Important changes after the second test

with BR 3 ±2? yup

with BR 3 ±1? Salvageable

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Honestly, I don’t think it will be that bad. For one, it’s way better than what we have now, as opposed to brand new players getting clubbed. And then there are many weapons that remain competitive into end game. Such as MP40, Lanchester, BAR, etc.

Of course, only time will tell.


Any chance to simply have both an unlock tech tree and have a battle rating map in game for easy reference?

You must play in the armed team to win that has 2 marshals two generals and that with two planes they win the battle and make it unplayable for all those of lower rank because for some unknown reason they cannot put 1 general and a marshal on each team , so if it happens on all maps all modes all the time. Because it is easy to solve, you prevent an army from being chosen and in the assembly you divide the highest-ranking teams among the teams. It is basic for at least anyone who has played multiplayer games for 20 years.
In this way the game is unplayable because you never reach the high levels unless you pay or it is free to play pay to have fun

Today the game was unplayable, a meaningless game where two players with their planes destroy battle after battle to the lower ranked players. I don’t know where the promoted improvement is, because it is easy, you get the possibility of choosing to play only with a certain army and the matchmaker. choose for you by dividing the high ranks between the two teams. I don’t know why this is not the case from the beginning. I assume that those who make the game do not play games if it is not explained.

Do you beans think the update will release on the 22nd or close to then? With some study of the recent news it would make sense.

Thats a good idea :bulb: :ok_hand:

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Have your engineers place aaa guns and shoot them down. I’ve been in winning battles where we were all lieutenants+colonels+sargeants and the other side was all colonels and generals. My experience with the game isn’t the same as yours. Which campaign are you playing? Is it possible to be location specific? Normandy doesn’t seem to have this problem.

I don’t want to play Axis. If the game were to sort me onto the Axis side, I’d bounce.

Because it’s a WW2 first person shooter. Citizens of Allied countries generally don’t want to play as the enemy. I’d play as a German as a kid when we were playing in the woods, but that was because NOBODY wanted to play as the Germans and I was doing it so the game could be played.

Here we have people who want to play as Germans, people who want to play as the Allied Forces, and you’re going to try to say that I have to be randomly assigned to the enemy???

No way, Jose.

How will you accomplish this without breaking historical accuracy since only the Germans had assault rifles in WW2?


This group of “sad players” paid their money and probably a whole bunch of extra silver orders to equip their engineers with MKb’s and Fedorovs. It’s quite fair to let them keep some of the fun, and at the same time giving some unique squads to the F2P players. I didn’t buy the Stalingrad expansion but fully support the move the devs made in this case.

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That it will

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Balance is never as important as realistic.
If you abandon KV-1 from Moscow, than why not let tiger available here?
Why don’t you let Is-2 against tiger at Moscow? This way is also a balance way.

Please let the weapons appear at their right battlefields.


Personally, I hope for this weapon; a Type Hei derived automatic rifle meant as a squad automatic weapon, this particular example is housing a 30 round magazine, but there is an image of it carrying a gun shield as well as a 20 round magazine.

Ultra Light Machine Gun

I think it would be an excellent tier 5 automatic rifleman weapon in my opinion however, a bit like the FG 42 II, M2 Carbine, and AVT-40, which in fairness would be more fitting as it fired the full powered 6.5x50SR rifle cartridge, making it a bonafide automatic rifle.


Seriously, how can I get the weapons if I can’t leave the starting point, you have to play 50 battles only with the engineers to get the improvements to get to those weapons, I don’t know what your intention is, no one here says that the game is bad, yes Not that it is being used unfairly with new players and with those who do not pay anything but I do not need battle advice, apart from that there are certain maps, for example in Tunisia, when you attack a bitch, it is on the edge of the end of the map and the enemies come from a place where you cannot go and you cannot shoot at it with anything because they are not there for you, the artillery does not reach there, the tanks nor the infantry can flank, so

I’m not quite sure I know what you’re referring to. Give me an example of where you’re unable to leave the starting point. Where are you at and which side are you playing? Maybe you know something I don’t because I only play Allies in Normandy and Pacific.

You were the one saying that airplanes were giving you trouble and that you were having problems leaving starting spawn. I thought saying “shoot them down” wasn’t so much battle advice but a slightly subtle way of asking “why don’t you shoot them down?”

I don’t play Tunisia, so I’d have to defer to someone with more familiarity to chime in with whether or not this is something specific to Tunisia. But it sounds like you’re describing the grey zone. Yeah, you have to airstrike them to punch them out of there. There are a few ideas floating around about trying to make the grey zone limited accessible to attackers, but I’m not sure if Darkflow is receiving any of those ideas and recommendations.

Look, I’m not here to complain because I’m crazy, I’m here to tell what happens in the game.
Afterwards, I don’t know who or where those who play with the Germans are from, but what you say doesn’t make sense, excuse me.
If you don’t like it, that’s fine, that’s not up for discussion, and just because certain things don’t happen to you that involve game situations that aren’t desirable doesn’t mean they don’t happen either.
If the problems that I found in the game’s gameplay were possible to solve by playing, I wouldn’t be wasting my gaming time writing here.
I mean, let’s give an example, I know that as an infantry to destroy a tank I have to wait for it to pass without him seeing me approach it and throw a load of dynamite at it, but for that the tank has to be within the area in which the game tells me. It allows you to go if it’s outside I can’t do it like that I have to have things that the game gives you by accumulating experience, which is the reason for all these posts that the matchmaking makes it very difficult to have the necessary weapons to destroy, for example, a a tank positioned at the outer limit of the playing area.
So instead of getting 2000 experience points in that battle, you get 300

It would honestly be more accurate to compare it to the Federov. Similar weight and magazine capacity, and fired the same round.

But I agree, it would make a great addition to the game!


The thing is that to be able to take them down you have to have a range that is not because it is almost impossible to play. It’s like putting Mike Tyson to fight with your grandpa in a wheelchair. What are you going to say to the old bully, dodge him?
Apart from that, AAA cannons have 40 bullets and airplanes have 40 bullets. How do I reload the cannon later if I kill the engineers and I can’t return to battle with them immediately?
Now when both teams have planes, that doesn’t happen because the planes cancel each other out until one or the other wins, but in the meantime you can take a point or score 50 enemies while they fight.

I thought you were saying that the game should evenly distribute people by rank across the two belligerents and that I wouldn’t get to choose whether I was going to play Axis or Allies.

I will not play Axis.
I won’t play as the Germans.
I won’t play as the Japanese.

I won’t drive a German car or a Japanese car out of principle (never have; never will)

I’m trying to understand what problem you’re having so that I can understand whether I should sympathize with the problem. I was a brand new player in July.

Cool, I’m really starting to look forward to the merge update. Good work developer team!