Important changes after the second test

Sounds like a combined battle rating of all the stuff you carry with you should be calculated. Like if you have 10 bolt rifles and 1 AR, you will be matched against mostly bolt action players, which is totally fine, I really don’t get why it feels like the devs want to remove a lot of gameplay variety…

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I expect harher penalties for deserters which will make game worse for all of us.

Remember, no map veto on merge launch, pain train is gonna be deserted as always


I mean with the ''new system* the incentive to desert will be much much much higher than now.

Now its eh i didn’t get the map/mode i liked.

After that it will be

  • weapons
  • vehicles (no longer able to know what you can go up against especially in BR/Tier 3)
  • map/mode x 4-6 (depending on faction played)
  • faster queue times (encouraging desertion)
  • no penalty for deserting
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Haven’t played those. I’ve had young sons for the past 12 years and I’ve kept them from even seeing an fps.


Do you really believe so? Knowing full well how ppl are?

Looking at campaigns atm, there’s no mm, yet we see things like Tunisia allies as empty, vs axis ranks farmers.

Ppl like things easy. Thry will not endure hardship.

Coincidentally, it’s also the VERY REASON THEY ASKED FOR BR IN THE FIRST PLACE! :laughing: because they can’t be bothered to go against things stronger than what they have. It’s factual :man_shrugging:


If they stick with this idea. I think it will be imperative to attach reward streaks to continuity.

My reasoning for 3 fighting 5 is that AT LEAST you know that the other guys are also 3-5. Having a 3rd queue might be a good solution but they’re still dividing armies as well(right?) so it could be troublesome for population. Maybe they could introduce a 3rd queue later and could be further discussed after another test with the current idea they have.

I know, but I don’t understand how that could be any fun. Corpse humping someone after shooting them in the face with a plinker then taking their StG is what it’s all about.

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Exactly! As tier 3, you know there’s some who are tier 5! While also knowing they could seal club tier 1-2 instead.

Ppl are ppl. Don’t expect morality from them.

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Yeah. But I think you can easily use it without the bipod as well. I just got this picture from the internet. There are other pictures where they are firing it without the bipod equipped.

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what kind of reward gold weapon/vic orders? Because quess what in ever single other successful FPS game i can think off you have a map vote/choosing feature in either a map vote system or server browser where you can choose maps.

examples: Battlefield, CS, HLL, PS, heck even COD has limited map selection.

P.S the successful fps Battlebit has map vote/server browser too

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Both can be fun. I just don’t get the “safe space” mentality.

…it’s like kids don’t play bull in the ring anymore. You don’t always win. Sometimes you get the snot beaten out of you and everyone is ridiculing you. You play for the times when you win and everyone is screaming FOR you.

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Thank you! This for me was supposed to be the biggest advantage of the merge: More variety. But they really want to limit themselves by binding equipment to maps, which does remove the whole advantage. Also, why shouldn’t every match have all kind of tiers? Like if someone is really bad at the game but has ARs and such. Player performance should be the key factor, not game progress. A good bolt action player still wins against bad ARs players.

Let’s just hope the system, will be REALLY flexible, but in general it would be sad to see variety even more reduces as you aren’t just bound to a specific map-set but also bound to only see specific weapons most of the time. Doesn’t sound better as the campaign system at all…

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I’m very happy that you decided to ditch the preferred map system and go with a BR type system.

The new proposed tiers means new players will be protected and veterans will have a choice to engage in both high tier or low tier more chill games or if they want to play with friends who have low level gear.

Overall I’m very happy with the fact you took our feedback to heart and listened and decided to go for this approach.

The Stalingrad engineers as well is a nice touch. I don’t see it as being unbalanced as Engineers have a choice of some pretty good weapons as they currently are such as almost all gold order weapons like G43 Kurz plus FG42s so at high tier them having access to SMGs isn’t really that OP. In my opinion and this way Access pass holders don’t feel cheated.

Great work DF - Looking forward to playing with this new system!

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The solution of the Stalingrad engineers case is the best I could think of. Not only keeping the standard for engineers to not have assault rifles not to make them too OP, but also being fair to the Stalingrad access buyers and giving the possibility for every player to obtain a premium-grade squad for free. Big respect to the devs for this.


Yeah I also thought of 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5 and that has its own issues though a good idea. Like the lowest getting their ass beat by the highest. Like 1 vs 3 might be fine but depending on what they throw in 4 I could see a 2 vs 4 being almost night and day and it being a similar issue of 2 wanting to GTFO. Personally I plan on playing as 3 and I’d have to play before I knew what was best.

??? you know you can play with friends in custom lobbies too?? if you have premium account you can even set a password.

Perhaps. It’d all have to be play tested of course.

Maybe an experience boost to throw in???

Something similar to the daily play streak seems like it would be useful, but starting at a much higher streak level. I don’t think there’s any need to reward a 5 round continuity streak, for instance.

Maybe do them in 50 round increments with one or two “graces” for disconnects (3 strikes and your streak dies)

They can be fun.

But most will desert anyway. I’m basing myself on what is happening right now, in one sided campaigns

“But but but it can be fun playing the underdog!” Sure… But the vast majority just farming ranks in the most “trendy” side, seems to disagree with this notion.

Anyway, misplaced idealism doesn’t matter here.

I’m merely proposing that:

  • Tier 3, should only be facing tier 2 to 4. This way, every tier would be +/- 1, which would be more balanced, by far.

The rewards would need to be really good to convince a player such as myself to not insta desert from what i experienced on dev server.

I don’t care much for exp boosters myself unless they are really big and even then i’d need to be grinding for something.