Important changes after the second test

I thought you were saying that the game should evenly distribute people by rank across the two belligerents and that I wouldn’t get to choose whether I was going to play Axis or Allies.

I will not play Axis.
I won’t play as the Germans.
I won’t play as the Japanese.

I won’t drive a German car or a Japanese car out of principle (never have; never will)

I’m trying to understand what problem you’re having so that I can understand whether I should sympathize with the problem. I was a brand new player in July.

Cool, I’m really starting to look forward to the merge update. Good work developer team!

± 1BR makes sense, its a proven concept,
while ± 2BR is a potential problem.

BR 3 being able to play on all maps is awesome, but BR 3 being possibly matched against all BRs is hurting the game.

That being said - BR 2 should be facing all early war maps, while BR 4 should be facing all late war maps - this alone would make BR 3 function as a “all map matchmaking”.

There is no need for mid Tier weapons to dominate BR 1 noobs - or to be destroyed by BR 5 sweatlords.

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Too many people complain that we effectively have 2 BRs (1-2 and 4-5, with 3 landing on either side), yet at the same time some ithers cry that “they can’t bring a King Tiger to Moscow” (why would they need that???). They fail to see the long-term potential of the BR system, by giving each map a BR, as more maps get added to the game, and as more players are brought into the game, the more queues we’ll get without losing on map variety.

Just picture a future in which Enlisted has x3 the active players, and the number of “Campaigns” (that is, historical theatres) is x3 what we have now. We could have max ±1 uptiering, and each of the BR brackets would see a specific set of now varied maps: for example, BR 1-2 Soviets would have a Minsk and Moscow map, BR 2-3 would have a Stalingrad and Operation Mars map, BR 3-4 would have a Kursk and Kiev map, and BR 4-5 would have a Budapest and Berlin map.

This is what the game can become in the future, with the BR system. Just because we lack playerbase and maps now doesn’t mean the game can’t get better. I hope Darkflow diverts some of its resources towards making new maps, the weapon diversity in the game is already great enough, what we need is more map diversity so that people don’t want to “put King Tigers in Moscow” by giving them the map variety they seek without breaking historical immersion.


They paid their money in a live-service game and still expect things to stay the same forever.
The majority of them have enjoyed the benefits of the access pack for 20 months already!

And will still benefit from the pass in the whole game (not only 1/6 of it) using the effortless maxed squads, fully-upgraded weapons, and high-ranked soldiers they got for a very cheap price in-game currency.

After the merge, they will also be refunded in gold equivalent to 25-50 dollars. That’s maybe a full refund.

So no, I have no sympathy for this group of whimpers.

Equipping engineers with MKb’s and Fedorovs’ has never been anything specifically related to the access pass anyway. So it’s also incredibly weird to cry about them.


People here are far too trusting with their money.

I knew I saw a picture of it it was real and it’s more devastating than MKb everyone said MKb was at fault but it’s actually the squads of Fedorovs which are the problem.

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There are also Stalingrad (and Pacific) full access buyers who didn’t throw a tantrum nor threatened legal actions on the forum, you know.

I, for one, am actually quite satisfied with how things eventually turned out.

The only thing I will really miss are the pre-upgraded weapons (along with the super discount on final upgrades in Stalingra). But I already worked around that by purchasing in advance all the currently existing weapons from Stalingrad and Pacific I think I will ever need.

I understand that the 4x faster progression couldn’t realistically be applied to the whole game, not for the price of the access pack at least.

I am perfectly fine with being given some free gold to buy back my extra slots. Said slots will be even more valuable, because they will apply to any theatre.

And about assault engineers, I stockpiled a bunch of them myself, when they were expected to keep their AR privileges. Now that such privilege is gone, am I mad? NO! Because A) I still have a bunch of max stars engineers to exploit, and B) Now I know I will be able to sell back those in surplus getting back their full value in silver, or almost.

And sure as hell I won’t complain about getting 2 event squads effortlessly.


Cool changes, maybe more intuitive than the previous version. Still think it will be too complicated a system with forcing people to play maps/campaigns they don’t like/enjoy.

But the pandering to Stalingrad access pack owners is disgusting, like they donated a kidney to DF instead of paying lousy 30 euros for HUGE advantages and privileges they got to enjoy for almost 2 years, which is 2/3 of the current lifespan of the game. Bunch of P2W cry babies whining just because DF said forever somewhere sometime, pretending that EULA doesn’t affect them somehow.

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You mean the “pandering” that will let you unlock 4 assault engineers squads for free?

I’m in the same position. I don’t whine about changes that goes against me and my managment-strategy.

My feelings will always be second order.
I do care about what’s best for this game.

But this is my ultimate opinion about Stalingrad-alike engineers:

I don’t think engies in general should be able to equip assault rifles. It was an utterly stupid move they once made, and sadly can’t revert since ppl are so protective of their Stalingrad access pass privileges.

Now we have to stick with a totally OP class making more or less assaulters redundant.

Very bad.

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That is a matter that transcends Stalingrad though.

Since basically ever, engineers have been able to carry M2 carabines, FG42 and AVS-AVT, plus high powered semiautos. (Not to mention gold order beasts like G43K, T20 etc.)

The difference in firepower between a full MKB42 engi squad and a full FG or M2 one is frankly negligible.

Also, full 9 men riflemen squad can still deploy an even greater number of the same high powered guns.

So in this regard, Stalingrad engineers are kinda being pointed at as mere scapegoats because they are/were the most prominent example of “full auto spam”, but not really by a significant margin.


I mean if they’re able to equip Fedorovs and StG then it will become another level.

I hope they get fixed weaponry like normal event squads have. And I’m fine with giving them MKb etc. But not more powerful toys ppl can and would use instead.

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I had 2 weapon slots unlocked on assaulters III in Stalingrad and backpack slot on assaulters III in Normandy, but the Stalingrad assaulters on the test server got the backpack slot instead of the second weapon. Is this a bug or an intended change?

There could also be a significant exp and/or credits multiplier for playing an uptier battle, for example x1.3 when you are playing with 3 tier gear on a 4-5 tier battle.


that isn’t significant when a battle hero award gets you 1.5x significant wound be 2-3x

This would probably be the best anti-desertion measure.

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Please speak for yourself i’ve noted my displeasure with pacific packs multiple times as i am an owner of them myself and i do feel scammed especially since many of the better squads from moscow, pacific, tunisia were effectively unable to be used on those battlefields.

i can tell you it won’t be. Heck war thunder for example has a 5-6 minute crew lock for leaving the battle early and in many cases that is preferable to the maps you get.

I did.

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