Important changes after the second test

Keep the discussion civil and avoid personal feud

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checked a few minutes ago CS 2 has 800k active players

That would mean they need to find 4 automatic rifle (and I guess carbine since the M2 is a Rifleman weapon) for these Engineer squads.

I think the Japanese auto M1 carbine would be good. I don’t think it should be the Type Hei automatic because that’s more of an LMG. It’s nifty having a small cqw as an Engineer

The Americans could get an automatic mag fed M1 Gatand, yes yes I know we have the T20 but remember this game has lots of variants of guns, like we have 3 Type Hei’s. Or maybe the Hyde 1944. Maybe British has some weapon

Germany could have the Gustloff Mkb like my suggestion

I’m sure the Soviets have some rare prototype somewhere

The matchmaker is everything in a multiplayer game so I’m not going to complain about what I’m asking for, I consider the rest to be part of the game, the weapons and that, because if I tried to be really realistic the Germans would always win.
and this because you could not overwhelm them with quantities over qualities as was the case in reality. So I hope the matchmaking improves, for now it’s basically unbearable, it leaves you with two options: either you desert or you die every 20 seconds.
I added that this game mode of points a, b and c is basically a race of headless chickens, more boring than sucking a nail.
It would be good if they removed it and put in another type of replacement mode. I don’t give ideas because no one pays me for them, so I leave it in their hands and with confidence because the game is truly great.
greetings, I send you a hug

Absolute nonsense to force to play berlin If I want normandy, emadiate exit from game!!! Keep campaings or prefered maps!

The Best outcome, really looking forward to, thank you very very much…

L take

Or display campaingns and maps playing to connect to. Based on preferences…

lol no, it works just like the warthunder BR system just like everyone suggested it should be. its completely different. you can only get matches +/- your BR. This is balanced because there isn’t much different between actual ranks of weapons. it works perfectly and will just make sense. I don’t need to “wake up” (very edgy btw) you need to stop being so negative.

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it doesn’t work in wt it won’t work in enlisted.


It will just make sense
Nvidia are hiring btw. It just works. apply your CV

Since individual campaigns have been abandoned, is there any chance Soviets could also fight in pacific? it would offer more map and gameplay variety for players while also shortening queue times. It’s also bonus for historical accuracy since Soviet military involvement in the pacific, though not as major as Europe, was not insignificant.

No, only low-BR Western allies and the Japanese will fight there.

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USSR and Japan had a few fights early in the war in China and a few fights in 1945 on the northern islands.


This is happening now because in the game it is the same that a team always has super planes, they shoot without aiming, they run like hares, you shoot them from two meters in the chest and the shot does nothing, the opposing team is always full of general marshals, etc., when it goes to be this patch.
And I added, if one team doesn’t have aviation, the other doesn’t either, because otherwise it’s an aviation game against useful idiots who entertain them. I repeat, I don’t care about winning or losing, but not being able to leave 20 meters from the starting point is ridiculous.

2 squads for free if you have Stalingrad Full that sounds pretty good but what kind of assaulter weapons do they carry ? Maybe MKb42 Germany and AVT-40 for USSR ?

I just feel bad for Japan they are constantly getting destroyed by USA and now with the merge its just getting worse.

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Where are you seeing this? I don’t see it at all in Normandy and the Pacific where I play.

You can always dessert if they put you on berlin and then queue again till you are in normandy.

I don’t think there needs to be an obsession with Engineers having an assault rifle, and the AVT is an auto rifle

The new Engineer squads should have an Auto rifle or automatic carbine to keep their weapon classes in line