Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

Well, the thing is it is always going to meet BR1-3 tanks. But putting it to BR2 would made it impossible to face BR4+ tanks.

And I believe that would be complete reasonable. There’s no reason why stug should be in BR4+ matches.


The H should definitely be at BR 3. It’s literally useless in BR 4. No one is going to use a J or H over a panther or Tiger. I know you want historical accuracy, but for balancing reasons it can’t be 100% accurate.

Move the F2 to the end of BR 2 then. The G doesn’t matter because it’s an exclusive tank now.

…so maybe the solution here, in the first place, is TO CORRECT THE DISPERSION VALUE of the Sniper FG 42 II finally? Instead of replacing a weapon with bugged dispersion with an unbugged one?


Nice. But @James_Grove, @Euthymia07 can you please ask the devs to fix this customization bug? It has been ages since me and @ErikaKalkbrenner reported this. But it is still not fixed.
Link: Community Bug Reporting System


nice changes :+1:

very, very nice.

however, yeah i was about to say, the plane tree hasn’t been fixed…

welp, guess we’ll have to wait more for that.


I doubt it, and I don’t think they’re even going to fix it when you made a post like this a long time ago

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Of course it wouldn’t. And it would JUST BE CONSISTENT with the rest of the sniper rifles in the game. A sniper rifle is basically one of the most accurate rifles in a production batch. So Sniper FG-42 II should have a dispersion several times lower than it’s no-scoped variant - same as for Garand, Kar98k, G43, Type 99 rifle, AVS-36, you name it.

FG 42 II is THE ONLY RIFLE in the game that has the same dispersion both in infantry and sniper variants (and it’s terrible even for infantry use - 0.22 means you have less than 50% chance to hit someone from >100 meters).


You’re asking for too much

Soviet PPD 1929, German Erma EMP 44 and the VMP 1926 should move down to BR 3 too.

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all i can say it’s in the works.


There is a lot of useless stuff now.

“No one is going to use Panther over Tiger 1 and Tiger 2”.

“No one is going to use MKB-42 over MP-43 and STG-44”.


Also, you are thinking only from the standpoint of a veteran player who has everything unlocked.

A new player would have a both reasonable and historical progression:

Pz IV F2 and Pz IV G on BR3 and on all maps.
Pz IV J (turret skirts) and Pz IV H (side skirts) on BR4 and on late war maps.

That way it would finally make sense.


Thanks guys, that’s wonderful news! :grinning: Glad to see the Lee Enfield BR being fixed!!

Now for my second wish, more customization for British troops! :blush:

Thanks mate. Appreciate it. :+1:

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Yeah. I really hope it gets fixed sooner than later. It is one of my most favourite camos in-game.

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The entire US arsenal will be moved to BR 5 just for your account



How dare you pick on that poor crazy insane American person and I’m the one who’s crazy here even though I’ve said nothing for a few days

You say that like I care. I run BR III and enjoy BR V matches. I THRIVE when wehraboos have something to actually complain about instead of the usual “boohoo my Tiger can’t kill everything so best WWII tank is broken! I can’t instantly delete the enemy so Germany needs buff!” And all of these were legitimate issues. I was so enjoying it

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Strong Dicker Max vs Weak US plane with HVAR\500lb bomb. Who would win?


Nice changes overall*. However one suggestion would be to make the Gorov LMG actually usable by gunners and give it BR2 when used by a gunner.

It’s a real shame that USSR has only 1 available br 2 mg and it’s worse than the captured breda from Stalingrad. Nothing like Zb-26.

*only questionable is Dicker max at BR 3. That’s an overkill maybe.

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