Important changes after the second test

for me, it is. The value of the multiplier that satisfies a player is a matter of personal preference, but the multiplier mechanic itself would be very effective I think.

Not exactly - when you get just 1 BH award, you get x1.2, when you get 2 or 3 awards it is x1.3, and x1.5 you get when you achieve a whole bunch, usually you have to be the top player to have this multiplier.

you get 1.5 for battle hero 1.5 for first place and a bonus for winning soo ye 1.3 is nothing.
But hey game that i supported will die with the merge as well as its future expansion capabiltiy.

Management strategy? It’s a FPS dude, relax

Soviet paras are confirmed, and they will come soon

There is no separate x1.5 for first place, it’s just an award in group with the battle hero awards, accounting for one multiplier. another x1.5 is awarded for victory. And a multiplier is always a multiplier - the better you play overall, the more base exp you get multiplied. So it would be quite tempting to see another x1.3 on top of that 20000 exp.

yeh it would still not enough.

Lets say i was grinding why would i try and do better in an uptier for a ‘‘chance’’ to get slightly more exp when you can queue spam untill you get a good match and farm 50k+ exp in one battle?

this week my highest exp game with japan of all teams (i don’t have active prem acc however i do own prem squads) was 74k exp

I’m very serious babysitting my squads!


I hate that, I like the Pacific.


same but well if the merge goes through in any of the current forms ima just quit pubs. On dev i always saw stupid stuff in pacific like m4a2s, calliopes, p47s, M3 grants etc.


The BR system indeed is a nobrainer,

It allows the game to add endless of maps and battle locations.

Literally all that needs to be done is for the devs to be smart about weapon balance - and if needed to nerf / buff existing gear so that late war gear performs better than early war gear, because if 1941 gear performs like BR 1 gear
and if 1943 gear performs like BR 3 gear than you already have a good functioning BR system.

Next step? Add a map and see in what year that battle took place - done, balance achieved.

This is absolutely a great step forward for the game.


You could buy weapons there at drastically reduced prices, have them be leveled up for free, then upgrade them fully at a reduced price again and transfer them to other campaigns for a pittance, to help them grind faster too. You also got way more cards for playing Stalingrad and having the stupid amount of slots let you actually use tons of random squads

They want unfair advantages forever of course.

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So you want King tiger in moscow because someone equiped the othere 9 squads just with bolt action rifles and average BR would be BR 1.2 or what did you expect?


Y’all are making me want to exploit any future paid advantage even harder.


And now new players would prefere fighting G43K spam and full GO spam line ups too?
Great idea, just make sure that that every new player will be gone in under a week. Who even needs a playerbase for a game?

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Golden weapons are obviously getting their own individual BR.

Just truly confirm it, yes. Gold order weapons will have their own br.


soo all weapons before 1941 are BR 1 is what you are saying? i’m all up for it mg34, g41, mp40 all rank 1.

Sarcasm aside it makes is much more difficult to add new theaters, battle locations and factions.

Let’s say you want to add the french will you just copy past UK/US stuff past rank 2? since they made nothing new after 41 and before 45.


What will that BR be however? Otherwise many of these weapons will go from useful novelties to effectively useless.

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