Soviet Anti Tank and a Suggestion

In Berlin the Soviets have access to the Panzerfaust as an AT gadget. The Soviets did capture caches of them as they moved West and the devs probably wanted to give them a decent weapon so they could compete. However I am somewhat opposed to having captured weapons because I feel it takes away the shine from each faction having a unique assortment of content.

I believe if you want to use the enemy’s stuff you should go out, hunt it down, then use it yourself, as when we capture guns in the middle of battle.

The Panzerfaust should be removed from the Soviets

My first suggestion is AT soldiers should drop their AT weapon upon death. This allows you to have one of your Ai squad mates pick it up and carry on the fight, as well as giving the enemy a chance to capture it for themselves.

The Soviets should be able to use their anti-tank rifles pretty much at all stages of the game from early to late war. The anti-tank rifles are effective if you are skilled or know what you’re doing. Disabling tracks, shooting at specific weak points, as well as taking out AT, AA, and Machine Gun Nests. Plus there are wide variety vehicles that they are able to combat. For example, half tracks will eventually be added, thinly armored open topped vehicles, and lighter vehicles like Pumas. Heck disabling a tank’s tracks is just as vital as blowing it up

For more capable AT gadgets, the Soviets had some prototype weapons that could be added

RPG-1 or LPG-44

PTG-44, basically their equivalent of a Granatbusche