Important changes after the second test

Terrible decission after terrible decision. I can’t prepare enough pop corn to watch this whole project burn to ground.


I have faith the in devs, once BR is implemented they will tinker with the ratings to not have repeating maps all the time. Especially when new maps/armies come out


Could you show us what you mean by that? Is the PPSH41 a starting weapon or something? Could we get an example of what you mean by that?


What was the problem with adding BR matchmaking preferences on top of desired/undesired maps?

Gaijin just wants more kids to play Fortnitelisted and splash cash on counter to counter to counter where peEmiUMs have lower BR than tree variants.

Been there.


This is the right compromise. It was not right to delete it under the pretext of balance. It could be a technical issue, or it could be something specific users have complained about. But the developers probably know this. Trust is important for gaming companies. If you advertise certain things and then suddenly delete those facts, isn’t that the same as fraud? It is correct to ask for understanding in this regard and provide an alternative or reasonable compensation.

The problem with limited events is that you just need to reactivate the event every specific term. There is already one more event sprinkled in-game (30 cal Thompson, etc…)


Example from the test server: Pz 2 F is in Tier 3 in the tech tree, but it’s actual tier for map preferences was tier 1.
So it’s possible for something to have a different BR despite being a certain tier


Ok, that sounds fair. :+1:

that is very interesting maybe have the “tier” in tech tree be years instead? just a suggestion from me dont know if people gonna find that more interesting or worse i always make thing worst somehow


not entirely on board with that.

it kinda was. especially when justified and the results were shown in the first test.

which happens all the time for said balance.

weather can be a good thing, or not.
( and when justified or not )

conpensation for what.

fairly sure you as much as me had planty of time to use ars on engies.
it was a feature of the campaign.

and since campaign will kinda go away, so those features with it.

it’s not unresanable especially since it would have turned for the worse up tiers.

always ending up facing ARs around every corner.

on this perhaps i agree :+1:


“Sad players”

Mate, People bought the access pass and barely get much out of it: Sure we get to keep the mp-717, Thompson, T-34 black, Panzer IV G.

But we lose:
Faster grinding
Soldiers being at 4 stars.
AR engineers.
Weapons being at near maxed level.


Stalingrad owners should’ve got 2 for the Germans and soviets. Instead they get the exact same thing as someone who never bought the pack but it’s only sped up. Rather dissapointing tbh. I feel like the odds will be high that the Western allies/Japanese will be at the very end of the event. So they’ll still have to grind it out.

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or it would use the old event squad card system that was very short live from my memory

Everyone could grind mp717, Thompson was only partially exclusive you could transfer Tunisian ones to Stalingrad and keep them as Soviets, T-34 STZ Black was a gold order vehicle, PZIVG is the only true exclusive in Stalingrad FA so you paid money only for temporal faster grind, slots, 2 shitty flamethrower premiums that you can’t use because they are so weak and PZ4G and that’s it.


I get that too. I think it would be better to have the Soviet and German squads at the end and the US and Japanese equipment at the front. Then people who buy the pack won’t have to research it, saving some time.


that might work with tanks and planes, but not with weapons.
Federov would come before all soviet smg, AVS was adopted in 1936 before SVT.
Germans would start with mp40, mg34 and k98k, americans with garand, BAR and thompson.

actually faster mg42 and dt29 too cause those are “technically” end game while in stalingrad it apparently a mid tier

it like lvl 19 there isnt it?

ah right that would confuse people i guess

Those were never exclusive and you couldn’t transfer and play with them instantly without a massive grind in other campaign.

BTW mg42 is lvl 18 in Berlin while in Stalingrad it’s lvl 19

yea but what im saying is people who buy it (assuming that they didnt have these before) will get them way faster than everyone since it only like lvl19 compare to moscow lvl30 and berlin lvl24(i think)

oh i didnt know that

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Nope it’s earlier in Berlin lvl 18