First changes to battle ratings

Bit of a rant, and it’s nothing on you, but this is a peeve of mine. The M60 and MG42 were completely different guns.

The M60 is gas operated with a gas piston, rotating bolt, difficult to replace barrel, and a weak belt feed system.

The MG42 uses gas pressure to move the barrel rearward about 8mm, then the bolt unlocks and is thrown rearward entirely by recoil. It has NO gas piston, it has NO gas tube. It has a roller locked bolt that does NOT rotate, it’s barrel is easily replaced in 5 seconds by an experienced user, and it’s belt feed strength is sufficient to pick up a 100 round belt off the ground when being shot from a standing position.

If you disassemble or fire either enough you’ll see that they are very dissimilar weapons.


Shit, I’ve been placing it over the engine/under the rear turret this whole time.

The M60 has very little to do with the MG-42. They are completely different guns with entirely unrelated actions and feed systems.

reading is hard for you i see.

Game is not iconic (anymore). Have standard weapons there but also ton of stuff that nether went there or even existed (either anymore or yet) at this point but always cherry picking on the five MP40s we could grind and own but most people didnt even use when they got something better because again iconic. Im pretty sure I see more FG42s and post-MP40s in Berlin than I face Karabiners and MP40s. Also, play custom battles.
MP38 isnt iconic either tbh.

By that logic neither is the panther, Tiger or tiger 2 or “any” monster tank for that matter

But when the complaints came in about kv-1 struggling vs other tanks. no they didnt say “you can remove them with panzerfaust, tnt or plane bombs”…

instead they moved it down and in the same breath moved something else up that can be killed by anything sneezing on it, instead of saying it can be killed by “any” AT tool you wish.

The point is getting missed. Its about consistancy. Pick something and apply it “to all”. Dont cherry pick.

The consistant response for panzer IIs, 37mm and at rifles that have no chance vs the kv-1 is also to move them down…(own mm), which by proxy saves mid tier tanks from max tier tanks aswell. Everybody wins


The M60 is basically a FG42/MG42 mutant combined with some uncle sam magic.


Externally maybe, but mechanically not really. Outside of the feed system, the M60 had more in common mechanically with the Lewis Gun than either of those weapons.

Well, that’s a rare occurance, so I easily blow up 80% of KV’s that are on the map. About the 50 meters - on Stalingrad maps there is enough permanent barricades, rubble, boxes, trains, bomb craters, fountains and bulidings that have corridors along the street to hide on your 50m way to the tank. Only a bot would choose a path without a cover on such a long distance. Frankly I am used to battles where I detonate 2 or 3 KV’s with TNT, rarely dying in the process - I pay special care about the surroundings and clean them. The enemies focus on the capture zones anyway so there can’t be many of them guarding the tank. And if a grey zone KV kills me, I spawn in a Pz IV F2 and snipe him out.

Woah, how do I always get losing team as Allies on Tunisia? Interesting. It would be really nice if we could see all the results from one campaign. Sometimes a single player like me or you just stays unlucky, it seems

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Change Chi Nu to tier 3 it’s not suitable for tier 4. IT barely pass tier 3 statistics of it’s counter vehicles. Same goes for Ho Ni, Ho Ni III and Na To.

New balanced vehicle assets are needed.


I’m sure you’re right about the internal differences. But it is very much true that as far as weapon development goes, they tried to build a .30-06 copy of the MG-42 (the T24 in 1944). Then they made the T44 in 1946, which was an FG-42 with the feeding system of an MG-42 chambered in .30-06. Then they swapped over to 7.62 NATO in 1954 and built the T52 which was more recognizable as an early M60.


Oh I know, they were talking about a reverse engineered MG 42 that was used in Vietnam, so my mind went to M60, but that didn’t sound quite right. You’re right, they just bear a lot of cosmetic similarities to the MG 42 and FG 42.

My understanding is that they tried to make an MG 42/FG 42, failed, and just did their own thing instead that vaguely resembles one.


chief, don’t think omer is in tunisia

Huh, okay. I wasn’t aware that there was an MG-42 copy used in Vietnam. I was only aware of the T24 machine gun, which had serious reliability issues (could generally only fire 1-2 rounds) and the project was cancelled at the end of WW2.

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This is exactly why I have completely given up on this forum.
Mkb35 better than Stg45? I guess 20 > 30 now.

No comment.


In normandy, moscow, berlin and even some tunisia soldiers all use MP40s in my squads with merge they will become useless and those squads willl need to either be given ‘‘higer tier’’ sub guns or replaced with shittier sub guns.

Heck i would play nothing but custom battles if they gave exp but on dev server even those were screwed up. You couldn’t select factions, weapons, vehicles allowed at all.


Stronk OG-43 approves. :mechanical_arm:

P.S. welcome back!

I do not deserve any welcoming, since my account was temporarily on hold.


That sounds worse than the ordinary gulag trip

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