US a nerfed version of it’s self…i’ve won 1 game since the update and i used to have a 60% ish win rate


The regular purshing isnt even a true counter. Its for tiger 1 not 2

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Its also bull crap that the gmc is tier 5. It has a convertable roof…like come on

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So the new tech trees and merge is just awful. I have researched and played through half of a few tech trees in Berlin (axis), Normandy (allies), the Pacific (allies), and very minimal but not insubstantial levels in all other campaigns and my research tree is very patchy. It wont let me research tanks and other weaponry that I was in line to get in one campaign, just because I have not researched a pervious model that was the max in another campaign. Also the matchmaking for the allies in Normandy is just impossible. The top tier allied weapons can nowhere near compete with top tier berlin weapons that they are paired up to fight. I like the idea of the merge but implementation in a good way just seems impossible without being very frustrating for player who have already been in the game for a while. This merge was really just not asked for and was idiotic in implementation and basic thought process and makes gameplay impossible for players who played lots of campaigns but didn’t max out campaigns like berlin or Stalingrad. I hope changes can be made to fix this or at least complete players tech trees as to not have them all over the place.


My good sir, there are plenty of records of a King Tiger falling victim to the Pershing