Making Enlisted a Better Place №58

Is there any plan for players to regain the squad before the merge? I believe there are tons of players who accidentally sold the squads that they already gained before the merge, case the “agree” and “exit” button was put in the opposite way that wasn’t like all the other buttons in the game. Tons of players lost their squad forever just because of this genius design. If the developers can put a rubbish bin that allows players to have a choice in 30 days to decide whether they wanna sold their squad or not would be a brilliant function.



I see what you did there… :smirk:


how dare you bringing logical solutions instead of all-nerfism.


“I’d rather have my weapon nerfed to oblivion than limited! Because freedom!!! [melgibbson.jpg]”


now the only problem with impacts is that u can carry 3 of those making this nerf kinda pointless, atleast there still the bug making impacts more fair.also it would be nice if people using impacts wouldn not trhow the impacts upon getting killed/dowm

You should do this for the T-50 Winter Camo tank too. It’s tied to a squad which only allows for 3 crewmembers which renders it 1 man short.

Persistent ringing sound fixed THANKYOU!

keep these fixes coming, the more bugs removed before steams’ release, the better.

So Italian Paratroopers are an event squad? No way for new players to get them?

yes, both the germans fg42 grenade launcher version, and italian OG43 squad are events.

new players will only be able to get the premium german squad with the … weird looking fg gun and darker cheese camo ( sumpftarn ).

however, if newer event paratrooper squads will appear, new players might get a chance to get those instead.
and / or in the future, through the market place simialr to war thunder.

it is not guarantee that we will be able to sell or buy older squads though.


yes, adam is right, which i forgot about, but in the future, older squad can be re-grinded too, just harder to obtain compared to the first time.


Several months ago, community manager confirmed we’ll be able to obtain old event squads but it’s going to be way harder.

But it’s been a really long time since then and so far nothing, so… :man_shrugging:

At least there’s some hope.

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So I was right. The reliability has dropped from half the time to much less than half the time considering the likelihood of killing someone after throwing an impact at their feet before this update. Told you people this would happen


Sweet. I’ll grind my arse off for Fulgores.

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Wait that didn’t come out right. :rofl:


Thats really good move on the devs if this is the case, So in the future players who didnt get to finish grinding pre merge squads will have the opportunity to fo so?

Sorry Adam, but

Which game are you referring to? 'Cause sure that can’t be War Thunder.


I don’t remember any bugs. But I’ve played WT in very casual manner.
I’ve basically played only Germans and quit the game after obtaining majority of WW2 tanks.

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nothing of legacy squad has been mentioned.

most likely, gone for those who couldn’t obtain them.

unless they have plans which they didn’t announced to bring them back.

but upon asking to buy new/old squads after merge, devs themselves refused the idea

That’s basically :fu: to all players. At least that’s how I see it.

(sorry for reply Erika, I am lazy to quote original post)


yes, essentially, it is.

which it could have achieved many things for many people.

but devs did not like that it seems.