Any ETA of the merge?

Need to slightly deal with my inventory to prepare about the merge.
Just… 3 tests passed. Any ETA? Like within this week. Or still need another playtest?
Still no official news or server maintenance?

You are welcome.


Very Soon™


What preparations are you making?

I have feeling in my bones that something will come in 2 days, but that may be just rheumatism of the old man.


It is true, helpers and so are suspiciously quiet for past few days.


im also quite quiet yesterday and i do have a feeling something will happen either before saturday or after saturday

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That they are queiet means nothing. They can also publish another “making Enlisted a better place” or some videos from YT.


Paratrooper event was said to be happening in November. 2 days left so its next 48 hrs or Very Soon™


I had similar feeling for months. :man_shrugging:


Doesn’t mean it’s coming with the merge sadly. Could just be another event to “Hold us over”

Likely going to be this week or early next month.

Depends on what “Very very soon” means. At least from James.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they kept the release of merge for Christmas/new year.
Afterall, releasing the most significant and impactful update in Enlisted’s history randomly between anniversary and Christmas would be kinda weird. At least for me personally.

But they could start pre ordering soviet premium paras soon (or some other new premium squads like SKS)


very soon till release or very soon till we get a date?

hopefully not Half life’s 3 Soon™



Two more weeks…

It would really suck if they release the update right before Christmas break and go holiday leave. Because if we have any major bugs, nobody there to fix it.

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The most logical answer is:

This week, Or next.

If they drop it around X-mas, And bugs happen we won’t see fixes for a while.
If they drop it around new years, It will not be in time for sales.
if they drop it early next year, I can’t see why? They said very very soon, If you tell me very very soon is over a month away that’s insane.

I really do not know what makes you think they’re fixing bugs in matter of weeks.

They won’t?
But at the same time they might be able to quickly push out minor and maybe a major issue fix.
Then hit up X-mas, Sale will happen and all making huge money I’d bet
come back and finish up the minor and major bugs.

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