Making Enlisted a Better Place №66

I’ve been noticing for a while now that uniforms are randomized whenever I load into the practice range. Are you planning to fix this in the near future?

I 100 percent agree with you, they ruined just about every battlepass vehicle by doing this.


probably cause practice range doesnt belong to any campaign and uniforms are campaign specific.

No, the practice range normally always has whatever uniform that you currently selected for your squad in the main menu, before you load in.

i am not certain how their logic works. you may be helped by ladies who know more about game and/or customization.

yes, it used to work like that.

but for some reason, it’s no longer the case.

sort of. the training / practice range was neutral. similar to modded missions in custom games.

but since then, they … changed something.
in short,
now each mission requires a specific set of campaigns in the briefing node to allow all uniforms.

either overlooked, or… a bug.

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Well, this is the worst change ever. Now it’s pretty much worthless to use camos on Gold Order vehicles. As they will just delete original decals. I really hate the change.



Can you please reverse the change?


An easier way to deal with this is up the dispersion of all Russian SMGs. Because while they have less dispersion they’re sitting in a good spot. I don’t think any SMG in the entire game for any faction needs to go above 0.6 but they definitely don’t need to be below 0.4 they’re meant to be a close range weapon everyone wants to use them like a long range assault rifle, hence all the complaining about dispersion to begin with.


Very good advice,kiralyBR5→BR4,MP28Expansion magazineBR2→BR1

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What about new bp? Is there a hint for it yet? If so I miss it


I’m a relative new to the game and don’t have an assortment of decals and camo; in fact I on havy two decals from an event and 0 camo… so this doesn’t effect me at all. I’m indifferent

Can we please get a sneak peek on the upcoming animations on the next blog? :smiley:
Like a little tease?



When you can fix the dx12 freezing issue. I am using dx11 playing this game but this issue still make my game crash. I already reported it twitce on issue report website and you did not give me any feedback.

There is a weird known bug that we reported yesterday, probably related to caching. If you play a round (normal or practice) and check the ammo of the Winchester G30R after it, it might show 10 rounds again.
In that case rename (or delete) the “update-enlisted” folder in “Users\{username}\AppData\Local\enlisted\downloads”.
That solved the issue for me.


While we’re at the topic of improving the research ui: Can we pls get an easily visible BR indicator to the stuff in the research menue. If you have to make space for them remove the stars or something, as they are clear by which Tier the weapon is in, but the BR of the weapon is not, so you have to manually check what makes sense to research and get in the tech tree. This is especially annoying for factions like germany, where for example a lot of their stuff is in a higher tier than the BR.

Or even better: Make the stars be connected to BR and not the tier, so weapon prices adjust, when the weapon gets put in a lower or higher BR. An even better than that would be if the weapons actually get moved to the tier according to their BR. That would make it way easier to get an overview on what weapons you can choose at any given BR instead of having to check every weapon for that.

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they need to fix auto equiping as well. i have backpack and 4 first aid kits on soldier then when i auto equip it via template then it only gives 1 out of 4 even when it shows it will give 4


Just bring back old camouflages that’s all. I’m tired of easily getting spotted and bombed in my Panther G because of the desert camo ruining it all.

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I just reported that issue for grenades, didn’t know it effects stuff like medpacks too, but it makes sense. From what I can tell it only checks for one item of the type being there and doesn’t care if you want multiple of the same type.