Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

You’re asking for too much

Soviet PPD 1929, German Erma EMP 44 and the VMP 1926 should move down to BR 3 too.

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all i can say it’s in the works.


There is a lot of useless stuff now.

“No one is going to use Panther over Tiger 1 and Tiger 2”.

“No one is going to use MKB-42 over MP-43 and STG-44”.


Also, you are thinking only from the standpoint of a veteran player who has everything unlocked.

A new player would have a both reasonable and historical progression:

Pz IV F2 and Pz IV G on BR3 and on all maps.
Pz IV J (turret skirts) and Pz IV H (side skirts) on BR4 and on late war maps.

That way it would finally make sense.


Thanks guys, that’s wonderful news! :grinning: Glad to see the Lee Enfield BR being fixed!!

Now for my second wish, more customization for British troops! :blush:

Thanks mate. Appreciate it. :+1:

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Yeah. I really hope it gets fixed sooner than later. It is one of my most favourite camos in-game.

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The entire US arsenal will be moved to BR 5 just for your account



How dare you pick on that poor crazy insane American person and I’m the one who’s crazy here even though I’ve said nothing for a few days

You say that like I care. I run BR III and enjoy BR V matches. I THRIVE when wehraboos have something to actually complain about instead of the usual “boohoo my Tiger can’t kill everything so best WWII tank is broken! I can’t instantly delete the enemy so Germany needs buff!” And all of these were legitimate issues. I was so enjoying it

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Strong Dicker Max vs Weak US plane with HVAR\500lb bomb. Who would win?


Nice changes overall*. However one suggestion would be to make the Gorov LMG actually usable by gunners and give it BR2 when used by a gunner.

It’s a real shame that USSR has only 1 available br 2 mg and it’s worse than the captured breda from Stalingrad. Nothing like Zb-26.

*only questionable is Dicker max at BR 3. That’s an overkill maybe.

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If Germany and japan’s gonna get much better we need a second paratrooper squads for low BR so we can get even with the Soviets and the allies.


Don’t almost everyone only have 1 or 2 BR II’s?

Still better than Panzer IV lol.

Think allies have 3, germans should minimum have about 5 incl. 1 prem and 1 gold.

Nice QoL patch, glad to see some BR tweaks but it does kinda feel like slapping some bandages on a gaping chest wound

I was hoping to see the M1A1 Thompson get moved from BR 3 to BR 2, the Lanchester is better and its BR 2.

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Oh yeah there’s the Vickers then the 2 Bren’s…weird why they felt the need to make us have 3 Brit guns and all of them top loaders