Important changes after the second test

And F2P relative, WoT and WT has 10millions total players, CoD exist, Fornite exist, Apex Legend Exist, CS:GO and CS2 exist, CF exist…

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You know why Gaijin took a long time to decompress the BRs in War Thunder because they are trying to defend the BR compression using queue times as an excuse


I am fine playing Normandy and Berlin only though, why map selection is not a thing in this game out of custom match?

In all honesty, I think a 3rd matchmaking queue would actually be a great way to restore some of the chaos, create smoother progression, and possibly make matchmaking easier since a 2 could match 1-2-3 OR 2-3-4.

The only groups that would be SOL on the matchmaking would be 1 and 5. If they added an “elective, free for all” option that would allow lower tiers to match into upper tier games (which would only happen for wait times; priority in higher games to higher tiers) then I actually really like that idea compared to the currently proposed options.


Nice changes, I think you guys handled this the best you could have.
huge props to the devs to largely fixing problems when the players give feedback.

Those are super low numbers compared to any profitable F2P FPS.

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What changes man? It’s the same deal.

Weapons are tied to maps just like MSBTNP, BR level 3 can go and demolish level 1s and 2s and they can get rekt by 4s and 5s. The only thing they adjusted is that 1s and 2s cant play vs 4s and 5s. In terms of balance it’s still bad.

But it’s the same system just with numbers.

How are people so blind. Wake up.



Finally we understood each others and reached common grounds!

I honestly think it would make things more balanced for everyone… We do with what we have…


I rolled my eyes so hard here I think I bruised my brain. Look dude. If you can’t see the fundamental differences here that’s on you.

Explain, in depth. make me understand, Go.

the denomination of tiers is of no importance, it would work with any definitiion as long as its clear. the important part is that t1-t2 WILL NOT meet t4-t5 by hard locking the queues.

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The differences in the new system have two fundamental changes. First, more maps for more sets of gear. Meaning you get more diversity in gameplay than the old system. Second, the MM is a more clear system that can be balanced quite easily. The old system was more confusing and had less gameplay diversity. If your problem is with balance, well, IDK what to tell you. Balance is already awful in this game. Almost nothing they can do won’t improve the situation.

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One potential of this system is it can improve historical immersion here and there.

I suggest making it so 4 can play with 5, but 5 can’t play with 4. I will explain

If you make the M2 carbine and say Pershing Level 5, they would make it so only they would appear in 1945 invasion of Germany maps, when they were used

So if I have an M1 Garand I can be in Normandy, Market Garden, Battle of the Bulge, and the invasion of Germany; but if I have an M2 Carbine I can only be in the invasion of Germany. If I have a Sherman I can be in all of the maps, but if I have a Pershing I can only be in Germany

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I like the change, I would prefer a bit more granularity in the BR’s, but we’ll see how it goes.
I think the assault engineer plan is a good one, plus it adds content for everyone.

That said, I’m unsure how some specific premium packs will function in a BR system. Squads like the mg42 early squad, for example, are Moscow now…but in the new system will likely be normandy. Will there be any sort of concession for those squads, or will they just have to deal? Same with say, my Lewis Gun Squad. Will it be in tier 3? Or 4? It’s effectively just a 5 man of dp-27’s, but I’m still curious.

Along with this, how will ‘middle’ guns be affected? There’s a lot of thompsons, for example, and I’d like to use at least one or two of them outside of high tier (Normandy). Same with the PPD’s with drums. Will it be possible to use the lower tier PPD/PPSH’s in lower tiers. I understand the drum mags do make them quite powerful and it’s totally understandable they would all be locked to higher tier to prevent stacking of the slightly worse variants for the advantage.

Also, I’m unsure if anyone suggested this, but perhaps there can be a button for Germany and US to decide what nationality of troop you want. So, a toggle to allow for Italian/British soldiers instead of German/American.

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Only the binding of the weapons to the maps was not lifted. That’s why nothing has improved significantly here at all. At least not for me. I still want to be able to play with higher-quality weapons in Moscow or elsewhere. That’s exactly what’s no longer possible with this system. Sorry, I would have expected a little more.

Namely, programming in such a way that high-quality weapons (which were present at the time of the battle) can also play with veterans on all maps. Without restrictions and without hurting others (newcomers). Or to allow newcomers to play newcomer battles in Berlin or elsewhere. This serious restriction of maps is still there and it sucks.

The veterans and old players lose almost half of the playable maps here. I hope nobody expects me to like that.


That’s on the “historical” crowd.

Overall it still is substantially improved.

Yes I am an advocate for an independent British faction, but I will say for now I don’t mind if America and Britain are attached but ONLY for the European theatre.

I don’t want to see Brits storming the beaches of Iwo Jima with Churchill tanks

In before “but….”. Yes Britain also fought in the Pacific but at their own specific regions. If the Brits are attached everywhere it will ruin the atmosphere of some maps.

Britain played a much larger role in Europe anyway, so I’d rather put up with them being stuck with America there.

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Love this idea

you literally just explained how there is basically 0 difference between the systems since you can adjust in both. One just has a lot more adjustment (the old one).

How would a Tiger be implemented for it to serve in Tunisia, since that was when the Allies first encountered them. I couldn’t see them making it Tier 2

And I obviously wouldn’t want a Tiger in Moscow for historical reasons