Game speed

I also play VERY recklessly, doesn’t mean I don’t use cover or anything like that

Hahaha yes

the other day i was playing on tunisia and for some reason the match was bugged, for us germans after we cap the last objetive the games just keep giving us more places to cap, it was amazing. so adding more objetives to the maps could make them longer i guess

I almost suggested increasing the default “run” speed, but I primarily want there to be a noticeable difference between “running/jogging” and a full sprint. The pace of the game is already too fast, but “sprinting” barely increases speed at all.

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Like making a bigger map?


I personally would like bigger maps, maps are big already though(jump from plane), they just use such a small part, expand it.
tanks would actually have to move out of gray zones?, as they could not just fire from same spots?


yesterday i had a confrontation match
lasted 1hour 11 min . / very rare situation

a back and forth match
still have headache

i remember spamming in chat my desperation
it was in stalingrad soviets
we simply couldnt reach the last point in time.
we won
but was painful… :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face:

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