Important changes after the second test

In Armored Warfare vehicles are grouped into 10 tiers, and for a battle in ±1 tier a player wait only about 1 minute !

I only want to see Brits in Europe, North Africa, and Italy (eventually), and Italians only in Stalingrad, Tunisia, and Sicily (eventually)

I don’t want to see Italian paratroopers defending the beaches on Normandy

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they could implement them in tunisia very easily, by adding some tiger wrecks here and there in the maps and selling it as “tigers were here just yesterday, but in this particular 20 minutes, 20 square meter arena you are fighting, germany has none functioning at the moment since the entire bataillon was destroyed”

just because you dont see them in tunisia, doesnt mean they are not in tunisia…they could be behind the next hill! (most probably camping in the wrong grey zone)

“you cant always find the archmage where he is, but sometimes you can find him where he is not”

Good job😀 lov u

Again, if you can’t see the major differences here that’s on you. I also really don’t get what the fuss is about. Effectively three tiers is all this game really needs. It’s not like the weapons are THAT different. Sure the tanks are, but outside of that, three tiers is easily fine. If you think the weapons need more granularity at that I’m tempted to say “skill issue”

Where is the balance awful other than in Tunisia?
I play Allies in Normandy and Pacific.
Game seems pretty balanced to me in both theaters.

Good stuff!

One further suggestion - give some indication of what BR the squad and the lineup is before we hit the Battle button. I know not strictly necessary, but it would be a nice QoL update.

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I hope these squads don’t have explicit assault rifles, because I prefer weapon classes distinct, but you mean AUTOMATIC RIFLEMEN type weapons

The only thing I could imagine for Japan would be a captured M1 carbine that was modified to be automatic captured on Peleliu. Look it up

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I think there is going to be a necessity for players to be able to choose different squad rosters by location.

If I could put together
a Tier 5 roster,
a Tier 3 roster,
a Tier 2 roster

And have matchmaking work in descending order so that I get to play the maps I want to play without having to constantly monkey around with my squad setups, I could get behind that.


There is no balance. People with starter weapons play people with everything unlocked routinely.

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You have not explained anything this is just random copium.


I don’t consider that inherently unbalanced and I started as Tier 1 in July.

Why do you consider this to be a problem?

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People are still playing counterstrike?
Haven’t played it since 2003.

Even if you ignore HA there are even less reason to not let us play on those maps in HIGH BR matches against HIGH BR players, i want Moscow to be playable there with my high end gear as we could play for the past 2 years, removing that ability suddenly after 2 years is just awful and a very lazy move made by the devs that don’t want to spend a bit more time tweaking the merge it’s obvious that weapons are still tied to the maps. It should be like in WT where low br starts with 40% of the maps and with higher BR levels it finally opens up to the pool consists of all maps in the game (it will still roll low BR maps). Lack of PPSh-41 drum in Moscow is just sad and Fedorovs wouldn’t even exist post Moscow.


For pure clarity, the StG-44 was the very first assault rifle ever produced. Sturmgewehr literally means “assault rifle.”

The Soviets copied and embellished the design for the AK-47. The United States stuck with Battle Rifles through the M14 and didn’t issue an assault rifle until the AR-15 platform prototypes were sent to Air Force specialists in the Vietnam War as the XM16E1

…they CAN’T add more assault rifles to WW2 (Only Germans had them) and keep anything close to historical accuracy.


I don’t care about balance in the this is stronger than that sense, because I view this game is a combined arms sandbox and as I say, sometimes you get blown up, sometimes you’re the one blowing up others. I find everything has its place. A bolt action has its job like an LMG has its job. Like a bolt can beat a M2 and a M2 can beat a bolt in certain situations. Of coarse I’d prefer the M2 only be available in 1945 Germany maps but that’s a separate issue

I’m more on the historical immersion side. If the Soviets used the KV-2 in Moscow I want it there. Or the PPSH should be in every single battle. Even the IL-2 should be in every battle. Or I think the Tiger should be in Tunisia because that’s when it first served


Mkb42 was first mate not stg44, soviets had their as-44 which was actual inspiration for ak-47 not stg44 (but it was inspired by that gun and also m1 garand)

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To be fair the Mkb was the grandfather of the Stg so it’s all the same family

  • I like the game we have
  • i am anti merge in its current form
  • i am anti tier system since i KNOW it doesn’t work from wt

i don’t think weapons need to me more separated in fact i am FINE with current system.
All the current system needs is some cross campaign progression.
Unlocked mp40 in moscow? you have it in stalingrad, normandy, tunisia and berlin too!

P.S you have a skill issue


Labeling the Mkb42 as an assault rifle is anachronistic.The AS-44 was never actually produced; only a few prototypes were ever created.

The Maschinenkarabiner was more a “supersubmachine gun” than an assault rifle.

The AS-44 provided the bulk of the AK-47’s ergonomics; the StG-44/45 provided its internal firing operation.

The primary distinction that an “assault rifle” has is that it can reliably operate in all squad roles. You don’t have one squad with submachine guns and a separate squad with battle rifles having to link up in order to assault a fixed position. If a rifleman gets dropped, the commanding officer doesn’t have to worry about whether he has enough downrange cover fire for his assault squad. Everyone (other than a dedicated machine gunner) has the same rifle in the same caliber that is sized in an intermediate cartridge range so that when in CQB, it performs as well as an SMG(required characteristic of an assault rifle is for it to fire both semi-automatic and either in full auto or burst) and from cover, it has enough stopping power at range to be useful for troop suppression.

These squad tactics were not used through the bulk of WW2. You had dedicated squads with dedicated equipment. The Germans were first to deploy these squad tactics with the innovation of the SturmGewehr-44 and is literally why we call all of its descendants “assault rifles” rather than “machine carbines.”

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