I wish I could see "Better Place" update for FG 42 II like this (only sooner)

I would be quite happy if the devs could do this before number 70. For now, we can keep dreaming. The AVS has laser precision of 0.04 and the sniper FG keeps being a long-range shotgun.
I used the FG 42 II from Krieghoff Paratrooper squad, which is maxed out by default. If a 6-star elite sniper rifle has a dispersion of a cheap SMG, there is clearly a problem.

In case anyone is wondering, the 0.07 value is the dispersion that was measured on a captured FG 42 tested by the Allies, and “The shooting was carried out with cartridges from the remnants of the Chinese order, of a rather dubious quality.” So with original Mauser ammunition, the accuracy should be even better.


“historically measured values”

Daym soviets managed to build such guns that modern gun manufacturers cant do the same.
But hey historically measured values!

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Ironically the PPSH41 box has less dispersion than FG42s… lmao this game


I 100% support the idea to fix neglected tier V sniper weapon. Also reducing dispersion a little on all semi autos/select fire guns would’t hurt since those are quite inaqurate.
And what about assault rfles and m2 carbine? I would like someone with good gun knowledge to reply for a following question.

Are guns like;
m2 carbine, 1 garand, gewehr 43, avt-40 (dispertion 0.20)
fedorov (0.25)
stg44 (0.46)
as-44 (0.39)
as inaccurate in real life as in game?

Why im bringing this up all now? Due to merge and tier 1,2-4,5 separaton now is a perfect time to buff those weapons. Considering that buffing an assault rifle won’t enrage bolt action rifle users any more. I will be a nice adition to finnaly have semi autos and select fire guns to hit thir targets.

Let’s not forget about smg’s and mashineguns. Is there someone who thinks that those guns should be buffed alongside semis and assaults?


Yes, certainly. I don’t know precisely about all of these guns, but M1 Garand for example had a max accepted dispersion radius of 2.5 inches (0.0635 m) when shooting from 100 yards (90m, which is the distance in Enlisted training range from the shooting window to the farthest target). A random FG 42 captured and tested by Americans, even though it was tested with some substitute Chinese ammunition of “a dubious quality”, had a dispersion of 5.79" at 100 yards, which gives about 0.07m radius (mentioned as an updated value for infantry FG 42 in my post). Generally all the guns of that time that were going out of the factories into service, had very similar norms in different countries, generally a group of shot from the gun should stay inside a square of 15x15 cm (sometimes a rectangle), which is 0.075m of dispersion radius.

Based on how dispersion looks in the game vs the datamined values we can be technically sure that the “dispersion” value implemented in the game engine is the dispersion radius on a distance of 100m. I think we would be on the safe side if we reduced the dispersion of all the guns you mentioned, below 0.1m for sure. A value of 0.46 or 0.39 is bloody ridiculous and has nothing to do with a firearm (unless it’s some kind of antique black-powder flintlock, or simply a shotgun).


Ah yes we need more axis bias so we can stomp the allies better. The fg42 is already very accurate and have much better handling than any other battle rifle in this game and has 20 round vs 15 rounds. Any buff will just be bias. The dispersion is correct and is there for balance purpose, complain all you want but having problem with fg42 is pure skill issue. If you want Fg42 to be accurate irl, it should be a light machine gun, not a battle rifle for everyone to use.


Yeah axis need more beretta 20mags v ppsh.

While I agree the fg is indeed really good gun, do you happen to have some actual recent datamine stats to backup this claim ?

Classic skill issue :+1:

Think it was for paratroopers rather than machinegunners. Just saying since IRL.


Curse you why do you have to be so reasonable I’m out of hearts I can’t use anymore :heart:


Please do tell that to Soviet paratroopers and Fedororv


another day another delusional Soviet main


But he did mention IRL and we all know soviets stopped producing avs line of rifles because they were so op.

Its just western propaganda that they were technically un-usable with full-auto and broke.

Axis bias? 0.04 dispersion on sniper AVS-36 vs 0.22 on sniper FG 42 tells otherwise. Your arbitrary judgement that it’s “already very accurate” is not a valid argument - the fact is that when you aim at an enemy standing sideways from even less than 100 m, if you use an AVS-36 you can hit his earhole or earlobe, while using the Sniper FG 42 you cannot be sure if this will be a headshot, a shot 10 cm above the head or a shot 15 cm before his eyes (and after seeing the tracer instead of receiving the headshot, he will look for your position, which makes this rifle just frustrating to use and nothing more).


Yeah I’m totally a soviet main. Are we taking sides now LMAO


0.04 is sniper dispersion, and no you are exaggerating Fg42 dispersion, you won’t need 0.07 on Fg42, most combat is mid range and you are not sniping someone across the map with it, it is fine as it is and it’s an excellent 20 round battle rifle unlike uncontrollable avs36 or shitty Americans M1C sniper. If I want to use a sniper with good damage I would just use gewer 43 sniper, decreasing Fg dispersion will just make German even more broken against the American since they only have M1C garand sniper, the game already is as broken as it is and we don’t need more Op german wunderwaffe stomping the American back to Washington, German don’t need anymore love, Western allie do if they are going to buff any faction. So no, a 20 round sniper already stomp any 10 round shitty sniper Americans have, and they don’t need more buffs. And No it’s not frustrating to use. I have it and use it and it’s an excellent rifle on Normandy, 20 round is good reserve and perfect for it’s job and excellent accuracy for combat range we have in this game. And we never see the yanks ask for an automatic sniper with more than 10 rounds.

Rude and uncalled of, please be more civil next time.

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What kind of argument is this lmao.

Fg is a battle rifle and none of the battle rifle in this have have more than 20 rounds, American T20 is a gold order and German got it as unlock, how is that even fair. And you guys have kiraly and MAB 38 against shitty Thompson, LMAO pure skill issues.

Think it was for paratroopers rather than machinegunners. Only 7000 were made, that’s less than the number of BARs made, why is BAR not for everyone, oh yeah it’s a MaChineGUn Lmao. Only for paratroopers would make sense, I’m pretty sure the entire German army isn’t paratroopers back then.

Stop crying and get good, whoever shoot first win, any type of dispersion buff for FG is pure skill issue, you don’t need that kind of dispersion for the range in this game, the FG is perfect for turning Americans into swiss cheese as I’m using it in Normandy frontline part of Rommel’s counter attack, having 100% winrate winning every firefights. If anything need to be buff, it’s your skill issue Kamerad.

So if I’m correct from what I’ve just seen and what you’ve just said Germans beat up the Americans and Soviets beat up the Germans is that how things should go and we should not address things or make anything balanced

Ah, you must be new here.
Context is axis bias from developers, beretta 20mag vs ppsh was indeed one of the most outrageous biases devs gave to axis.
Try imagine how soviets suffered with that 71 drum wasting bullets like never before.
While devs in theyr axis bias mindset gave totally op 20mag beretta for axis, no wasting bullets there.

Wow thanks tommy.

So more than M2 carbines you say ?
Or more than Jumbos during d-day, guess your too young to remember another skill issue of
jumbo v pz4.

Good for you cupcake, I must admit im slightly jealous for your insane skills.
After all being “good” or even “decent” requires alot in enlisted.
Definitely something to be proud of and definitely worth mentioning everynow and then champ.

Glad you notice the bias pattern, good old darkflow balance and faction bias.

If that is correct what does that make the Japanese

Jumbo literally get one shoot by any tank above panther. + panzerfaust and panzershrek

M2C only good in close range and Fg easily out range it, We have good enough amount of SMG to counter M2C.

Maybe being bot farmer in Berlin before merge wasn’t so good of a choice. Now that you are fighting actual players