I guarantee that the Chinese proxy version of Enlisted has an advantage that everyone will enjoy

Ranks means nothing. All it means is that you waste your time with Enlisted and may even quit matches/ play the factions with the best win rates rn.
Also, whats the difference between 10 v. 0 and 5 v. 0 marshals with the other veing bots? No real difference at the end.

Add third queue. Easy as that but not for the devs.
You dont need five queues, especially not with playerbase issues.

Surely it will improve their skills if you keep letting them farm bots.

Where? In Red China? Why do we need to care about Red China?

Well. Everyone wants third queues. Shocking surprise if you apparently know the community I guess.

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What weapons would those be? I would like to see them


image (7)

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It’s event reward?Not premium?
Anyway, it looks cursed.

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All your arguments are based on one premise: BR ± 0=Bot Farm
I haven’t seen any evidence.
Without a doubt, everyone only needs a small portion of the BR2, BR3, and BR5 weapons, and the other weapons are just a waste of time and obstacles, right?

Political paranoia. Okay, I don’t think people who don’t care about Red China will always guess that others are talking about Red China. What if it’s China with blue, white, brown or the “traffic light alliance”?
What is the relationship between this and the topic?

It is obvious that you are everyone.
Der Wille des Führers ist der Wille des Volkes.

It seems that 5 BRs are just semiotic games used to mislead people. What’s the difference between 10 BRs and 100 BRs?
Anyway, the number of queues is not related to it, and you think it’s reasonable.
I still haven’t seen any evidence.

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Well, this may not be historical, but aesthetically, it’s not much uglier than that golden event pistol

You haven’t provided any evidence to support your claims either, lol.

Maybe your eyes are not good enough to see what I said.
Isn’t it my reason to have more appropriate combat intensity, more balanced weapons and vehicles?
Whoever puts forward opinions, who provides evidence.
But no one has argued why there will be a Bot Farm

So your words are evidence now, good to know.

You know very well how to take out of context, it seems that evidence cannot be expressed through words, right?
Or do you think I need to derive the above argument from several axioms? It’s not difficult, but I have no reason to help you complete your math homework

Not if you’re literally the only one here making such claims, lol

Axiom 1: The difference in the total ability to cause damage with the same BR weapon (including a combination of factors such as firing rate, power, recoil, etc.) is smaller, and players using different BR weapons are more likely to cause imbalance
Axiom 2: Excessive number of live players will reduce EXP revenue
Axiom 3: Some casual players do not believe that reducing EXP profits is a good thing, and they do not want to be constantly in high-intensity matches. For them, games are just a means of entertainment.
(You can argue about the proportion of these players, but from my personal experience, these players are the majority)
Axioms 1 and 3 introduce lemma: These players will fall towards a strong faction with imbalanced weapons and exacerbate the imbalance.
Axiom 4: Imbalance in games can damage players’ mood and level of love for the game, which is not conducive to the healthy development of the game.
I think it’s almost enough.
Let me help you list the axiom X: BR ± 0 will disperse the player group. When the player group remains unchanged and the queue time remains the same, this will increase the AI.
But no one has ever argued that AI will increase to an unacceptable level, or that queue times should remain unchanged. SUS.


Of course, this strict derivation is unnecessary, and we can never reach a consensus on some parts that are difficult to prove with precise data. (Not to mention Goedel"s conclusion… well, this is a joke) I’m tired about that.
Just wait for the player to vote with their feet and we will know the answer. Steam will undoubtedly accelerate the arrival of the answer.

I have literally no clue what you are talking about now. But whatever.

I’ve myself proposed ±0 BR mm.


Since that’s the case, why nitpick?
Many debates are unnecessary, just focus on the main content


you want evidence? stats from 2 months ago show 15% of bots at start of the game for crossplay on. now imagine adding 3 BR and you would get minimum 30-40% of bots on average.

so yeah bot farm.

I I know. Not one-sided but at the end, you apparently cant cope with too many players because then its harder to make kills I guess.

Or actual players. 50% bots on average was fun.
You will always not use old/ useless stuff. Lets not pretend people still would use the Beretta M38 if they grt StG.

Nah, rather stupidity fron you because why should we care only about Chinese community only?
I will never ever use Red China again since it seems to offend you. Should make a list that doesnt offend you. Would be smaller.

I dont know, man. Why are you always so serious?

I know 18-21 likes isnt entire community, but I am yet to see that any of your stuff reach that count yet.

Of course but its also misleading to pretend that a game is healthy while 50% are bots and not humans.

No shit that 5 BRs doesnt mean 5 queues.
Still 5 main queues is stupid. Lets talk about that in a yesr or two.

If you’re not aware that some players have left the game after Merge and don’t think Steam can increase the number of players, then you’re right

Alas, personal attacks are a skill you always use, but I believe you won’t be able to achieve 3 K/D (after merge). Since that’s the case, you don’t have the right to say that.

Yes, so let HA disappear. No one cares, let the game become a low-end and weakened version of BFV.

Undoubtedly, when you are insulted, you will persuade yourself to find your own problem and greet the insulter with a smile on your face.
I didn’t see basic respect.

I certainly agree that 3 queue is better than the current queue. And this cannot prove that those players oppose the 5 queues.
Unfortunately, people always like to reconcile and compromise, so it’s not difficult to understand why I say that.
Also, there is no obvious correlation between the number of likes and whether the topic is correct, especially since I usually post topics while Westerners are sleeping.
The vast majority of players would not even come here to say sth.

This is just your guess. See how I refute Robihr.
Moreover, there is not a significant difference between queuing for 10 seconds and 30 seconds.

Watch the fate of the game. I have always known that arguments are useless, and DF will choose its own outcome.

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