Making Enlisted a Better Place №66

At br 4 Kiraly would be at home…

But at br3 it would be waaay too exaggerated. Kiraly bullets punch harder, even if the arm has terrible recoil control.


Kiraly should go to BR3 since it’s pretty much PPSh-41 box but worse (look at that massive dispersion it’s a joke).

Chauchat to BR1 because even after buff it’s the weakest lmg in a game.
Sherman 76mm of BR5 go down in BR4 along with Panzerwerfer 42 (BR4 → BR3).
ZK-383 should go down to BR2 to counter PPS-42/43 that is vastly superior to MP40 and Beretta M1.


Says you!

It’s so accurate now, I use it as an op semi :smile:
It’s pretty good in truth.

Also a boss premium squad.

Doesn’t matter it’s still 2-3 hit to kill anyone and PPSh-41 has 33% of Kiraly dispersion and much smaller recoil with higher rof so you will be killing people quicker than Kiraly. Both should be a BR3 weapons. And Americans should get stronger Thompsons at BR3 too.


Kiraly TTK: 0.069s
PPSH-41 TTK: 0.104s
Kiraly also has faster reload and better magazine capacity.


Only at point blank, at usual ranges PPSh-41 will win due 0.21 dispersion vs 0.70 and better recoil 8/4 vs 16/6 you won’t see it shown on your robotic TTK charts, only aimbots are shooting this accurate with such massive dispersion and worse recoil at longer ranges than 5m. They could buff reload speed of PPSh-41 it doesn’t matter to me.


Yeah, they should just fix the super weird dispersion. And if needed, slightly buff German tech tree BR3 smgs. They feel kinda lackluster. But I am not sure if they really need buff.


I reported it as a bug like 6 months ago.
Still waiting :upside_down_face:


WAR’s magazine, 20 rounds, from the same family, does these two share the same caliber/interchangeable magazine?

Is it just me to think that this G30M’s magazine is too thin to support the 20-round double column. Stat card even said it has more cartridge mass than WAR.

Magazine thickness comparison.

You mustn’t base stuff on the ppsh41(box).

Because that ppsh is broken. It has no dispersion compared to all other smgs, it’s more than likely an oversight from devs.

And they don’t know how to fix it without angering commieboos.

But again, because ppsh is broken, it shouldn’t be an example for balance… Kiraly IS powerful! Br5 is too high, but br3 would be catastrophic. Br4 is perfect.

i am sure it will be fixed soontm


I think modeling artist made a mistake.

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By the way when will all faction tankcamouflages be available to all tanks of the matching faction?

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Or if that they correctly made a model after 10-round magazine in the first place, as I read there’re 5, 10, 20, 30 cartridges variants. If they changed it to 20, magazine’s model needs to be reworked. If dev can confirm which variant modeling team actually modeled it from.

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Any plans to acknowledge and fix artillery bug ?


well this is good thing, but still doesnt fix other major problem of conquest… funneling both teams to one confrontation zone. some maps like moscow manor do this excellently, while most other conquest maps just suck at it. lots of conquest maps have big distance between caps so you are basically spending more time traveling between caps in search of the fight (or waiting in cap) than actually fighting.

otherwise good job fixing old bugs and introducing new ones :stuck_out_tongue:


The width of Magwell remains the same, and magazines with different loading quantities will only differ in length. Single columm magazine and double columm magazine are incompatible



I don’t think this is a bug, you can see on minimap that your team’s artillery fired until 0:20. The artillery looks available only because you can call supply crate drop at the mean time.

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Same goes for “Sniper” FG 42 II, which has copypasted 0.22 dispersion from the non-sniper variant