Extending the Battle Pass!

I want Italy


Italy is already present im the game.

This is news. Salerno, Cisterna, Velletri, Anzio, Palermo, the Gari River, and Monte Cassino are in the game?

Which map?


Oh, I thought you meant forces.

I would love to have Italian maps as well!

Italy as part of a more robust Mediterranean Theater and the CBI Theater are the major missing pieces to the game.

Nobody ever tries to represent the China Burma India theater in a video game. Having Allied American, British, and Chinese troops fighting alongside Indian and Burmese local partisans against the Japanese seems like a no brainer to me seeing as how it would provide immediate ā€œrepresentationā€ to the Chinese and Indian markets.

I think it would also be a very smart move to add some Black American and Native American faces to the Gold Order soldier list. Itā€™s the right thing for accuracy to keep them out of the normal ā€œEnlistedā€ list because nearly all of the American soldiers in WW2 were of European descent. If they are going to be included as "Enlisted"s, they need to be entire Black units (the military separated Black units from all other units)

But the 332nd Fighter Group, the 761st Tank Battalion under Patton, and the Code Talkers were very important to the war effort and made historical contributions. They should be in the game and it would be fairly easy to do without forcing some fake version of history like some games (Call of Duty) do.

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I donā€™t understand what seems like an obsession on the forums with BR2.

Playing as BR2, you are always going to be outgunned by the BR3s unless youā€™re playing as a sniper.


Because playing BR1 means the same thing, but you are going to be upgunned by two BRs.

Same goes for BR3, unless you are playing factions thats currently bloated at BR5 like Germans are atm.

The moment br was implemented was the moment most of my gear saw light again.

The game just got more fun for me, not only Meta 24/7, but all squads and weapons have a place now.

So much better.

Imo ofc


Black Soldiers for a Premium Squad is good idea, same like there is a Fighter one with a black Pilot, NOT as Gold Order though, as you said yourself, they didnā€™t let Blacks mix with Whites

Yeah right thatā€™s just BS, Game is more Meta now, what you on about, Gmae is still as shit as was, there was no incentive and there is none now either to use anything but best in slot, best in slot at B.R 5 and 3 and 2. All B.R weapon 1s are out, aswell as 4.
Could argue for 3 being a non valid Tier aswell as you risk being uptiered, so only weapons B.R 2 or 5 are worth taking, and amongst them there is only few best of the pick, same weapons and vehicles

Eh? No lol, I can bring tier 1 guns on tier 2 and still find them worth (for example).

Imo itā€™s just better now. Overall.

Alot of gear I did neglect over the years I play found a solid place to be used now.

And above all, just for that, itā€™s so much worth for me.

Win is important, but above all, for me, itā€™s the fun the game still provides me.

But, I m just enjoying my time. :slight_smile:


We arenā€™t there just yetā€¦ br+/-2, is too much. Which is why we now find ā€œto avoidā€ br, which are br 1 and br 4. And many ppl at br 3 desert when facing br 5.

We cannot blame those players. Their behaviors is understandable. We (those few veterans who unlocked everything) donā€™t really have to care if our stuff is powerful or not, we have the luxury of goofing around, victory be damned.

But the poor sod trying to grind and gain enough silver in an admittedly bad economy system (newcomers need 3 good match to buy a single large backpackā€¦), facing things of br 2+ā€¦

Itā€™s just not fun. Not fun at all.

Save for maybe one known exception, everyone asked, says thereā€™s not enough br separation! Thatā€™s an impressive concensus here.

To tell the truth, I got extremely disappointed and dispirited when I read the devs donā€™t even have the intention of fixing queuesā€¦
Iā€™m loosing hope for Enlisted, and as you know, Iā€™m one of the whales who keep supporting it.

  • Utopia: br +/-0
  • Good enough: br +/-1.

Iā€™d be fine with br +/-1. Pretty much everyone wouldā€¦


I understand, but I was talking more on usage of gear overall

Like using a tier 2 smg. For a tier2 lineup is balanced now. No? Even if one faces tier 3, wonā€™t be against m2 stg or fedorovs

On large picture, Imo itā€™s far better.

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Of course!

For tier 2 itā€™s perfect, because the highest it will face, is tier +1 (br 3 max) which is the ā€œgood enoughā€ situation.

But. Tier 1ā€¦

Many ppl here forgot how funny tier 1 stuff can be. Yesterday I played with my Italian only lineup. I have the premium slugā€¦ errā€¦ That beauty:

I seriously couldnā€™t stop giggling the entire time I drove it. So funny! But br1. I donā€™t care because I play for funsies having unlocked everything, but if a Sherman cameā€¦ poof my tank would go (Iā€™d avenge myself with my Semonvente.)

So yes, this current br now, is a BIT better as it splits tech in two.

But man, would br +/-1 be amazing. Iā€™d create an entire br 1 lineup for the fun of it.


Considering they donā€™t have engineers
Donā€™t like it most of the time
I also donā€™t want to see several groups of people hiding behind with lever rifles to snipe or being massacred by submachine guns rushing in.
They need to choose between dual weapons or backpacks
Most of the time I think a soldier with 3 health kits is not as good as a soldier with 3 grenades or double ammo

Hard to say
I have to ask about PPD vs MP40

What you said doesnā€™t really make sense to me unless your goal is to 100% avoid being put in the 3,4,5 queue.

BR3 matches either way (up or down) so I donā€™t get why people intentionally use BR2 weaponry which will ALWAYS have them outgunned. BR3 weaponry is still very useful in high tier but BR2 is still next to useless in low tier.

It does make sense. The most reasonable BRs to play are BR2 and BR5.

Okay xD thatā€™s your opinion. I couldnā€™t care less. But thereā€™s a reason why so many people do not share your opinion.



I do have presets for every BR in most factions. And I do play all of them for time to time. But mainly BR5

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Which faction?

Enfield sniper rifle is BR3
M1918 is BR3
M1A1 is BR3
ā€¦a basic GI Garand is BR3.

If they bumped the Garand and the M1918 both down to BR2, Iā€™d be highly inclined to create a BR2 lineup. But Iā€™m not playing a WW2 game without the Garand and the BAR

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Indeed. Thatā€™s why I have a BR III lineup ready in every faction.

No it isnā€™t. I also have a BR II lineup in every faction, and those are just as fun to play.
(Even though I admit that I use several event squads.)