I have a big smile on my face now. 
Because I completed Reinforcements received: Assault engineers.
I didn’t have to participate in this event because I had purchased Stalingrad Full Access, but I played a lot of the game last month because I wanted to develop the Japanese faction that I hadn’t gotten around to.
So this event was very generous. When I completed the main task they gave me two Gold Order Tickets as well as an Assault Engineer. 
Since there are two main tasks, that means I got a total of four Gold Order Tickets.
So I now have four weapons gold order tickets along with the battle pass, the zombie event, and three vehicle tickets.
Now what shall I buy? 
Do you have any recommendations? 
Other than the Japanese saber pistol. 
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Wait 25 days for next BP season and then decide. Stuff that came with current season really isn’t worth to spend golden orders on.
And rhe rest you can just buy for golds.
Okay adam. 
Deer Developer, if you see this post, please resell this in the next BP.
M2A1 Carbine
I am missing out on buying two more.
there are just a bunch of “sunset” gold orders that I would love to see back in events / sales more often.
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Buy another T20, then wait.
I already have 4 T20s and will eventually have 6 for my engineers; you should do the same.
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I have already bought four of those.
That is not possible because you can only buy a maximum of 4 Gold weapons. 
I currently have 11 gold weapon orders, 12 gold soldier orders and 5 gold vehicle orders.
Need new content!!
Yessir. I’d spend my at least half 5-6 of my remaining GO weapons on them if I could but already maxed out.
If I remember correctly, one type of gold weapon could be purchased with money up to 2, some even 3, plus +1 gold order tickets, so you could own up to 4.
I already bought 4 T20s so that is gone from my store. 
I didn’t know this rule and thought I had purchased the maximum number of M2A1 carbines when they were on sale, but later learned that I should still have been able to purchase one or two.
Please resell them DF. 
When they changed it from one (per campaign?) to whatever it became pre-merge, it was confusing as hell (though better).
I managed to get all that was possible of the weapons I liked, but never felt that confident I remembered the rules. Way too convoluted.

What is wrong with the devs?
To be fair, I mostly am fine with limiting Gold Order weapons in some way. I just think that T20 should be tech tree.
Kurz, Condors, Mondragon, Carcano, T20, VMP (among others)…so nice.
Since the T20 is mostly M14 except for the bullet type, if it is added to the tech tree, our GI will almost reach the level of the Vietnam War. 
Can’t wait for the M16. 
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I don’t promise that what I want is fair or correct. Just that I like the notion.
Facing FG42, FG42 II and STG’s, I feel like this weapon is a good fit. (edit to add Type Hei Automatic).
BTW, the T20 has a very mild vertical recoil compared to the FG42 and AVT.
It is extremely powerful at medium ranges if you are prepared to shoot in bursts and is almost unbeatable in close combat. It is a rare P2W weapon among gold weapons.
If they move this to the tech tree (although they need to refund us the gold order ticket first), you will need to change its performance a bit. It needs to have a little more recoil and spread.
In that case, they could replace the gold version with a T20E2 with pistol grip and make the one in the tech tree a T20E1 with a little less performance. (I don’t know if the recoil would change that much with or without the pistol grip.)

Alternatively, the FG42 or AVT equivalent weapon to be added to the tech tree would have to be a different gun with slightly less performance than the T20.
In any case, the gold T20 is so powerful that it would probably need a bit more work to move an equivalent to the tech tree. 
Fair enough. Just put something that is not a goddamn Thompson somewhere in the tech tree and let US have an assault rifle (other than the BAR).
Yes, that’s what I’m waiting for too.
I have brought up the topic regarding it many times. 
U.S. automatic rifles - Suggestions - Enlisted
US Tier 5 guns - Mess Room - Enlisted
There is still space in the tech tree so it is not a question of if it will come, it is a question of when and what will come. 
I like the M14E2 really cool and am waiting for a T20E2 similar to it or an improved version of Winchester’s M1garand.