I guarantee that the Chinese proxy version of Enlisted has an advantage that everyone will enjoy

Alas, personal attacks are a skill you always use, but I believe you won’t be able to achieve 3 K/D (after merge). Since that’s the case, you don’t have the right to say that.

Yes, so let HA disappear. No one cares, let the game become a low-end and weakened version of BFV.

Undoubtedly, when you are insulted, you will persuade yourself to find your own problem and greet the insulter with a smile on your face.
I didn’t see basic respect.

I certainly agree that 3 queue is better than the current queue. And this cannot prove that those players oppose the 5 queues.
Unfortunately, people always like to reconcile and compromise, so it’s not difficult to understand why I say that.
Also, there is no obvious correlation between the number of likes and whether the topic is correct, especially since I usually post topics while Westerners are sleeping.
The vast majority of players would not even come here to say sth.

This is just your guess. See how I refute Robihr.
Moreover, there is not a significant difference between queuing for 10 seconds and 30 seconds.

Watch the fate of the game. I have always known that arguments are useless, and DF will choose its own outcome.

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What’s difference between casual farm and bot farm? Bots at least build rally points.

Thus why I don’t see any problem adding 3 more queues. Especially since faction bias exist even now, in only 2 queues.
First month after merge, Japanese were steam rolling yanks. Now roles are reversed. Same goes for Germans vs yanks/soviets.

There’s no real reason to not add 3 more queues to make at least equipment balance decent.

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If robots can build Rally and destroy vehicles more frequently, then they have already exceeded 50% of players

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stats from first week post merge

week at end of may 2023 (period 1)

week at end of october 2023 (period 2)


further stats

Dude, you’re stealing concepts (misleading) again. This is a good example of how to obtain erroneous results through error analysis of statistical data
The increase in the number of players is influenced by both the departure of players and the addition of new players.
Growth should have been more.
The decrease in console players has to some extent demonstrated how dissatisfied casual players are with this. Just a guess.

(I need to take a break. Let’s argue about this again tomorrow, since I have never lacked time. I just hope that the post won’t disappear due to some unfounded political content and personal attacks)

stealing concepts doesnt translate into english…

what growth? you have more or less same number of daily players every day.

nope. this game always had lots of players that play 1 battle in a week or month. half of those players counted in those stats have 1 or 2 battle played in a week. enlisted has pretty consistent daily unique playerbase of ~100k users.

you can check preview of playerbase activity here

The merge should have brought growth, considering extensive advertising.
“Many players have already left” is based on my experience, and I cannot guarantee that this is a common phenomenon, which is also difficult to confirm from statistical data due to the above reasons.
I invited two friends to play after merge, and they quickly grew tired of it, thinking that the game lacked long-term appeal and balance, even though they still occasionally played it (about once a week to once a month, And usually team up to play to reduce imbalance).

Meanwhile, the pre conditions (playing frequency) for posting on the forum have already excluded many casual players. We should all consider this point. This makes forum data equally misleading.

nope. they were advertising even before the merge and merge was just for them to reduce server overhead and make games full of human players.

well i dont see that many have left… even those who said they will leave still play the game. also if people left new people also came.

says absolutely nothing about the game nor players. some people like it, some not. some will play it, some will not.

do you know what you need to post on forum? iirc it is 2 battles per week (correct me if i am wrong). also casuals dont post on forum.

what forum data? if you are talking about stats, those were datamined from replay site.

maybe if they included incentives for join any like they announced,such things wouldnt happen.

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Because you are best target for it.

Before merge, you would face at least 30-40% bots, more depending on side and campaign.
So quite shocking to find out that real players are usually harder to kill than this Wish.com AI joke that still cant climb windows properly… unless you hang around Chinese client I guess.

Yeah. We should never forget that the A13 was used in Tunisia, even though it was already scrapped by that time, same goes to the OVP or dont ask how the Germans got rocket launchers in Africa. Also dont ask why the ZH appears in almost all campaigns despite at best being used by SS units.
Also dont ask why the Russians mass issue battle rifles from the Great War they lost in Finland or why the AVS is still issued in 1945. Also dont ask how the F2, the outphased 3B, the Mkb or the Kiraley made it to Moscow or dont ask why the Americans use outphased Springfields and M1 Bazookas, M2 Carbines, British weapons or the Jumbo on D-Day or why every German soldier uses a FG42… oh and dont even look at Pacific.
Prevail historical accuracy because the Fed was used in Berlin.

I remember that BFV has bipods that work, better maps, destructable buildings and eventually managed to fix most of the bugs and their customization is weird but actually works and they dont demand 50 euros for paras you can only get through events or FOMO events and the grind was less painfull. So trulely a shame.
Oh and also lets pretend that people didnt spam high end in campaigns as they well… actually did.

I dont respect people that used alts to flag people and want purges.

If those people want five queues now, they would have actually said that.
I know, crazy I guess

If so, you would be always wrong from the gecko.
Anyways, you questioned that people want 3 queues/ another queue so Heil Himmler here we have it but now support by likes also doesnt matter because “it doesnt make it right”.
But that a) wasnt the point and b) wasnt the single point why one more queue is better than three more rn.

Who cares when someone posts something unless its necro?

Pointless. Forum exists to give feedback and interact with devs. Obviously not everyone will join but its not a elite club nor does it make feedback here less valuable. Its also more valuable than literally saying nothing at all.

Pffff If thats the best you got, you really got lazy. Debunk numbers by talking in conjunctive and “my friends said…” is really next level. And what are even those forum stats.

Or for 2 minutes and getting constantly bots anyways because bots are fun.

Halved the bots, removed pointless and stricting campaign system. Even after the countless bugs and weird economy its the best update in years after the update, where they decreased dispersion. Only add third queue or 1-2, 2-3, 3-4- 4-5 mm and then finally focus on fixing the long list of gameplay issues.
Im still waiting for those masses of leavers, especially since 90% of those predicters are still here.
With five queues instantly, you would only get bot matches back, which a lot of people outside China dont like.

did anyone provide evidence about this? cause all i saw was anecdotal SS used it without any proof.
btw at least they are more HA than conders :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah. Most sources mentioning it being in the Reich are forum posts linking to books or museums but even they cant say 100% whether it was the WH/ Wehrmacht or the SS, let alone saying where it was actually deployed (or if they just rust in a Heer depot somewhere in Gütersloh).

I personally don’t believe this thing would solve anything. But that’s only my opinion. I would personally never use such feature and I don’t think it could be popular in any significant way.

But that’s just completely irrelevant speculation based on no data.

for 50% more xp i would use it. i still have lots of stuff to grind from all branches and i dont main anything.


yea same still got like half of each faction left before max

If it also (actually) increases silver income by 50%, I might be in, but research alone would be pretty meh.


This is not wrong, but they have increased their advertising efforts. I didn’t understand what you were trying to refute

Of course, it is difficult to see how many players have left from the data table, and it is also difficult to see how many new players have joined. Only the difference between them can be seen easily.

I am just sharing my personal experience, which is at least a survey conducted among dozens of people. Not many people have left, but many have significantly reduced their frequency of playing.

It seems that you just repeated my meaning, and I still didn’t understand what you were refuting.

I’m not talking about the data table you provided, it’s just that the “public opinion” on the forum may be deceptive. However, it is also difficult to find a better method.

When you can proudly say this sentence, you have already won. No one can defeat you, Mr. Ah Q.

This may be true, but in at least half of my matches today, about one-third of my teammates had a record comparable to that of AI players. And they rarely build Rally, which makes AI proud.
You may have overestimated the average level of players. In my opinion, some players are no different from AI.
At least AI won’t waste manpower using Crispy Tanks and (ineffective) Kamikaze attacks

Unfortunately, you are talking the right nonsense again and confusing concepts.
I have never appreciated DF having HA before the merge. I can’t understand what you’re trying to refute.
I just regret that the already scarce HA has completely disappeared.

No one cares about your respect, the respect of a guy who has nothing to do with me. Your past behavior is worthy of everything I have done, and I have never regretted it. But you seem to be deeply troubled by it.

If a person wants to eliminate all right-wing forces, then I don’t think he would oppose the elimination of Nazis, because even so, it is much better than letting it go.
This is not a rare practice. How was Einheitsfrontlied established?

Yes, I was wrong because I have been following your train of thought.
You have been emphasizing this populism all along. I have never boasted about how many likes I have received, because objective truth does not change with people’s understanding.
You want modern Ostracism?

You always use this kind of statement. But I didn’t see any signs of you being cared for, otherwise you have no reason to keep emphasizing this. One of the practical applications of psychoanalytic theory.

The forum is great, but just looking at it is not enough. DF can do better by obtaining information and suggestions from more sources.
I’m not sure what you’re refuting

Attacking language and expression is one of the lowest level forms of personal attack. Of course, you are very suitable for this approach.
This is why you are far inferior to Robihr. He is qualified to discuss issues with others.

Attacking the scarecrow placed by oneself can give you the illusion of victory.

I have not denied this. But some people always take pride in their small achievements and fail to seriously consider whether things could be better.
You still only fantasize about Bot Farm based on your feelings. BR1 farm may be more beneficial for cultivating experience points than bot farm.
Compared to making robots smarter, you are more inclined to make them disappear.
But considering that 80% of the matches are AI (your squad members? Did you forget them?), this is really ridiculous.

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Personally, I would instead ask why I would get offended because evil German duder said Red China, but to each their own, I guess.

No since all of them spend three years inbreeding botfarm matches where you wont improve because the AI is dumb.

Ehh sure I guess…
Also, this is not how historical accuracy works. If half of your equipment wasn’t used or is time travel or proto, it is not historically accurate at all, especially not if you consider how the game described itself.

Ehh What now? You miss basic respect or not?
Also, sure you don’t care about me. Thats why you replied to me… like 39 times now.
Good job at ignoring I guess.

Well. I don’t like justifying the purging of people in real life, so yeah, I am a bit disgusted.

I don’t know how this is related to people not wanting five queues but three, but I guess you need to study politics in Red China to understand it.

And still do so… great job at ignoring I guess.

I know democracy and such are not known by you, but if people want something here, they support it by liking it, sharing their support in a comment, or even making a thread on their own. That is usually how a forum works.

People are just too dumb to get your Zack-Snyder-level of arguing and writing, I got it.

I would like to know how… well… you can emphasize the time someone posts something. Because not caring and letting people post whenever they can is apparently not enough.

Oh the other sources…

  • Reddit
  • Facebook
  • Discord
  • YT
    (Anything else?)

Discord is not about giving feedback unless one chat for everything is considered a vital collection method, YT has two CCs where one hates the devs, and the other one is sucking their balls; most people probably don’t know about Enlisted groups on Facebook and Reddit… I guess makes sense. Please let me know if there is a large majority for five queues.

Forum is best, and maybe Reddit. Rest is pointless in terms of feedback.

Robhir didn’t have the pleasure of meeting your alts and being your third biggest replying victim and like three private messages. Give him some time.

So its good to wait for over 2 minutes to get bot matches anyway?

What pride? Having the pride and joy to play mainly against bots again?
Yeah, that is unfair from us.

And the fact that we had them, and even you said that the Chinese clients are filled with them because there are not enough players and there are too many queues.

Weird conclusion. If you don’t like bots or bot farms, you want them gone. Again, it must be superior to Chinese communist education, I guess.
So if people don’t like current bipods, they don’t want bipods at all.

Well. I would consider this a realistic scenario if the merge/ way less queues results in 50% fewer bots.
But I know, numbers bad because your friends told you something something or somthing like that

I don’t think so. It can be seen from the losing team that most of the players are still very bad or AI. Either way does not solve the problem.
Maybe it just allows factions with more playerbases to get more players

I think the merge save the game is a big lie

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