Making Enlisted a Better Place №66

Just played a conquest, you somehow managed to make this game mode even more annoying :skull:

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why it became assault 2.0 or something? (as you can tell im not playing enlisted today)

Its still sh!t, but now its long too.


please fix this!
I researched all weapons / planes / tanks on american side and still get that message every time before entering a battle


we aware of that issue and devs are working on it.

is it possible to revert this change?

reasons are listed in this detailed post.


Should be fixed now.


i would take this warning seriously… it is not everyday you see computer turn german to warn you about something…


yes, I can’t stress how annoying this is.
Improve the UI here pls.

well it would be nice if they added another icon or two for different states of arty, like both available, only regular arty available, only crate available, nothing available.

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yes, exactly. Now you have to press and try your luck in most of the cases (since you won’t know for sure if that bombing raid or arty is yours or the enemies.

It’s annoying waste of seconds.


This just removed all capability for players to maintain gold order vehicle decals while applying a new camouflage. The small interest I had in Gold Order vehicles is now greatly diminished.


I made a post regarding this issue, feel free to give it a like


I’ve been noticing for a while now that uniforms are randomized whenever I load into the practice range. Are you planning to fix this in the near future?

I 100 percent agree with you, they ruined just about every battlepass vehicle by doing this.


probably cause practice range doesnt belong to any campaign and uniforms are campaign specific.

No, the practice range normally always has whatever uniform that you currently selected for your squad in the main menu, before you load in.

i am not certain how their logic works. you may be helped by ladies who know more about game and/or customization.

yes, it used to work like that.

but for some reason, it’s no longer the case.

sort of. the training / practice range was neutral. similar to modded missions in custom games.

but since then, they … changed something.
in short,
now each mission requires a specific set of campaigns in the briefing node to allow all uniforms.

either overlooked, or… a bug.

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Well, this is the worst change ever. Now it’s pretty much worthless to use camos on Gold Order vehicles. As they will just delete original decals. I really hate the change.



Can you please reverse the change?