Extending the Battle Pass!

Jus the usual then - when was last time a BP ended on schedule??

Darkflow must be doing some social experiments to see how much they can screw with their playerbase and still get away with it.

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Still better than a dumb hat that I can only use on 2 campaigns

This is your news of and for the day? Really?

I have lost my daily login of a year because the “prizes” are a joke, i didn’t reached the Marshall status this BP season because the game and matches have become very boring, and to be honest planning on not going on with this new one.

Am i the only one that is losing interest at a very high pace?


And what exactly do you want? More rushed, unfinished and bugged content?
You can literally play any other game in meantime. You don’t have to play one single game (in this case Enlisted) every day.
In fact, that would be extremely unhealthy to your mental state.


Personally I would love the next major patch cycle to be dedicated to finishing/fixing/adjusting…no new stuff. But thats just me


Easy, more content and make it succulent. You can try to block the sun with your thumb but we are sitting on a mountain of spare exp points and the content is not keeping the pace.

I am not playing Enlisted right now, i was using the daily login at least to try to get some gold order, but there is nothing on the shop that i don’t already have on the same state but different paint job.

And i refuse to play Japan, it’s a walk on the park with maybe one game exception, i have a few planes to research there, but nothing else. Japan’s the faction i am saving for some “launch”, someday, somewhere…

PS: I don’t think playing a game one or two hours a day could be “extremely unhealthy to your mental state.”

So you want more rushed and unpolished content, thanks for answer.


Of course, every content must be rushed and unpolished… Get some sleep. You are fighting windmills.

Planes are invisible in Japan, a fix from almost a year ago. I do not expect or want anything to be honest.

Long story short, even fixes are rushed and unpolished, let’s ask the real questions then.

I’m pretty happy with the minor patches they have going weekly and the content drops alongside a major update. I just wish it was more content every 3 months.

I am liking the mini weekend events they do sometimes.


can you guys add the mkb42 walther back i literally bought the battle pass for it

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All I see is 80% movement penalty.


Lest you forget unusable iron sights unless you are bipoded.

They are longer. But still seems not enough.
It’s even funny. They specifically extended the BP so that they had more time, but apparently it didn’t help. In any case, the main thing is that what they did was of high quality(as they can) and did not break the game.

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At this point I don’t even care.

I know you want that monster because of monster ROF, but be warned that it risks ending up like the Maxim-Tokarev. That one is a half disappointment and I keep one in my squad just for variety, because otherwise the previously unlocked RD-44 is superior in virtually every way.

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It’s funny how they didn’t even bothered to do proper reload animation. Instead they just put the weapon outside of camera view for the time of reloading.

Who is this We?

I still don’t have P-47, Corsair, Pershing, and all those Thompsons because playing Western Allies has been pain recently with zero iq teammates and there’s a lot to grind from Beaufighters and grenade launcher garands still.

It’s literally just a worse version of the H though.