Making Enlisted a Better Place №58

OH, GREAT! Now please make an analogical fix to the dispersion of Sniper FG-42 - just like the Type 99 had the damage dropoff of a non-sniper rifle, the Sniper FG-42 II has the dispersion of its non-sniper variant. I already said something about this long time ago - I wish I could see "Better Place" update for FG 42 II like this (only sooner)

I wish I could see "Better Place" update for FG 42 II like this (only sooner) - #10 by Dregomz (check out the inconsistency in dispersion values on the screenshot from Dregomz)


That was the funniest bug in the history of Enlisted. I think I will be missing it.


cuz its super eassy just to change some numbers instead of actually try some other way

I noticed something strange: why does the sniper Type 99 have lower bullet velocity than the normal one? I looked at the stats of the sniper version not long ago and I think it was 730 m/s before this patch, or am I mistaken?

shall we talk about german paratroopers that are still broken after 7-8 months?


Wait , they might come to this forum saying its discrimination. In mean time they have their own version of enlisted and server.

Not all test server bugs were fixed before a new update is launched.

Impact naades are still spammed just as I thought… your nerf doesn’t fix anything. Limit the number of impacts player can carry instead of nerfing them and u will see improvement.( I said that milion times already :roll_eyes:)

Or just limit the amount of grenade pouches a squad can carry.


Limiting an item to a certain class or how many you can carry, instead of nerfing it into the ground makes to much sense. That’s why devs don’t do it


So when will the bug where gun grenades cannot cause damage (especially evident indoors) be fixed. This bug has been around for several months now.


Yeahhhhh i forgot that. The nades have a bug where it explodes and nothing happens. I have seen it many times. Not sure if it was adressed yet…


It hasn’t been resolved yet

Bro that’s every video game in the history of video games, nothing to do with Enlisted

Nothing “fun” about the way cheesers play. Game mechanics must be designed in a way that can’t be abused by Chinese


Then my experiences with games are very different from yours.

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So now I’m wondering if you’re old enough to be on here lol.
It’s almost a given in game development/coding of any type that patching something will probably cause bugs elsewhere

Okay, then why I have not experienced so many bugs in WT, WoT or any other live service game I have ever played.
Games with very similar concept.

Burger boys and Tea lads can now see some Green Devils. Appreciate the update


Except I didn’t have this bug before this update, and now every squad is showing the perk arrow, even on max rank/perks spent soldiers.