Important changes after the second test

Yes, but I don’t because you get no XP. The only reason I play customs is to check out some of the map and gameplay modded modes. I play on normal servers 99.99% of the time

Seems like an easy fix to me DF could just allow exp gain in custom games if you have at least 2 players per side.

I guess they think it would be too easy to exploit for xp is why they don’t do this?

You could just get 3 friends and say set up barb wire on the default spawns and rallies a few MGs and farm all the bot squads and take it in turn to win or lose the game.

You do you. I just don’t think what they are doing is unreasonable and I think what I am getting out of the merge is more than what I had with a monotonous Pacific Campaign.

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This seems very promising and i’m very happy with the ( proposed) changes!

good for you and all i see is getting my expensive premium squads devalued, matchmaking broken, grind increased and fun of gameplay decreased.

That would make for a far less enjoyable game. Not every decision needs to favor one subset (albeit large) of the player base…

I’m only speaking from the way I like to play and what I find most satisfying about the game. I don’t like the steamrolls at all(very boring) unless there’s an event going on with a huge number like 20k to reach in two days. I don’t want to have to play that much. I have stuff to do.

The games that are the most fun and the most memorable are the ones that you’re losing then turn around. I’ve only had a few that went overtime, and pulling those out are the best.

Tier 3 Germany and USSR contains Panzerfaust 60 aka the thing that can pen up to 180 mm of ARMOR

I would like to try tier 3 facing 1,2,4 and 5 potentially, if it doesn’t work it would be very easy to change at any point in time.

What tier were you placing?
If you’re playing Tier 3, I would suspect you’re going to be constantly grinding something.

I’d think giving tier 3s an xp boost (or a minimum xp floor for playing the round to completion) when playing against tiers 4,5 is an idea to help prevent desertion.

Tagging someone in the game with a scarlet letter as a “deserter” would be another to prevent it, but it sounds like we’re dealing with fragile people who might bail if a game called them out to the community for bad behavior.

Hyde M1944 Light Rifle had 30 round mags


I think this idea is a better solution for giving early war Engineers an automatic weapon

Now onto the Event Engineer squads, when you say Assault rifle do you mean legitimate assault rifles or do you just mean a catch all for just automatic weapon.

Because I have noticed that the various Premium Engineer squads maintain the same weapon classes as their regular counterpart, ie rifles. The only Premium Engineers that don’t have rifles are ones attached to other Premium classes, like a Premium MG or Sniper squad.

I am interested to see how these squads turn out, but I will just say that I don’t see why Engineers absolutely must have assault rifles

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pls impement silver coins to normal game

Wouldn’t that still incur the same risk of Tier 2 deserters since they’ll be facing Tier 4s?

Did DarkFlow not think to add a survey to the game so that deserters could explain why they were abandoning that game? It would certainly help with all the guesswork on what needs to be done and where it needs to be done.

Here, we call that “politics”

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Because tier 2 cannot face tier 4 with what’s proposed…


tier 3 would be too much but tier 4 might be nice as the ARs seem to be notably stronger imo.

I thought you were saying

im hoping and expecting a full perk reset come merge. not because it would be nice, or a goodwill present, but because we have soldier configurations at the moment that puts you in the NEGATIVE perk points after merge, so they should be respecced for free, left as OP as they are, or barred from playing till the value is adjusted…by paying your own silver. i guess uproar is warranted in that case.