I guarantee that the Chinese proxy version of Enlisted has an advantage that everyone will enjoy

BR is ±0 there——not 123/345.
DF, How about it?


that moment when you realize that the chinese version is better because has more players opposed to the world wide client :woman_facepalming:


Yeah, but in exchange for heavily censored smurf wars


Berlin flags go brrr


In return for shitty ugly event weapons.


To be honest, I’m not sure about this. (But the lack of regional servers truly reduces the dispersion of player groups)
In the Chinese version, often there is more AI in the battle, but this is completely acceptable. Personally, even this makes the pace of battles more comfortable for me.

Stick to the issues

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so chinese can get the bots, and the others must be putted under the hammer?

not sure i follow / understand that… ( the reasons behind ) but thanks to letting us know that they did at least made br 0± opposed to the world wide client.

rises more questions…


Just the country name and icons. Nearly nothing else has changed.
By the way, aren’t the flags in Berlin also strictly cencored in the international version? R05 Panther?
It looks like six of one and half a dozen of the other.


Perhaps it’s just because the agency is not as greedy as DF and listen to player opinions.
Most players I know don’t like 10 player vs 10 player battles where every game consists of a large number of marshals. Some AI is good, as long as they are not one-sided AI exp farms.
Most players in the Chinese version hope to keep BR ± 0, while others in the international client also hope to get 1/23/45 or BR ± 0


Well, maybe BR±0 is a bit extreme. Dunno actually. But trying out BR±1 would be a nice first step at least :wink:

In worldwide version bots never use gear from BR 4 and 5, is this not the case in Chinese version?

no no no

They are still greedy, let’s put it this way, they Premium squads that we can buy directly on international service, in their case, they have to draw a lottery (the probability of winning the lottery is very low), and the maximum amount of money needed may reach 4~5 times of the direct purchase (even if the squads can be purchased directly, the price is usually more expensive than the international service).

The only thing about BR is that it’s relatively unbiased because not many people play their version either :rofl:


Yeah of course. And japan symbol surely isn’t censored in chinese version at all. Nice fairy tale.

There’s more than that, quite of buch squad icons for SS are censored as well. Thus, It seems pretty unrealistic that “just country names ar changed” in chinese version lmao.

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Country name and icon. All of it, not just Japan. But the names and styles of weapons and vehicles have not changed in any way.
It’s strange, since many don’t like HA, why bother with all this? Some cases of schizophrenia.

haha, What I mean is “compared to the international version”. Please do not be a fault-finder

I don’t deny that some things are more expensive. As a player who rarely charges money to this game, this has little impact on me. At least, they are not in a hurry to throw players under the hammer to reduce players’ exp gain.
In terms of titles, DF should try.

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Your statement doesn’t make sense whatsoever. Some care of weird logic I guess.

It’s either HA or smurf wars, nothing else has right to exist. :man_shrugging: Give us a break and go play on Chinese client filled with bots.

Don’t arbitrarily seat yourself there, I guess.

You seem to assume that I am an extreme person, but in battle, you won’t see many changes. Some severed limb modifications due to the lack of age grading system. This is still a long way from the Smurfs. Do you need to search for HA in the game lobby, not in the battle?

Alas, this sentence seems to have made you the person you dislike.
There seems to be no intermediate option for you between having almost no robots and being filled with robots. This is not a fact, whether in theory or in the Chinese version of reality.

To all readers: We all know that the international version and the Chinese version each have their own shortcomings and advantages.

This post is just hoping that DF can learn from the advantage, please do not digress from the topic.
(Some of the problems in the Chinese version are related to the lack of age classification system, which is difficult to solve, but the international version should not be like this.)

BR ±0 or ±0.5 is not difficult, and undoubtedly the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Because we want to play against even more bots.

Because humans and competition sucks.

May you always meet the team of ten marshals (Intentionally selecting the most advantageous BR) and be slaughtered by BR3 automatic rifle on the first day of entering the game, tormented by Tiger II or P47, or any vehicle/weapon with which you can hardly compete, with low BR weapons
Moreover, some players have lower gaming skills than AI. I’m just curious why there are so many masochists with poor skills and a desire to be slaughtered by high BR players. This is not common HERE.
I hope you are not one of them.