Game speed

the more the days pass, the more the games take place at increasingly crazy speeds, in my opinion it is a shame to have so many possibilities in this game and to have nothing time to do other than shoot , perhaps it would be good to limit the speed of movements, or move the spawn points further away by adding a larger safe zone because it is common to have a tank in front of each spawn point and this makes the exit extremely difficult or even impossible , extending the accessible areas in the maps a little further in order to allow more tactics in bypassing would also be a plus. Itā€™s a very beautiful game that I love, but it becomes painful when we are too limited by players who only play to get 180 kills without playing the objectives.
also adjust the level of the players in the same game, because we are not all ā€œprogamersā€ and as an amateur who plays when he has the time, the game becomes unplayable.


god no, this doesnā€™t even fix your problem of quick matches as we now have endless paratroopers and apc. At least they make those tunisia maps bearable.

If You want longer matches - increase cap times, reduce amount of tickets that each spawn costs.

But first balance maps, the trend of adding Kanye West variants of maps needs to chill.
Like look at new D-Day map

Defenders defend uphill - surrounded by hills on all sides.
3rd point is a bunker that has no way in from defenders sides, but it has convinient MG nest so attackers once inside have even easier time.
I would write 10 page essay on why itā€™s shit but i have to stop myself here.


We need big maps.


i get ya, the game feels very fast, i too think that a lot of stuff is being underutilized due to that, i donā€™t know what should be done though, because we donā€™t want to take the amount of action away, because this is where enlisted shines.


sorry, but when an ā€œinvasionā€ lasts less than 10 minutes because the team is trampled and killed with boots (often Russian lol), the problem does not come from the capture time but only from the speed of advance of the attacker, the defenders spawn as far away as the attacker and it is very difficult to set up a defense, except at the start of the game where you spawn in the point, and I have often noticed that the time to get out of the point where to lay 4 mines and the attackers are already there. I donā€™t know what the ideal solutions would be, but I used to play a lot of another similar game, now defunct, and I think the size of the maps and the movement speeds make a lot of difference.


No amount of mental gymnastics will fix the fact players donā€™t want SBMM and some factions are magnets for noobs.

Want to win? Find some discord and play 4-stack, at least you have 3 good players, enough to try to win any match.

Want some actuall fixes to slow game down?
-30s delay before each cap point so defenders can build defenses - bonus point for not showing next point for attackers
-cap zones should be more uniform - some are small as one room, some are so big you canā€™t even find enemy before they cap

This still wonā€™t fix fact that most matches are simply unbalanced, mostly due to teams, but made worse by map balance.

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I think we need to take baby steps. I think a good start, which has been floating around lately, is not being able to reload while sprinting. This has been an interesting idea that I have been agreeing with more recently.


We need longer cap times and more tickets

We need better alternative points

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How is that going to slow the game down? I need to get to cover so when Iā€™m done reloading I can pop back around and finish the fight. Lol

Iā€™ve covered it in a number of my suggestions:

Just to name a few.

The issue is that defenders arenā€™t given time to set up in a meaningful way to actually play DEFENSE. Instead, they are expected to play in an offense type playstyle, due to unlimited tickets.

I suggest a few CORE changes.

  1. Let the map show defenders where ALL objective locations are going to be.

  2. Change the greyzone to where defenders actually have the chance to fully pull back before the next huge wave of attackers. (By forcing attackers to wait until that point, they SHOULD be able to attack in a unified manner, making the engagements MUCH more entertaining, rather than a bunch of run-and-gun skirmishes.)

  3. Make fortifications actually hold up against enemy pushes. Make them immune to fragmentation damage so it requires direct hits with large blasts to break them (TNT becomes much more useful). Plus like Iā€™ve tried to suggest before and listed above, make infantry actually need certain counters (either Engineers, Toolkits, or TNT) to be able to push through fortifications.

These changes will slow down game pace, encourage strategic gameplay, and incentivize teamwork. The factors that many of us are looking for in the game.

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Because a vast majority of run-and-gun players simply arenā€™t using cover. Rather they just keep the pressure up by sprinting around and not having to actually stop to reload, therefore allowing them to devastate the players that DO take cover to reload.


10 seconds into the gameā€¦a rain of impact grenades blasts the entire bot of people in the base.
30 seconds into the gameā€¦the first base falls due to a bunch of Mohicans equipped with 100 round Thompsons. The rally I built was in vain.
1 minute into the gameā€¦P-47 and F4U HVAR slaughter tanks and people. And the second base falls.


Ten minutes into the game. The last base falls.

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Sprint speed needs to be increased while also consuming 3x stamina. With the amount of gear our soldiers are hauling its silly to have men sprinting for longer than 5-7 seconds. A sprint needs to be a tactical decision and not the default/long-distance movement it currently is

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Why would they not take their superior mobility to go for cover WHILE reloading and shortening the time span before they can jump back out of cover? Sounds like asking to be domed to me

Because they arenā€™t concerned about surviving.

The game doesnā€™t reward players for living longer currently, so many of these players would rather rush in with no regard to their safety, gun down as many as they can, then switch to the next guy when they die, or just respawn when they lose the rest of their squad.


this is very controversial, but after all, not sprinting is running according to the game, i.e. the way soldiers move on the battlefield by default and then sprinting at key moments.

actually sprinting is not that fast, many times I die running to cover just because my soldier doesnā€™t give a damn about his life

Unfortunately, the problem is that the run itself would be too slow, even for me, you would first need to increase the speed of the run itself, then also the sprint speed, but it would consume 3x the energy.

However, I donā€™t know if this is a good solution, the characters in the game shouldnā€™t move too fast and also players are very used to sprinting by default.

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Personally I disagree.

I think NO class should be a ā€œjack of all tradesā€.

Each class needs its strengths and weaknesses.

Bad idea. Youā€™re never getting within 20 yards of third or fourth objective if you give me the entire match to fortify that sucker

For whatever reason that was sent in the wrong thread. Lol