Important changes after the second test

It would have worked if it wasn’t so bad at first.

This would might have been my order, still a work in progress overall


First, the problem will be having Moscow and Stalingrad tanks having to deal with Panzerfaust 60, so that you won’t be able to use tanks in thoses campaigns cuz they would be made out of paper LITERALLY.


Thanks. Much appreciated.

Yeah I’m very interested in seeing a test. I think the battle rating system in the best course of action but it also rides on how they divide the gear between low end and high end in the ratings. Generally it should be bolts 1-2, semi auto 3-4, ARs 5 with something similar for light, medium and max tanks but I think there could be outliers that the community should weigh in on. I also have no idea how Premium squads or troops will be rated.

I think that kind of hard distribution could kill the game and I worry that your hunch is close to accurate to what they’re trying to do.

It would really, really suck to never see a Kar98k in Normandy. That was the primary German infantry rifle.

It would absolutely suck to jump into this game thinking you were playing a WW2 game and find out you’re playing a WW1 game in WW2 locations.

That would be really, really stupid and there’s no way I wouldn’t bounce if I jumped in and didn’t hear German machine gun and submachine gun fire.


Maybe give low level players the option to join just any match regardless of battle rating, if they decide so, so they can see/steal high tier equipment as well.

Right now I have the option to join in with players playing with 4 player teams already if I time it right and get lucky. When they are using maxed out equipment and I don’t care if I’m useless 90% the time, this option will make it possible to join the same way after the update, otherwise I’ll have no chance in some campaigns.

I’m sad the other idea with map preferences was so unpolished when presented for us, we’ll never know how it would have worked.

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‘We propose a compromise: after the release of the major update, in one or more events, we will provide the opportunity to obtain four promotional engineer squads, one for each country, with the unique feature of being able to use upgradable assault rifles.’
Don’t you dare offend the King for God’s sake! If the Italians can have their Bredas so too the Brits can have their Huots and Reiders.

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Well this is what i ment with premium squads being devalued my examples from 2nd dev:

MG42 early squad - base game location Moscow - MM on 2nd dev Normandy/Berlin

Suomi Kp squad - base game location Stalingrad - MM on 2nd dev Normandy/Berlin

USMC 1928 tommy squad - base game location Pacific - MM on 2nd dev Tunisia/Pacific/Berlin/Normandy

these are just a few examples.


Very good!

but you can see them in normandy, i think, cant you? i mean, the equipment lock goes downwards, you can meet people with 2 stgs 2 gewehrs and 2 k98ks in the same squad

I think what he means is that you can, technically, bring Kar98s in Normandy and Berlin… But those who can most of the times will not, and choose more powerful weapons instead.


you can buy you won’t because why would anyone choose to bring sub par equipment to normandy when it will be high tier/br matchmaking only vs other high tier players? what you’ll see is only FG42, MG42 and STG44 on german side and M2/1919A6/Tommy gun on allied

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…I think it is imperative that if they’re going to create a system to attract new players, they have to realize the BR system will only be attractive to young players who have never played a wargame before. I would even think incentivizing the tier 1 and 2 players to push the “Free For All” button would be a very good thing.

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Because is practically an AVT40 without bayonet

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Just squad up with someone playing with better gear.

I can’t imagine matchmaking would throw squad into low BR if one of players runs with STG squads

No, this isnt good enough. Stop adding everything through events just to induce fomo ffs, just give engies ARs and ignore the american mains crying about it because their M2 carbohydrate wont be special anymore.

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Speaking from war thunder experience here most people that join the game join it for 2 reasons:

  1. because the new top tier stuff is interesting to them soo they buy a top tier prem and skip most of the game anyway.

  2. they play only low tier and have fun basically never really progressing as such mid tiers kinda become empty - low populated.


Defense Games as a whole kind of suck right now, because defenders aren’t really able to use DEFENSIVE tactics efficiently, which is what one of the big issues is.
If they adjusted the durability/ resistance of fortifications and made them require either direct blasts or engineers (or troops with toolkit consumables) to break them down, many of these games would play ENTIRELY different, for the better!


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sometimes, as i found out while grinding around with low campaign level squads, the gear you pack is not a matter of choosing, but to make do with what you have…as new players will have to do, actually, remember everything above T1 cost a kidney and a firstborn.


That sounds atrocious.
…would all of these changes essentially mean that the 506th Paratroopers are useless if you don’t want to play only against tiers 4 and 5?