Making Enlisted a Better Place №66

yeah the gamemode just isnt fun lmfao


Why is the Air Force restocking point so far away? :thinking:

True, the conquest mode is badly designed. It does not give any satisfying in-battle reward/advantage besides changing the point counter on the top. Conquest mode in BF had much more satisfying mechanic - you could spawn on the conquered points, and it gave some feeling of combat domination, I wish it was implemented this way in Enlisted as well - instead we have to just run across the map from one spot to another like an overworked McDonalds employee


Conquest does deserve a rework, maybe it could only feature 1 control point that stays active for 5-10 minutes before rotating to a new point. It would allow teams to fight together instead of having dispersed little battles everywhere and still be very mobile

Lol I see what you did there

The core aspect of conquest mode is multiple cap zone.
Your suggestion will turn it into very different stuff, more like a variation of confrontation mode.

and the core aspect of it sucks and thats why people dont like playing it


This is the key point.

Spawning on captured points should be added 100%.

Rally points win every other game mode, this could at least be different.


Doubt it, such mode works fine in BF, we can just make some changes like the guy said on top.

well i bet today gonna have event (judging from recent amount of event that is)

well since it been 2 day i will assume that we will get major event after bp expire then (or maybe when it gets extended i guess)

A good Engineer and proper place of sandbags, machine guns , mines, etc… as well as proper spawn placement always wins the game. That’s why its so important for player to mark targets and immerse themselves in the game and participate it makes the game so much better as opposed to running into gunfire mindlessly like a moronic for hours on end.

Had some decent games of conquest last night. The extended Duration actually allowed me time to orchestrate a come back on a losing game.

But yeah. Still not my fav mode


Since this update it’s really hard to win a game when the other team have 6 marshals!

The game its very hard rn and I only play on weekends to enjoy my spare time! I’m not a pro or addicted

(I can’t upload a pic here)

golden ranks doesn’t say anything about the skill. :wink: I had the last days couple of them in my team being worse then bots (not building rallypoints, not using an APC, don’t marker anything and instead of going on the cap as attacker has it has supposed to be, they sniped). best of them had 40 kills with 12 dead squads.

even underaverage players can get a golden rank - nothing special about it. and a low rank player can also be a good player who started his comeback after a break.

play with 2-3 mates together (there are enough communities where you can join) and you will win most of the time, if you average or higher

A bit late to the party but Avangard farm and Kamenka River conquests are/were some of my favourite combinations.
I’d wish not to lose conquest mode in its current form, rather I’d prefer to let the player select and opt out from the least favoured mode, let it be train or conquest or whatever.