Important changes after the second test

I am very happy with the choice of Stalingrad engineers. Good compromise.

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Its for the assaulter class tho, otherwise you could take into account that the M2 Carbine is available for every rifleman so you can get a whole squad of M2 carbines thats possible.

The MKb is also a carbine as the name suggests but its locked to assaulters they gotta add some fairness here.

We have discussed where to put automatic carbines, I have even suggested they could be given to assaulters. But for the time being the few auto carbines are riflemen weapons

And the Mkb is a carbine in name only because this new class of weapon was slowly breaking out of its cocoon. Assault rifles were basically the evolution of the SMG

It doesnt change the fact that it is a carbine dont mistake it for an StG-44 they have a whole different layout and internal components.

Another important topic we should discuss are custom loadouts for paratroopers currently its a wet dream seeing all german paratroopers carry FG-42 or prototype variants, paratroopers are considered special forces but that doesnt mean all of them use the same weapon we should be able to give them what we like, or whats historically possible, of course you cant give them a MG-42 with 250rnd belt fed magazine but you could give them rifles G43,K98 even with scope thats possible, so you can ditch the giant crate and replace it with the small paratrooper cases germany used filled with panzerfausts and extra ammo grenades and whatnot.

What would you say differentiates a carbine from an assault rifle, because the Mkb fires the same exact round as the Stg and was basically an assault rifle before the term was even invented. In an alternate universe where the term AR was never invented would that make the Stg 44 a carbine like it’s parent the Mkb

In fact some would say an SMG is basically a carbine

In game we have few carbines besides shortened rifles. Like the M1, SW 1940, and pistol carbines as well

Very good update. This looks to be a sensible system, one that I may have even seen proposed on this very forum.

The allied forces called it an assault rifle because it looks like an assault rifle to them i mean they havent seen anything like that before, but its a carbine in the very core, the StG-44 is different THATS actually an assault rifle, its way more accurate and powerful designed as a replacement for all K98s of course thats not possible resource wise, but this was the base thought, these are some important aspects which make these two guns different.

Another example is the “LAD” its designed and designated as an LMG but in enlisted its available for every assaulter, you dont need a dedicated machine gunner, and theres the imbalance again.

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Wtf are you on? It works fine in Warthunder.

Yeh no it doesn’t i’ve literally got multiple nations at rank 7/8 with 1000s of hours in the game as well as multiple friends who have it too and multiple BRs are just straight up unplayable or ruined by certain vehicles.
The game only has map issues and even greater immersion issues than enlisted.

Example cold war tanks/AAs at lower BRs than heavy tanks they can front pen…


WT is a shiteshow with all the grind, stadistic BR changes, modern vehicle vs WWII vehicles, MOFO, whales, economy…


Carbines were desired for their lighter weight, smaller size, and maintained effectiveness of battle rifles out to the range that WW2 infantry battles commonly experienced. They weren’t really “coming out of their cocoon” so much as the battle rifle was rendered mostly ineffective and the design parameters that were designed into them weren’t important anymore.

The assault rifle was not an evolution of the smg, per se; it was an innovation following the complete obsolescence of the battle rifle and the desire to produce a squad infantry weapon that could function in all practical squad roles.

The Kar98k was designed specifically for maintaining accuracy to a range which was impractical for a common infantryman. In the actual battles that actually occurred, the Kar98k was a liability to any German infantryman whose position was known.

After it came to be known that battle rifle range was not a valuable design parameter and could be completely discarded, the “storm rifle” was born with the Stürmgewehr 44


Instead of automatically assigning maps based on Battle rating, I think you guys should have a lobby system. Everyone with or around the same battle rating after they queued for a match should then be placed in a pre game lobby. WIthin that lobby, players will then have the ability to vote on what map they would like to play. Every player will have 3 votes for which maps they would like to play and 1 skip vote for a map they would not like to play. Whatever map has the most player votes and the least amount of skip votes, that map will be selected. This will accomplish two things, one players will get to actually chose which maps to play and two it will fix players joining games late.

T2 Germany has Panzer III N, Mannlicher 1895 and Beretta M38. Enough to deal with anything Tier 3, 2 and 1 could throw at it.
If this is the BR system we will have than, this and br 5 will be my hunting ground. It took me 2 minutes to build this “deck”.
I kindly advise everyone to start doing the same because grind at the moment might be more favourable.

I though T2 for german is Pz III J, those with 50mm, Pz III N is Tier 3

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I’ve been playing the game for damn near a decade. It’s fine.

Im using this as reference:
True, Pz3N is T3 according to this, PzIV F1 is T2

i have the feelign that this match making is gonna hurt the game


good joke i played it since 2012. And i’ve seen whole BRs die out or been swamped by cold war ear vics.
Perhaps you’ve played it for a decade but how many tech trees have you truly grinded to top tier?
Because i have grinded many including US, USSR, Germany, Japan, France, Israel as well as to higher tiers in italy and UK it is not fine.

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