First changes to battle ratings

Except 95% of the players dont.

Either play custom or cope with it.

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Engeneer built at gun can kill kv

At squat at gun can kill kv

Stuka can kill kv

Explosives thrown underneath can kill kv

Detonation charges can kill kv

Engeneer tank barriers can imobilise kv


Smart players can kill kv

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There’s panzerfaust on BR 3 if I am not mistaken. Meaning literally any tank in game can encounter it and be destroyed by it.
Balancing KV really isn’t that significant issue.

One big :fu: to western allies tho.
No panzerfaust for them…


play a gamemode that will no longer exist post merge judging by what i’ve seen on dev servers.

you truly are smart /s

But don’t worry with merge i’ll most likely just quit the game all together even BF V will be a better game after merge.

What I am supposed to do with my appearance change cards after the merge? I have seen that my squads get a standard semi generic uniform depending the map on the test server.

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As far as I know, they never said they gonna remove custom battle so I do not know what you are actually talking about.

Isnt that same game where chicks in tattooed tank tops run around with StG44s in Pacific gunning down planes with Fliegerfaust?
Its really the same.


Can we get a rough ETA? I’m hearing people say it will be this week or in 2 months, maybe it’s just me but i can’t play if i don’t know how long i have to grind.

Official ETA is Very Soon™


Darkflow should offer you a job bro! :slight_smile:


I need to know when! I’m literally crying and pissing and shitting because I can’t play the merge update.

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I only hope it’s before the end of the current BP season. I’m stockpiling boosters to the roof.

you have to buy uniforms for all maps


If you tried to make a custom game on dev server (not using mods just vanilla game) you couldn’t restrict factions, weapons, vehicles or anything really you could only choose a gamemode and map you couldn’t even restrict tiers but then again that does nothing anyway.

i dont think the dev server customs will be in the real merge. It was way too bad to be released

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Well i can only go by what was presented. maybe on 3rd dev it will be better but who knows.
But yeh if we are trowing all theater selections, faction selection, weapons selection away while not addressing any of the actual game issues like super fast games, way too small maps, stupid grayzone placement on some maps/modes, painfully slow squad progression and clunky UI i really don’t see how the game will ‘‘improve’’ in any way.

Took a short look back and honestly what i’ve seen is just a lot of FOMO promotions be it ‘‘discount on this squad before its removed form sale’’ or ‘‘event squad/weapon grind for X amount of days or its gone (especially bad when those squads are paratroopers)’’ and soo on.

I have my issues with the game but honestly i wished for ti to improve and expand.
I was looking forward for a potential invasion of France campaign and many other early war campaigns where often unique weapons/vehicles were used.

I prefer early war campaigns since there aren’t many games that do the pre 1942 era at all.
Sadly with merge that goes away.

I know that the hardcore Enlisted community has made mods that allow for large scale combat but really the devs at DF could at least trow players that wish for a Historically authentic experience a bone and create a BF 1 style operations gamemode that plays for 30-120min with massive scale battles and uses more of the existing maps/combines existing maps together while also limiting the equipment you can use in them either by time frame or loadouts or just excludes certain prototype weapons.

Heck you could balance tanks by giving them different or more ammo types like how some tanks have a mostly useless smoke shell and improve ammo switching mechanics and ammo type split:
(example a T34 1940 in moscow could have a 80/20% splti between HE and AP making it soo that it couldn’t kill many tanks)


Now that I thought about it, the basic bitch MkB42 and the GO one should be BR3
Same with the StG45 premium squad
Its a low RPM weapon like the Mkb35 GO that does decent DPS.

Those most definitely are not MP43/Stg44 or AS-44 and Fedorov tier


And looking at it with everything being +/-2 tiers that’s a bit much especially with 5 going down to 3 or 3 to 1
Should be like WTs with +/-1
3 shouldn’t be able to punch down on tier 1 new players
And 5 shouldn’t be able to punch down on shit like the M4A2 75mm or KV-1 with their King Tigers or IS-2s vs PzIVs


I’m hoping these are things they address later. Right now it seems all their development power is focused on the merge, which should hopefully help with balance and not dividing the player base among 6 different campaigns.

Yeah, agreed

Not really. From what I can tell you just have to play low-tier

But still the VG1-5 is a meh gun, and when you are at T3 just get a G41, just an overall improvement over it, and the VG1-5 will once again become the unused annoying thing you have to unlock to get to the good stuff


I like it. I only played 2-3 games, but I was wrecking on the test server at BR II with it. I figured it would probably move up, and it did. (funnily enough i tried the 15cm rocket truck, blasted a few bots and that got moved waaaay up too lol :thinking: )

Bullet for bullet the G41 might be better, but having 20 extra rounds and a faster reload would make The VG 1-5 still worth while and versatile