Important changes after the second test

Is that a real example? Is the MP40 weighed as a tier 4?

it was on 2nd dev server As my MP40 equipt Pz38T tankers were N/B matchmaking

That is going to lock people into a small number of maps?

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basically and tier 4/5 equipment is Berlin/Nromandy maps

Answer from out cat helper


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all my weapons are the latest and are upgraded to the last star I think I will never win a match again if they put me against angry Chinese people😂

I always cover that MG with snipers so that squads can advance, so maybe you just haven’t gotten a chance to play with me lol

I don’t play to be the hero. I play to win the battle. I nearly always stay back in the first bunker with my sniper and an ammo box and make sure no Krauts get to the mgs, I scope spot German infantry positions so the advancing troops know which side counterattacks are coming from, and snipe the ones that stand still to take cover.


Thank you for compensation :slight_smile:

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Exactly this. The previous test didn’t give a damn about noobs vs high levels and this is actual proper matchmaking based on balance rather than whatever the Preferred crap was. This newer version also ensures everyone (besides tier 5 US, until Japan is expanded) has 2-3 map packs instead of anyone with a good gun only going to Berlin or Normandy. This new system is also decent for historical accuracy which lets be real 100% accuracy isn’t possible so this is a great compromise between historical accuracy, map variety and balance. As they add more maps and updates in the future I think they’ll build them with the tier system in mind to make sure everyone has maps, like adding tier 5 Japanese fixes the US’s tier 5.

The new system isn’t good for either and WT is a great example of it.
also Historical Authenticity =/= accuracy


As soon as it ready.


Can’t say any concrete words for it for now


Seriously, who ever of the devs came up with the idea of BR3 being queued in all maps is a pure genius - however, it needs to be seen how this will play out in the end.

Potentially a massive fix to the matchmaking question.


It’s certainly possible to make it historically accurate, but it wouldn’t be fun for everybody. Wars are never fought out of “fairness.” The German bolt-action Kar98ks were GI while every Ally infantryman was shooting at them with a Garand. The FW-190 gave the Germans early air superiority until Allies responded with the Tempest and the Mustang. There were very few “balanced” battles. Someone always had an advantage and exploited it. That’s war.

…zoomers don’t like reality


with what a mess dev 1 and 2 have been we’ll need at least 2-3 more tests before its even remotely ready for consideration…


We need historical accuracy, and the map system was good, just flawed in a Way


those really seems like good changes, sounds nice and easier to understand at a glance, which is always good for new victims coming to the game

perhaps a little fine tuning, altering a little the T3 matching, and make it match 2-3-4, leaving 1 and 5 out? or is it already implied in


btw, please could you add one or two more mag to the event pistols? they are just too much fun to be left as a meme! or perhaps let sidearms benefit from ammo pouches?

How this idea will work out will ultimately come down to exactly what it means to be Tier 3.

If being in the “lower bracket” means that I would never see an MP40, an MG42, or an StG44, then I don’t want to play that game. I think in order for this to work, it must be proportional rather than binary. Being in the lower bracket doesn’t mean you NEVER see those weapons, just that not everybody will have them. Let there be ONE OR TWO MG42 and ONE OR TWO BAR squads availae on each side. I think the way that gets balanced is that (using those as examples) they HAVE to go Tier 3 and get distributed low or high based on the number permitted per bracket.

I know if I were Tier 1/2, I’d want to have an option to play Free For All and throw in with everybody. These games ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS get stagnant and boring when everyone is running around with god weapons and absolutely everybody knows every nook and cranny of all the maps.

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300 comments under 5 hours on a friday, we forum dwellers out performed ourselves today.

…Ratiod the hell out of em