Making Enlisted a Better Place №58

Let’s see how impact nades work now, I know a few people who spam them, I’ll get the feedback, I use Molly’s mainly, as well at tnt, WP when using large gren packs.

So does this update fix tailguner on D3 stuka not firing, it was acknowledged. What about invisi planes? Invisi LMG, spawns bugged and soldiers flying in air on Bulge, Airfield?

Also why can the 1st volkstrm squad not actually wear the armband, like 2 volksturm squad?

Premium squads not having default options available SAS troops, premium volksturm squad default.

Thanks for at least fixing stretchy models, keep up good work! :+1: (Don’t forget your long termers want content, not radio silence, oh and please reduce axis Italian paras to BR3 or lower - flamers)

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With every fix comes a bug

Every squad in my lineup have the green box as if I need to check something, but there’s nothing to check.


dam man what did you spend your silver on?

idk why, this is so triggering?
wait yes i do

When the merge happened I had like 250,000, I spent most of it on upgrading different squads and vehicles, spent the rest buying up flasks and binocs for any soldiers who didn’t have any.


ah i see soon im gonna be just as poor cause im gonna spend it on avs and avt and maybe other smg

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That’s nothing, I managed to spend at least 5 mil since merge xD

I still do have some pre-merge soldiers I could sell, but it’s not needed atm.


Reducing the damage of grenades seems absurd to me, we want more realistic damage

I’m okay with more “realistic” damage if that means a squad carrying 54 grenades is going to chainsplode and teamkill everyone in 50m radius after they drop one impact nade under their own feet because they got shot after pulling the pin

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sounds great but now i have perk notifications on all units but no actual perks on soldiers. im sure its a result of some fix and an unseen result. just letting you know. THANX love it so far

29 MB update? :smile:

Yep…great…more annoying green icons that should not be there

TNT was also fixed
as in, you no longer fucking get any
just the detonator

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Wow, now this is big disappointment. You forget to add new customization to only German paratroopers which are currently obtainable.


by reworked how they work, how do they work now?


some great fixes, no elastoman anymore, impact grenades nerfd nd so on.

However, all my squads show now a green symbol that I can upgrade my men, but all are fully upgraded already.

Most disappointing of all is that the still no German/Italian paratroopers are usable in BR I/II. This has to change!!!


The event german paratroopers with fg 42 potatoe launchers still has the wrong german collar tabs, as those are from the heer, and not from the luftwaffles. Though its minor issue would be appreciated if it could be finally corrected too


Well, technically, folgore paratroopers can go to br2 but i get what you mean.

how to remove this?


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The APCs were indeed released in very poor condition. Those responsible were even punished. I’m just a manager, but I saw the whole story and I really hope something like this doesn’t happen again.