Extending the Battle Pass!

I would love to see lahti saloranta m26 with 75 round drum mag


As practice shows, the expectations are not worth it.
But after 15 days everyone will get ā€œfreeā€ Pershing, quite generous on the part of stingy developers.

Yeah. A nice novelty nevertheless.


At least you told us earlier this time.

Iā€™d appreciate a resale of the old Battle Pass weapons if possible.
I want the M2A1.

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Has anyone who has Battle Pass NOT hit level 75 by this point? I think I hit it more than a month ago and have just been repeating 76-83 over and over and over.

They should have levels 76-100 ā€œunlockā€ for Battle Pass after 75 is hit and make the rewards up there simultaneously GOOD and SURPRISING

OR they can actually turn their ritual of extending BattlePass into ā€œovertimeā€ and declare that everyone who hits level 75 before the inevitable extension has access to 25 additional levels as an event.

Make it cool. Make it accessible. Make it mildly exclusive. If you made the ā€œLevel 100ā€ prize a vehicle skin or a special(useful) loadout of an airplane, Iā€™d be making sure to unlock ā€œovertimeā€ every season.

Put another 100 or 200 gold up at Level 100 and it would surely be a winner.


Thatā€™s why we need trucks
I hope they can perform like T20

Is it my misunderstanding or is the season still stuck at 7 days?

Given that over 40,000 ppl got ahead of me in the zombie eventā€¦ pretty much yes, you are.


hahaā€¦how nice is it to have access to everything. I have nearly everything in my decks and I just rotate around for fun. Most stuff is quite good.

Really enoying my flak panzer, panzer 3 e, mp 35/1 and beretta m1918 . not stuff you see much

Struggling to think of anything i dont like using (im sure there is something)


Are there any Battle Pass weapons, soldiers, or vehicles leaving the store? Usually there are timers over the items leaving but I donā€™t see any.

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I have more fun with really underperforming squads than top of the line stuff.

My favourites, (other than planes)

  • Moroccan warriors.
  • Japanese rifles with cute flags
  • Tobruk blue Italian boys
  • Lebel using old Volks geezers
  • Soviet red guard.

Those are NOT recommended for anyone who whish to meta. Theyā€™re just 9 riflemen with bolt actions. Plain as. No engineer, gunner, nothing. Just riflemen.

But oh my do they have style! I feel like a Chad each and everytime I use them. I donā€™t feel like a Chad when using a IS2 1944 or KTā€¦


yup. completely agree.

Actually yeah. I having been getting alot of BP ā€œget bolt action killsā€. Love using the lebel squad (they are in my BR Romanian deckā€¦pretending to be Romainians lol.)


I run these more often than not in BR2. Good fun!

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Riflemen squads are one of my favourites. I wish the bots would charge with me when im using my bayonet.

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I have those too and I would love to use them more often.

But I just canā€™t get over the fact that Moroccans in Normandy still use their bathrobes and VS in Tunisia is still running around without DAK uniforms.

I simply feel like that ā€œspecialā€ boy among normal army guys

Do you even remember a season where it was Not Delayed?:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

believe it or not, I actually do

it was some kind of a miracle.