Important changes after the second test

I am not an owner of the stalingrad pack but am of the pacific packs and i do feel RIPPED OFF, Betrayed and my investment devalued. Soo yes i can sympathies with the stalingrad pack owners.

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Are you essentially holding Stalingrad Full Access players as hostage?

“We gonna remove them anyways but you can get them back in the future as a MOFO event except you no longer need to grind for it”

Dude why just don’t give us the damn thing and everyone can be happy?

The “think about new player” card is BS cuz they already miss a lot of MOFO things, and this one will be no different

When will the Developers fix the M1, M1A1, and M2 Carbine sights?

Okay than they can add that as a MODE to the existing game and let people choose what they want to play i personally would rather be in a 90% bot lobby but have immersive fun than need to sweat vs other sweatlords because i choose to use a historical weapon instead of only bolt actions.

And even soo i find full auto weapon less immersion breaking then the absolute spam of arty, bomber strikes, rifle grandes and suicideing bomber pilots.


Sorry for my ignorance, I don’t speak technical jargon, what does BR mean???

The ‘‘think about the new players’’ is invalid anyway since as soon as you give those engineers assault rifles the entire squad is mm tier 5 which means they will never see new players as new players will never get to rank 5 anyway + they will be locked to Berlin and occasionally normandy maps.


BR = battle rating

match making according to the post will be

BR 1 +2
BR 2 +1
BR 3 +/- 2
BR 4 +/-1
BR 5 -2
in short only BR 1 and BR 5 is playable rest is a mess

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I completely agree about the messyness of high tier sweatlord gameplay, and I will likely focus on mid-low BR, I see no reason why the developers shouldn’t set up historical servers themselves, per each campaign, with equipment restrictions and maybe exp gain limitations based on how many actual players are on.

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BR stay for Battle rating: some info about it from enlisted brother game warthunder

Obliviusly enlisted BR would be different

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Excuse me, let’s suppose I have 10 teams under the German nation, made up of a mix of Normandy and Berlin and an Italian unit, could I no longer play in Tunisia? I don’t really understand how this thing works

Oh grazie!

See the maps in enlisted are actually mostly 1-3 big maps per campaign that are then ‘‘walled’’ off into smaller maps with gray zones.

I’d actually WELLCOME a historically authentic mode where you play sorta like BF 1 Operations gamemode through multiple advancing maps with long 1-2h battles. Not the 5-15 minute battles we have now.


the ‘‘teams’’ do not matter what matters is their weapons.
Example have 1 soldier with an MP40 in your squad?

well your entire lineup is in match making BR bracket 4-5 no matter if the rest of your soldiers have bolt actions.

That also means an engineer squad can be BR 1 or BR 5 depending on their weapons/equipment


‘We propose a compromise: after the release of the major update, in one or more events, we will provide the opportunity to obtain four promotional engineer squads, one for each country, with the unique feature of being able to use upgradable assault rifles.’
Also since the French are not far away either. Long live the revolution!

Thanks for feedback comrades, we glad that this system looks better in your eyes с:


I still don’t understand the decision to give everyone or have everyone the ability to get engineers with ARs through an “event.” I believe it’s stupid and I have the access pack.

Engineers don’t need ARs. We already have that borderline with AVT-40s. People just love to complain about something they can’t have and it seems they won out. Very unfortunate


yes but still i hope we arent yoloing this with the merge launch

cause if something bad happen it gonna be a real bad time i think

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We need a 3rd test server to see how it plays out. Please don’t rush it. Just my two cents.


Any update on the Soviet paras? I know it is annoying but I would really like to get an ETA.


I would love that…but I would personally go bigger if the team can make it possible.

Why not have the entire campaign playable as one continuous conflict and have it play as an MMO?

Pick your side, throw in, and play for as long as you have available.

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