Important changes after the second test

That’s good to know. Do equipments like tnt and ammo poche have br?

No, it’s only maximum 1, hence the “without hurry” part because you wouldn’t have to grind for the squad


I hope the BR system will working with Map preferences.


Of course not.

But, for once, it will be really good to play an event in super relax mode, knowing that the big prizes are yours no matter what.

i mean if it like warthunder having a chance to relax is a good thing imo beside how often would you get that lucky to see low tier than same tier or high tier? probably 33% i guess

Thank you for that !!!


ah so are you gonna use that squad card that you introduce before? cause it make sense to use that system i guess since we gonna have 1 for each nation

anyone else remember that squad card event system? cause i do

Like seriously what did you devs expect with this test putting tier 1 vs tier 5?

This was done on purpose to make the game feel super unbalanced and present the shitting on history as “you asked for this guys”.

Congrats on making BFV but worse.


Oh wow, another step based on HnG? Then how much to modify and maintenance fee? :rofl:

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Thank you for seeing reason, DF
Have a great weekend


You coming from CBT should know better. You know full well that the campaign system was unsustainable in its current format. You cannot keep splitting the playerbase up across multiple campaigns, because like now. Some will be just BOT farms with your “historical vehicles” while everyone else plays Normandy.


That’s fine. But I still hope they can change the rewards for players with Stalingrad Full Access to something else in event. Otherwise it will make me feel grind for nothing.


Without integration, it would have failed long ago. I think the system of dividing into maps like the last Dev is also wrong. You can simply exclude Stalingrad from Tier 5. The German army even used the Tiger near Stalingrad.
This method is much better. All you have to do is modify the details little by little. This is an area that can be improved by adding more maps and increasing variety. All you have to do is wait for improvement, this doesn’t mean the game will fail.

Also, it is already difficult to say that this game is close to historical research. It would be good to just create a good atmosphere while maintaining the arcade and historical background appropriately.


Strongly recommend that matchmaking BR remains separate from the unlock ratings. This will free up the ability for rebalancing in the future as well. What I hope is to see on a weapon card:

Class III Weapon: and when hovered over shows “This weapon will match with BOTH Low and High Tier Weapon matchmaking, , unless partied with someone that is using or you are using Class IV and V weaponry in other squads.”
Class IV and V Weapons: "This weapon will match with High Tier Weapon matchmaking
Class I and II Weapons: “This weapon will match with Low Tier Weapon matchmaking, unless partied with someone that is using or you are using Class IV and V weaponry in other squads.”

Rebalancing is important also. Being able to simply move a weapon up or down a Class makes for easy balancing after a buff or nerf or if a weapon just isnt performing well or is over performing in its current state.

Hoping to see Balance updates like Moved X Weapon From BR Class II to III or something in a future patch note.

Also ironic that they put up this news after the BiG saLe ended.

If i had known Firefly would be in the Pacific and King Tiger would be in Stalingrad, obviously I wouldn’t have bought anything.

Get gaijined.


Understandable but people who let a bad game ruin their day are questionable. Considering how broad the map range of 3 will be the prevalence of low stomps shouldn’t be high.
As you’ve said it’s all about how it’s implemented and the range allowed. Artillery pisses a lot of people off and that won’t be tier dependent. If it’s not one gun it’s another, then there’s grenades and I don’t think pouches are tier restricted. Time will tell though

Like even if it’s true i didn’t see many alternatives here proposed.

-stay with camapign system where half camapings are dead, adding new one just making problem worse
-camapign preference was just one mixed bag, with noob stomping getting worse as all vets are now consolidated

All ears how You hink it should be done


Been playing for over two years and have everything unlocked. I would pick full lobbies of players over the campaign system where I’m bored just shooting BOTs.

This game is not “historical” sorry you HA nuts. Jumbos we’re not in normandy, M2s we’re not in Normandy, etc…etc…

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So, most of my Moscow squads can no longer play in Moscow because they have zh29, sniper mkb42 and kiraly 39M equipped???
Same with Tunisia, you are practically forcing me to play the two campaigns that I don’t like with Germany


The test would have been fine if BR brackets were added on top of preferred/desirable maps.

You play on realistic maps against people of similar gear level.