Extending the Battle Pass!

any events planned to pass the time?

hope Rewards ar getting better when completed, 1000 Silver or 3x50% is not worth itā€¦


I donā€™t see anyone who acts surprised.


Im frustrated, not surprised, Im sure others can say the same.


Jaded, more likely

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At this point im not angry anymore,just dissapointed,you give yourself plenty of time for each battle pass and every single one has to be extended without fail.I hope the rewards are better this time around.


I donā€™t understand why they are not doing 104 days long BP seasons from get go at this point.
Theyā€™d would have been spared of a lot of unnecessary reactions.

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didnt you guys extend like, the last 3 battlepasses? whats the point of deadlines if yall never make them?

watch them swap out the rewards for a gold order soldier with a moustache or battle scars


when you wil repair game basics instead of puting wallies for kids?

Itā€™s a standing joke by this point!

Just like a writer
They have 3 dead lines
Article 1 is ample internal scheduled time
Article 2 is the publication time of the announcement
Article 3 is the dead line for postponement of sales
The procrastination in this game is always number 3

Because they will still make an announcement in the last few days and postpone it for 2 weeks
Just like they do every season

I swear I read ā€œTexasā€ at first.


Why do people say ā€œno, Iā€™m not ordering a dessert, Iā€™m fineā€ - and then eat some of yours?

Procrastinators at their finest.
If they had 365 for battlepass, they would still need a week extension.


Jus the usual then - when was last time a BP ended on schedule??

Darkflow must be doing some social experiments to see how much they can screw with their playerbase and still get away with it.

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Still better than a dumb hat that I can only use on 2 campaigns

This is your news of and for the day? Really?

I have lost my daily login of a year because the ā€œprizesā€ are a joke, i didnā€™t reached the Marshall status this BP season because the game and matches have become very boring, and to be honest planning on not going on with this new one.

Am i the only one that is losing interest at a very high pace?