Extending the Battle Pass!

Well, I will rather be facing BARs and garands with my mp40, mg30, pz III N and so.

Than be fighting with BARs and Garands against STGs, FGs and so.

But whatever, that’s just personal preference :man_shrugging:

We don’t even have proper BR±2 matchmaker. It’s only for BR3 and it’s not polished at all. (no BR2-3-4…)

It’s because BR5 is so bloated we actually need decompression (BR6)
Plus because we don’t have a proper BR±2 matchmaker. BR4 is not much better than BR3 and is forced to constantly go against BR’5’ spam.
As for BR3 players deserting BR’5’ matches, well, BR’5’ is mostly BR6 and BR3 doesn’t have a middle spot like BR2 has (BR2-3-4 matches would save BR4 too).
The power level diff within BR’5’ is massive. It’s greater than the BR1 to BR3 diff with tanks and smg’s vs AR’s Heck, BR2 smg’s can compete against BR4 ones, but BR4 smg’s (and rifles) are totally outclassed by their BR5 counterparts. The same with tanks, but more extreme.

The only ‘not fun’ thing here is facing those BR’5’ spammers in your BR3 squad.
BR1-2-3 is balanced OK, just give us some BR1-2 matches to give a downtier for BR2.

And when is he supposed to face them??? Does he need to be babysitted untill he get’s “experienced” Facing stuff 1 BR above you is ok. (+ BR2 isn’t that much better than BR1)
The whole point of BR based matchmaking is the uptiers/downtiers it has.
As for the economy, yes, it’s sh*t, but it doesn’t have anything to do with equipment balance and the matchmaker. Also, many plauers leave because of the economy, and not because they can’t aim.

We need BR decompression with a proper matchmaker, not BR isolation with the gutting of the already inadequate matchmaker we currently have.

BR±0: Stale & endless spam of the same things… (BR5=Cod clone…).
BR±1: Not enough variety, power level is too similar (except tanks).
BR±2: Good variety, you have a middle BR spot and uptiers/downtiers have meaning.

Just decompress BR’5’ (add BR6) and add a proper BR±2 matchmaker (with BR2-3-4 matches).
This, alongside some economy improvements will bring the game into a healthier state that BR±0 ever could.

??? BR2 weapons aren’t really that much worse than BR3 ones. Heck, even BR1 is competitive here. BR3 weapons are the ‘useless’ ones here, because they are fighting BR’5’ (BR6 needed).
The biggest differences in power level in the game are found between BR4 and 5 and within BR’5’ itself. NOT around BR2, which is competitive against BR3 (and would be fine be fine against BR4 if we had proper BR±2)

With the current half.assed BR ‘system’ and the crazy compression/power.creep at BR5 playing BR4 is pain. IMO BR4 is in a worse state than BR3, since it’s not that much better than BR3 and it’s forced to play full uptiers constantly (again, BR’5’). BR3 is good when it doesn’t face StG’s and King Tigers, but it’s not the ‘Gods’ that those BR’5’ (BR6 plz) monsters are.

I have a full Soviet BR’5’ preset (2x Fedorov + 1x AVS -36) and the capability of spamming M2 Carbines (with the P-47 for CAS) but spamming, and being on the receiving end of spamming, especially BR5 spam, is the thing i dislike the most in this game, so BR3 is the highest i usually play, maybe BR4 for the PPD34/38 a bit.

WTF??? You want to put some of the best BR3 gear at BR2??? Are you insane??? They are fine at BR3, and it makes sense for them to fight german BR4 and EARLY BR’5’.

As i have said countless times before, the gap between BR3 and BR5 is much greater than the gap between BR1 and BR3, and that’s because of the crazy powercreep at BR’5’
Facing Garand’s and BAR’s with MP 34(o)'s and Kar98k’s is much better than facing King Tigers and StG’s with my Garand’s and BAR’s. IF it was TigerE and Kiraly 39M max it would be OK.

The Vickers is BR2
Bren Mk1 is BR2
Bren Mk2 is BR2

… all of them are absolute trash. The first minimally effective “machine gun” in the tree is the M1918, it is BR3, and a maxed one is still effective against BR5 weaponry. But all the BR2 ones are next to useless

The MP40 for bumped down to BR2 for the Germans and it is clearly a BR3 weapon. I can see there being good reasons for not excluding an iconic weapon from lower matches, even though they would be available in low matches at BR3.

The same analysis should apply to the M1918 and M1 Garand. They would still be “later” in the tree but I absolutely refuse to create a WW2 lineup without the M1 Garand (once unlocked) and the BAR (once unlocked)

The two should be BR2 weapons while kept in their current research slots in the tree

All you gotta do is open up quick chat and there’s an option for it

I would agree playing every day saps the joy out so I just try to do a login streak level up bp and participate in events when they happen

How do you level up BP without playing?

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A good question for another time (I’m pretty sure that was the quote but tbh my hearing aren’t that great)

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Unless the enemy doesn’t have an automatic rifle
All semi-automatic rifles should be rated no higher than Level 3
Because they can never fight automatic rifles

Sure they can. You have to outmaneuver them or outrange them.

FG42 goes FupFupFupFup ×20
Stg goes ratatata ×30

M1 Garand or G42/43 goes Puffpuffpuffpuffpuffpuffpuff EMPTY

Paying gold.

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Garand’s magazine has 8 rounds, not 7 :wink:
If you’re talking about a cqb, of course the automatic rifles have a huge advantage. That’s what an smg is designed for. If I’m looking between a loophole in 2 parallax positioned trees and you’re in a window trying to take me out, I’ll pop you before you can get off more than the 8 rounds that a Garand magazine has. I’d rather let you fire a bit so I can see your tracers and know exactly where to put the bullet.

As I said, you have to outmaneuver them or fight them beyond their own effective range.

I guess you should always bully monkeys
When the enemy is numerically superior and has basic thinking ability
The gap in equipment will become very large
Semi-automatic weapons can never keep up with the performance of full-auto
That’s why it’s almost impossible to see a semi-automatic rifle in a situation where both sides are balanced

I play a lot of BR3. Lots and lots of Garands in my arsenal. I do pretty well with them

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