The Italian FNAB-43 submachine gun – LAI Publications
FNAB 43 doesn’t shoot at 400 rpm like listed on Wikipedia. When actually shooting it, it produces an rpm of around 800 (specifically 837 rpm according to the video).
The rpm should be increased from the terrible 400 rpm that it is currently at. I am thinking of around 600-800 to account for Germany’s 93- to 116-grain increase in the 60s for the 9mm cartridge.
Changing the rpm would probably move it to br 3
Yeah. I already Like this gun alot.
Was the perfect BR 2 power level IMO.
maybe they should just follow suit and lower the RPM on the pps 42, add more queues, then move all the SMGS brought down back to BR 3
I literally enjoy Fnab because of its low fire rate.
Its like german grease gun
I don’t see why it can’t get a ROF buff to be more in line with the beretta m1, which is br2 now
@Euthymia07 what are your thoughts?
When was beretta m1 dropped? Then it could be br 2 but i dont see the point of changing its rpm if it would become too similar with m1. Having the slow rpm keeps it unique and different from the rest
the beretta m1 was dropped at the same time as the zb26, dicker max
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That is true, I just think the only reason all those SMGs were moved down is because the 2MM queues wasnt very accomodating to too many smgs. (that and pps was way undertiered by comparison)
Would be nice for More MM queues, then all those SMGS could go back to BR 3, and the slower RPM guns being BR 2.
Wow, they did the FNAB dirty in-game. I wonder why it was listed at 400 rpm on wikipedia, maybe the guns produced by italy were a lower quality or something.
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maybe the video was of a restored gun? or maybe the manufacturing process wasn’t consistent?
YES lets go and what about berreta m38 40 rounds to br 3 I mean just a fast firing mp 40 with 8 more rounds (I want to use it again in tunisia)
I tried the FNAB but found I liked the MP 40 better, then switched to using the Beretta M1’s because of the 40 round mag. However if the rpm speed is incorrect to the real gun they should change it, but leave it at the same level. I still use M1’s in BR3 as well, but have set up my squads so MG34’s get the majority of the action over the SMG’s.
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m38/42 is in br 3 while normal m38 is in br 4. Feels weird as they are the same gun with only slight differences
Nah, it’ll be fine. It will have to go up against Lanchesters, PPS 42s, PPS 43s, and Owens, which roughly have the same RPMs if the devs decide 600-700.
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But there is already mp 38, mp 40 and beretta m1. I think fnab is good the way it is as its slow firerate makes it unique.
Mom: We have an off-brand toob at home
The off brand toob at home:
Its the spaghetti thumper smg !
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I may not know why it is listed at 400 rpm, but I can assure you it is not because of low quality. The publication believes it must be from “parrot speak” since none of the specs of the weapon align with a 400 rpm gun. It is more like an HK MP5.
They made two types, but neither changed anything having to do with the rpm. The data on it is very scarce, and most likely the people who worked on these guns have died already. We have lost so much historical knowledge over the years : (