Important changes after the second test

if that the case then yea sure like i said i love using unique gun

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It’s impossible for T2 to meet T4

Only when the merge happens:D

Keep the feedback coming, we need it!

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We were discussing hypothetical,alternative matchmaking rules, not the ones that are being formally proposed

No, the 2 proposed queues remain the same.

I just want tier3 which devs seems not knowing where to put, to only be able to face tier 2-3-4.


But wouldn’t that by necessity create a 3rd queue since 2 can’t match with 4 under the proposal?

feedback/suggestion: let sidearms benefit from ammo pouches, please. not fit for fighting any solid primary weapon, but a good QoL for those madman out there and for events and dailys that require pistol kills.

and those lovely event pistols. sweet thingies.


It’s exactly what I’m proposing.

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Not discounting your idea, but I use my 1911 an awful lot in cqb and it’s pretty effective. You have to sell out and Mozambique the target but it works well and is reasonably realistic.

And nobody plays these games. Relative to the audience base an F2P like Enlisted needs/wants.

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… I’m confused. Where did we disconnect?
Didn’t your proposal come back and mean that in your idea, there would be 3 queues:


(:point_up_2:The real ones being proposed)

And a 2-3-4 queue

Imagine you are play Counter-Strike and on Nuke map you can play shotguns and SMGs only, while on Dust2 you have all the weapons, while on Inferno pistol and knife only. etc

Yup, this is a thing apparently in Enlisted.

Why would anyone wanna be free and play any map ? Who would want to play more than 1 map eh?

First, they distributed all the weapons into the letters M, S, T, N, B. The players didn’t like it. Then they made the numbers M=1,S=2,T=3,N-4,B=5 from the letters. And everyone is happy… nothing has changed. Letters to numbers, numbers to letters))


I don’t see a reason to grind anything rank 5 (even tho i’ll have multiple rank 5 things already unlocked) and i don’t see a reason to play against sweats.

I mainly play Moscow, Pacific and Tunisia nowdays many of those squads will be rank 4-5 after merge as such i’d need to redo basically all of my squads no amount of reward exp would satisfy me.

even if i had deserter next to my name you thing that would stop me from quitting out? LOL no it wouldn’t.

  • what i dislike about normandy is the constant arty/bomber/grenade spam
  • Berlin is ok to meh i enjoy it from time to time
  • Stalingrad i don’t like the maps they are too cluttered which leads to janky AI pathing issues and many chokepoints

i enjoy using iconic ww2 weapons in lesser known locations basically.

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there is a small, extremely vocal and not 100% wrong minority that prefers historical presence of weapons in their theatres and limited to those only, than free for all buffet all over.


I’m not entirely on board with this yet another step in figuring out the major overhaul, but like with many things I think it may have a little potential. Things could certainly be tweaked

And just like everything, things are always liable to change

The last time I played HLL it has like 20 lobbies filled with 100 players… in 1 server… is not dead but is a niche genre which is a lot of players

Or just Check Battlebit Remastered, that shite has 10k average daily, with multiple Lobbies of 254 players and ever week has a new update/improvement…

I greatly prefer historical accuracy to any weapon anywhere at any time. But that doesn’t mean I can’t minorly suspend disbelief to enjoy a battle. The biggest PPPPFFFFFFFFFFFHHHHHTTTT to me was jumping into Normandy with a Springfield rifle like it was 1918. It was idiotic, but I saw an upgrade path through it, I held my nose, I saved all my weapon orders, and I bought everyone a Garand.

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Yeah. Me as well.

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I think I get it.

What I’m saying is there shouldn’t be such a high variation for mid tier. Tier 3 should be locked from meeting tiers 1 and 5.

Tier 1 should see at most tier 2…
Tier 5, a least tier 4…

Tier 2 and tier 4 would see the most variety:

1-2-3 (for tier 2)
3-4-5 (when being tier 4)

  • in short. Your br, +/-1.

Yeah it’s probably creating more queues :thinking:

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Or in a modern military shooter like Battlefield where in Russian maps, you cannot use modern Russian AKs because high level gun or something stupid with the BR system but instead gives you Middle East loadouts.