Making Enlisted a Better Place №58

Everything is normal. :stuck_out_tongue:

(“They” always find a way. Always)


How should I turn off this notification?
If there is no such feature please add it into the game.

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What about their BR and are there any plans to adjust other guns that are still not at a fitting BR, the Erma Emp 36 for example.


Thanks for impacts nerf.

What about these?

  • BR 4 5 removed from Stalingrad?
  • “Soft rule” to go to Tunisia when you have Crusader and to Pacific when you have Seagull?
    BR 3 now only fights in BR 2-3 and 3-4 matches?
  • Join Any Team XP bonus? Or at least hard lock * BR without up/down tiers if I agree to play “any”?
  • 1944 Pz IV J from BR 3 removed from Stalingrad and Tunisia? Soft Rule?
  • Moroccan boys don’t use bathrobes in Normandy and SAS aren’t in shorts? Volkssturm wears normal clothes in Tunisia?
  • Adaptive camo for tanks? Whitewash for winter and dark yellow for Tunisia?
  • Puma was produced from late 1943 – unlink it somehow from Stalingrad and Tunisia? Or buff it and put on BR4?
  • If I make a full Italian BR1 lineup, can I have higher chances of being put to Tunisia?

please allow us to remove the green notification at will, sometimes I just want to collect more points to get something better, the green icons drive me crazy!


A green square is constantly displayed to upgrade soldiers. Even though I have them all upgraded to the max. Each of the 4 factions has the same bug. Always a green square.


All that stuff is good and all but the Germans are still stuck with an outrageous amount of defender matches and we still have cursed windows

Just reduce carry capacity for imppact to 1…it wasnt about their power rather their spam… :man_facepalming:t2: this stupid nerf wont change spam of impacts


Some tanks and planes display a green circle with an exclamation mark that never disappears.


Nerfing everything. What a lazy way to go around problems. Limiting to one wasnt enough…. Pfff . Nerf yourselves devs


this “fix” fixes nothing - just as u said impact spammers … are exacly that spammers so fix would be reducing carry capacity of impact to 1 instead of nerfing it’s power

Im going to miss seeing the noodle people fight in tunisia and stalingrad :disappointed_relieved:

Easier to change few numbers than to lets say make new line of code limmiting carry capacity of impacts… such obvious fix to spaming problem without nerfing to oblivion - reduce carry capacity of impact instead of making it shit.


Well. No developer wants to make mistakes. This will affect his work for the worse. Therefore, the answer is quite banal - we always try not to spoil the game that we ourselves created. (yes, the author of the game you loved and the author of isolated errors in it are the same developer and basically he does 99% of the good things)


Does this mean my German Event paras can now have customization? I cant wait to get off work and check this out

Are there any news regarding out of place customisation for premium/event squads, including paratroopers?

  • Soviet paratroopers can appear on any BR but always wear late war 44-55 Amoeba uniforms even in Moscow or Stalingrad?
  • Moroccan squad wears robes in Normandy, Volkssturm wears suits in Tunisia, etc - wasn’t it planned to adopt them all to different maps? That was definitely working in one of the tests.
  • Why is dot-44 camo available as customization for pre-44 maps like Moscow, Tunisia or Stalingrad?
  • Why do Pacific preorder squads keep frog camo in Normandy and Tunisia?
  • Why don’t Italian squads have Italian European uniforms but instead wear German ones?

well if you mean you are absolutely disregarding it then yes.


I dont get it. They nerf the fun. TNT, nades, Impact nades, WP nades were all nerfed. Wtf. What is the point of playing …


Let’s all thank the Chinese community for spamming nothing but rifle nades/large bags with impact nades. So the devs could nerf impact nades. I swear we can never have anything good. Always “some group” fning things up for everyone else.


From my perspective, basically every update since merge was introducing rushed content/patches which contained unnecessary large number of bugs or features that’s going to be tweaked later.
For example APCs are obviously rushed af. You are releasing premium APC with non functional features. But we’ve learned literally on day one of the realese that those features are going to be fixed “later”.

I just want to know reason why. And I would like to know if such approach is going to be norm. I really love this game, but bugs and unfinished/rushed content is extremely frustrating to me as a player.

I’d rather have less content if it means better quality.