How about adding captured panzerfaust to the allied

The best Allies anti-tank weapon after the merge will be the M9 Bazooka. Compared with anti-tank weapons from other camps, its performance is much worse. If the Soviet Union could get the captured panzerfaust. Can the Allies get captured panzerfaust, rpzb43 or rpzb54?

Nothing a bit of magic can’t solve.
We have plenty of artificial stats already.

Superbazooka can be added as endgame west allies rocket launcher, it was ready from the 43


I completely disagree. I do not want any captured content in game UNLESS a faction did something to make it unique and their own, otherwise we might as well give Germans Garands and Americans Stgs

For example, the MP 717 is a PPSh chambered for German pistol rounds, the Soviets converted some Panzer 3s into assault guns, etc

I also want them to remove the Panzerfaust from the Soviets


welp my only question would be what would replace the panzerfaust if remove from russian?

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And axis gets captured P 47 so they can have the best rocket plane aswell… and while we are at it why not add the jumbo aswell and maybe even the 100 round mgs and the m2c or factions could be seen as unique with their own strength and weaknesses.


sovients have captured panzerfaust because (If I remember currectly) they managed to capture a panzerfaust factory in their huge counteroffensive. With blueprints and materials.

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Or M18/M20 recoilless rifles

they captured one without ordnance also the 110g-2 is as good as the jug if not better depending on the pilot



The soviet actually did use Panzerfaust in berlin against the enemy, so it makes sense for the soviets to have them

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Soviets could have had lend-leased AT weapons instead, like M1 and M9 bazooka, but that would have been too logical.
If Soviets could be at disadvantage, they get captured equipment, if Germans, they get fđź’€cked.
We got Panzer F2 in moscow rather than a captured T-34, Stalingrad was even worse with KV-1.

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No, it’s not.
The closest you get with D-12.

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190d-12 is an un-maneuverable fighter-bomber that makes the b-17s look like a god damn zero in comparison, meanwhile the 110 and jug are somewhat responsive also JU-188 has the largest payload in the game

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How about removing Captured Panzerfaust to the soviet? Why they get such privileges when they gonna remove MP717r being “captured weapon”?

Of course there is a trade off, they can either use lend and lease or some of their obscure RPG prototype, and the US, probably the M20 Superbazooka if the Devs want to Strech that postwar weapon shenanigans

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And German got way more PPSH and SVT40 than Soviet has Panzerfaust

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The german Actually used KV1 and T34s, also PPSH41, SVT40s and even US M2 Browning but I don’t see any of them ingame…

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i say that if you manage get use an enemy weapon enough you can get a single captured weapon (i just want german and jap carbine)